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Bvmd Austausch Aachen

Pauwelstraße 30, Aachen, Germany



The "Bvmd Austausch Aachen" is the local substitution of the IFMSA  concerning international exchange for medical students in Aachen, Germany.
Welcome to all international and local medical students of Aachen,

this site is supposed to give you a platform to contact us, that means our LEO-team in Aachen, regarding all questions about international exchange from or to Aachen.

For Incomings:
Welcome to Aachen!
If you are an Incoming you can inform yourself about Aachen and your internship before you come here!
We enjoy to give you all necessary information to make your stay and its organisation a pleasent and stress-free one.

During your stay you are able to communicate with other Incomings in our chatrooms for the specific month, e.g. to plan trips, sightseeing, nightlife, international dinner and other social programs we will organize for you:
Every month we will have a "datebook" uploaded here containing all dates for social progam.

Your Contact Person is not available for some reason? You can also contact us here if you have trouble or problems before or during your stay/ internship.

We hope you will have great times here in Germany, Aachen.
Your Bvmd-Exchange Team

For Outgoings:
You want to go abroad to learn a different language, meet different people, and make some great experience while doing your internship or research exchange for one month in a clinic of you desire?

In our program housing, internship as well as social program are organized by medical students in your desired country as we do here for Incomings from other countries.
So for you it is just the application to care for!

If you want to apply for the exchange program with the bvmd-Austausch you can inform yourself in our consultation-time:
Every Wednesday, 12:30-13:00
Location: Bvmd-Office, next to the "Lernraum"
Also you can inform yourself on
"Famulantenaustausch" or "Forschungsaustausch".

Also you can ask your urgent questions here on this platform!
Every Semester we have an Information-Event for Outgoings and interested participants! News will also be updated here!

Join us on Facebook!
Your Bvmd-Exchange Team



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