P4SB aims to transform plastic waste into bio-plastic.
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facebook.comEUDAT Summer School - EUDAT
From 3-7 July 2017, EUDAT is organizing a Summer School, which will take place in Heraklion, Crete. The school aims to introduce early-career researchers to the principles and tools needed for careers in data intensive science and data management, and is applicable to those working with big data, as well as researchers from less data-intensive communities. In collaboration with other pan European e-Infrastructures, this intense training course will provide attendees with a better understanding of the European e-Infrastructure landscape, the different tools and services offered by them, and how they can be used to improve the quality of your research outputs.
Biogenesis of Medium-Chain-Length Polyhydroxyalkanoates - Springer
Please find below a link to a book chapter written by our CSIC team. Great work!
9th European Symposium on Biopolymers (ESBP 2017)
ESBP 2017 will be taking place at Hôtel Mercure in the beautifull city of Toulouse, France from the 5th–7th July 2017. ESBP 2017 aims at bringing together leading experts from both academia and industry to share knowledge and insight into the challenges and opportunities surrounding biopolymers production from microbes. ESBP 2017 will focus on recent developments in the area of biopolymers production, characterization and processing but also on the numerous applications of biopolymeric materials in a variety of fields, including medicine and medical devices, smart materials, coatings, personal care products, structural materials, agro food and agriculture, and many other areas. The main spotlight of ESBP will be on Biopolymers like polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), cellulose, alginates, cyanophicin, poly phosphate, rubber (polyisoprene), etc. Further, ESBP-2017 aims to: • Gather delegates from companies and from diverse scientific and academic settings to participate in critical debates; • Facilitate sharing and collaboration between specialists from different backgrounds; • Evaluate the current and future situation of biopolymers markets; • Measure advancements relating to industrialization of production chains. Registration opens 5 January 2017 Abstract submission opens 3 April 2017 Abstract submission deadline 1 May 2017 Abstract selection 15 May 2017
Shedding light on the black box models of the cell
P4SB has its next scientific publication written by José Jiminez from University of Sussex:
El progreso es un camino sinuoso.
Auxiliadora Prieto from project partner CSIC gave an oral talk to approx. 80 attendees about P4SB and plastic degration. Check out the Spanish blog for more details:
NewInnoNet Project
We are happy to introduce our new partner New_InnoNet! NEW_InnoNet´s main goal is to mobilise stakeholders towards joint efforts aimed at implementing circular economy approaches and thus develop and reinforce solid foundations for building the European Near-Zero waste Platform.
Predatory bacterium that kills to obtain bioplastic / News / SINC - Servicio de Información y Noticias Científicas
Congrats to Auxiliadora and her team from our project partner CSIC having achieved this important milestone in gaining bioplastic from P. putida:
BluEcoPHA ou produire du PHA à partir des microorganismes bretons
A new publication about PHA production made from microorganisms, this time again in French language.
Interested in how to increase the communication impact of a H2020-project like P4SB? Watch the CommsWorkout webinar!
Horizon 2020 on Twitter
Let´s start with outreach activities in 2017! The Commission asks people with interesting H2020 projects like P4SB to re-twitter the following tweet so that you can be added to a new Twitter-list!
P4SB supports the idea of the European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB) to urge European decision makers to provide a framework in which scientific developments, including applications of so-called Synthetic Biology (= P4SB), can flourish. Read here the full statement!
Thanks to the contribution of our partner University of Surrey P4SB has its next scientific publication. The article explains "Properties of alternative microbial hosts used in Synthetic Biology: Towards the design of a modular chassis".