We just love the easy elegance of French style and specialise in sourcing original French furniture and accessories that will enhance any period home or contemporary living space We are passionate about what we do and buy things we love and hope you will too!
Some are weathered with good honest age. Often we leave them just as we find them. Others are reawakened or refreshed to accommodate modern living.
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facebook.comWat in a pot. Maybe she’s trying to grow 😂#cutecats #lovecats
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Now THAT is where I am going right now! #blimeyitshot #36degrees
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1950’s quirky bistrot table. A keeper I think 😊 #Sundaybrocante #bistrottable #quirkyfrench
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Gold #colza #fieldsofgold #cockerspaniellove
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Looking forward to getting going on this project #vintagechair #upholsteryproject #chairmakeover
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French vintage pharmacy bottles #frenchpharmacie #apothecary #pharmacybottles
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Classy and very collectable #moetetchandon #chromeashtray #moetcendrier
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Another beautiful day on the way #charentemaritimespring #colza #printempsenfrance
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Upcycled washing machine drum. Great ideas at today’s brocante in Saintes #saintes #upycling #originalchairidea #washingmachinerecycle
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Quirky Ricard vintage water jug #ricard #quirkyfrench #frenchwaterjug
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Vintage tourist map of Paris #vintagemaps #toureiffel #frenchsouvenir
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´Happy days’ at Memphis Coffee diner in Niort. Waiting for the Fonz..#happydays #americanndiner