We are a leading international business school in Finland and unique in many ways. We are big enough to offer you a wide variety of courses & opportunities We provide high-quality international business education in 3 degree programmes for Finnish and international students. Our lecturers are mostly international and will certainly challenge you. EM and EBA are double degrees and IBL is a single degree programme.
You can also find us on our official website or on Twitter @MetropoliaBusSc
Tell your friends
facebook.comMBS Christmas Calendar 16.12. Today is officially the last day of contact lessons! Thank you for all the students and staff members for this semester, happy holidays to everyone and see you again next year! - Kontaktitunnit loppuvat virallisesti tänään! Kiitos kaikille opiskelijoille sekä henkilökunnan jäsenille tästä lukukaudesta, hyvää lomaa ja ensi vuoteen!
Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) Certification | Microsoft Learning
Congratulations to our first certified Microsoft Dynamics Professionals, Toni and Katja, who will graduate from Master's Degree Programme in Business Informatics on Monday :)
Helsinki – the Christmas city —
MBS Christmas Calendar 15.12. Some tips to foreigners, and why not to Finns as well, on what to see and do in Helsinki during the Christmas time - Vinkkejä ulkomaalaisille, ja miksei myös suomalaisille, mitä nähdä ja tehdä jouluisessa Helsingissä.
Tips for Internship
Liis Hainla shares her tips for intenship
MetroBiz December 2016
MBS Christmas Calendar 14.12. Today we’d like to share the newest issue of Metrobiz magazine made by a wonderful student team. The magazine has a new clean appearance and inside the pretty covers you can find for example a guide to living in Finland, see beautiful nature photos and read about lecturer’s plans for the holidays. To see these articles and much more, go to
Timeline Photos
MBS Christmas Calendar 13.12. Beautiful wintery decorations in megora. - Kauniit talviset koristeet megorassa.
Timeline Photos
MBS Christmas Calendar 12.12. Charity food sale at megora. Come to buy treats and support a good cause! - Hyväntekeväisyys myyjäiset megorassa. Tule ostamaan herkkuja ja tue joulupuu-keräystä!
Timeline Photos
MBS Christmas Calendar 11.12. Advent candles bringing light to this Sunday. Best wishes to all for a peaceful holiday season. - Adventtikynttilät tuomassa valoa sunnuntaihin. Rauhallista joulunodotusta kaikille.
Timeline Photos
MBS Christmas Calendar 10.12. Yesterday we had a student organized Christmas party. The evening was magnificent and we want to thank all students and staff members who were present. Additionally we want to give special thanks to all the organizers. MBS is truly fortunate to have such a wonderful community and active students who make events like these possible. - Eilen vietimme opiskelijoiden järjestämää joulujuhlaa. Ilta oli mahtava ja haluamme kiittää kaikkia opiskelijoita ja henkilökunnan jäseniä ketkä olivat paikalla. Lisäksi haluamme antaa erityiskiitokset kaikille järjestäjille. Olemme todella kiitollisia loistavasta yhteisöstä ja aktiivisista opiskelijoista jotka mahdollistavat tälläiset tapahtumat.
Metropolia Business School Xmas Party 2016
International Programmes Xmas party on December 9th, 2016. Tag your friends! Please let us know if you want your photo removed from this album.
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
Dear Alumni, we would still need your answers! Thank you already in advance. Have a great weekend :)
MBS Christmas Calendar 9.12. Today we would like to remind that next Monday the Metropolia Charity team organizes an event that aims to raise funds to provide Christmas gifts to children who would otherwise be left without any presents. So remember to bring cash and come buy food and drinks, take part in a raffle as well as try Virtual Reality games and help children in need to have a better Christmas! - Ensi maanantaina Metropolia Charity -tiimi järjestää tapahtuman, jonka kaikki tuotot menevät lahjojen hankintaan lapsille, jotka muuten jäisivät ilman Joulupukin tuomisia. Muista siis tuoda käteistä ja tule ostamaan syötävää ja juotavaa, osallistumaan arpajaisiin sekä kokeilemaan virtuaalitodellisuus pelejä, ja anna näin lahja sitä tarvitsevalle lapselle!