A chance to fish for Big French Carp to Over 60lb that are arguably better looking than most Old English Carp. Still many uncaught on this fairly new venue We have literally found the Two pots of Gold at the end of a Rainbow, the lakes are holding such jewels and everytime we fish we unlock more of its mystery.... we wont claim to of seen or heard monsters that never get caught but we do know the stock in these lakes is perfect, just how Carp should look and the lakes definatly have the potential to of grew some rather special but very large Carp.... this year will see some lucky anglers holding them up for the camera's, how many lakes have you fished that can say 'that fish has never been caught' well here you can!!
Tell your friends
facebook.comSome overhead snaps off basking carp and a chance to see the marginal drop off from pegs 1 and 2 😍
With the deep water the lake holds and night temps still very low it’s a slow start to the season but seems quite a common theme at the moment with the exception of some lakes fishing their nuts off. However of the four fish caught in the last week they have been 2x41lb 1x42lb and 1x 45lb so we’re happy with that, we have never claimed to be an easy water but the quality is right up there with the best of them for sure, very few spaces left for 2018 and 2019 is starting to fill up quickly too 💪😊👍 Those that have been to the lake will notice the bridge that now takes you right out over the water and up personal with our friendly carp
This mint 41lb common came out today, well done to the captor 💪👍🐟
It’s not all about the fish, just being there any time of the year is a beautiful experience ❤️
We have not many places left for 2018 so if you fancy a trip check these dates and get in touch :- April 7-14 4 places May 19-26 7 places June 9-16 exclusive use June 23-30 4 places October 13-20 exclusive use October 20-27 7 places Oct 27-Nov 3 exclusive use £250 per angler per week or exclusive weeks I’m happy to do for £2000 to get them booked
Due to a rearranged week we have May 12-19th this year available, it’s an exclusive basis so upto 10 anglers and I’m happy to let it go for £1800 we have very few spaces left for this year so it’s a great opportunity to fish this stunning venue
The week of March 17-24th is still available surprisingly, it won’t be shorts weather but has done some lovely fish in past years still with amazing winter colours....... I’m going to offer this a bit different than usual and basically the person who makes the best offer by 8pm Monday 22nd January will take the week, this could literally sell for £1 😳 it’s for 6 anglers so actual value is £1500...... please only make bids if you intend to pay if you win 👍
We have March 17-24th 2018 available, has thrown up some nice fish in previous years in March but don’t expect it to be easy, however I’m happy to let it go as an exclusive for just £750 for upto 6 anglers 👍 this will require immediate payment and won’t be held for anyone
Thanks to everyone who took part in the comp, the rules are simple and it amazes me how many only complete one or two of the things to do, anyway that’s their loss and pleased to announce the winner of the competition is Sean Powell so anyone who knows him please tag him into this post 👍 we hope you all have a lovely Christmas and might see you next year 😊
***competition time*** We would like to wish all of our Customers past and present and Facebook followers a very merry Christmas and a carp filled 2018, as a thank you for your continued support and to celebrate the fact that next year should see 3-4 carp break through the 60lb barrier we’re giving away 2 places to be taken in 2018 or 2019 any available dates for one week worth £500 To enter just simply 1.share this post our page 3.tag your mates into this post So many times we have drawn a winner to find they haven’t followed those simple instructions and have to redraw 😳 To be drawn one week Friday 22nd December so get sharing 👍
***Black Friday Offer*** Just a small selection of some dark carp that swim the depths at Chantereine..... if you want a chance of catching them and to take advantage of our Black Friday crazy prizes then be quick as this is a one day sale only March 17-24th Exclusive use £750 March 31st-April 6th £150 per angler Or May 26th-June 2nd Exclusive use £1000 First come first served basis
Winter places available still at just £100 per angler

This view makes my trip worth every second.

First blood! 25lb 4oz. Hopefully more to come. 😎👍💪 #deceptionangling #chod #rhinotechangling #beam #carpfishinguk #carpy #carpyshots #fishing #france #boatlife #weedlife #teamwork #effortequalsreward

Just before temps dropped to -8 an put an end to the trip.

Before the freeze

32lb 10 oz mirror carp my pb

Caught this 32lb 10 oz mirror carp my pb at les etangs-de chantereine 8 august 2016 .

Summer is coming

#Carpfishing #carpfishingfrance #fun

22.6 common

28.7 mirror

34.4 common 👍🏻
