The Leonardo da Vinci Engineering School is a five-year engineering school in Paris, France. It was placed 10th among French engineering schools "Post-bac" in the 2010 Le Point rankings. It is fully accredited to award the title of "ingénieur" by the French Commission of Engineering Titles. ESILV is part of the "Pole Universitaire Léonard de Vinci". The director of the school is Professor Michel Bernadou.HistoryThe Leonardo da Vinci Engineering School was created in 1995 by the Conseil général des Hauts-de-Seine. It's a engineering school which is located in La Défense. Since 2003, the diploma of ESILV is a recognized diploma by the Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur . This accreditation has been renewed in 2013.MissionsThe ESILV mission is to train professionals in mastering the use of new technologies – particularly the IT tools in advanced applications of design, production, computer communication, and management. The ESILV meets the great challenges of the contemporary world: the evolution of businesses, the globalization and the creation of new professions.DepartmentsThe ESILV is composed of four departments: New energies Computer science Financial engineering Computational mechanics The majors offered apply in the area of modeling and numerical simulation, computer networks and databases, new energies, new information technologies, computational mechanics, and financial engineering.AdmissionStudents enter after high school graduation . Application is made during the senior year through Concours Avenir. Students may also enter after the Classe Préparatoire aux Grandes Écoles and spend three years in the school or after a Licence and spend two years in the school.
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