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Resto Les Grepins.

241 AV St. Jacques de compostelle, Cestas, France
European Restaurant




Repas du 31 décembre venez nombreux soirées dansantes sur Réservation prix 65€ sans le vin..., Apéritif Et une coupe de champagne par personne. Offert

Petite gueulante Facile de mettre des commentaires ( mauvais non justifiée ) il faudrait d'abord si connaître en cuisine....? L'envie , l'amour du travail et le désir de fait vivre c'est plat..... et le temps passé qu'on ne compte pas Heureusement qu'il y a des personnes juste et honnête Merci 😊

Samedi soir buffet d'entrée est méchoui (cochon 30 kg )que des compliments

Cocktail dînatoire antillais créole.....

Mariage au Grepins une entrée royale

Repas d'anniversaire....

Départ à la retraite un buffet dînatoire

Voici les stand gastronomique que nous proposons......

Voici des exemples de verrines que nous proposons panier de légumes avec sauce etc. pour les menus dînatoire.....ou buffet

Michoui grillades paella cocktail dînatoire menu à l'assiette etc. tout vous est proposé dans notre établissement traiteur restaurateur

Formule plateau repas pour entreprise 14 € sans aucun engagement.


A tree-lined road in Gironde, France. Have you already travelled on such a tree-lined road, with branches and leaves creating a tunnel effect? Was it a nice experience? Maybe the road inspired you some deep thoughts as you were gazing toward the farthest point? The remaining rows of trees we can see today along some of Europe’s roads and streets have a long history. The rapid dissemination of tree-lined roads across the western world after the Renaissance is closely linked with the influence of the French style of gardening and its emphasis on perspective, as reflected in the use of the terms “allée” and “avenue” in many countries. This rich history peaked in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when 2/3 of all the roads were planted with trees in France. Although tree-lined roads share a common history and language across Europe and the western world, there is nothing dull or predictable about them: every allée has its own mood which sets it apart, depending on tree species,...

A tree-lined road in Gironde, France.
 Have you already travelled on such a tree-lined road, with branches and leaves creating a tunnel effect? Was it a nice experience? Maybe the road inspired you some deep thoughts as you were gazing toward the farthest point?
The remaining rows of trees we can see today along some of Europe’s roads and streets have a long history. The rapid dissemination of tree-lined roads across the western world after the Renaissance is closely linked with the influence of the French style of gardening and its emphasis on perspective, as reflected in the use of the terms “allée” and “avenue” in many countries. This rich history peaked in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when 2/3 of all the roads were planted with trees in France. Although tree-lined roads share a common history and language across Europe and the western world, there is nothing dull or predictable about them: every allée has its own mood which sets it apart, depending on tree species,...

quand tu essaye de mettre le pieds sur le guidon mais que enfaite tu n'y arrive pas à causes de tes tongs😉🚵

quand tu essaye de mettre le pieds sur le guidon mais que enfaite tu n'y arrive pas à causes de tes tongs😉🚵


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