ICT ShowRoom
ICT ShowRoom is an annual student project exhibition and competition organized in the ICT Building (Turku, Finland).Via this site you can follow the latest ICT ShowRoom news and share ideas and experiences on the event!
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Thank you for an amazing Turku ICT Week 2017 Turun ammattikorkeakoulu, Åbo Akademi and Turun yliopisto - we'll be back...
Artikkelit – Turun ammattikorkeakoulu
Turun ammattikorkeakoulu
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The members of the ICT ShowRoom 10th anniversary special All Stars Jury were Kimmo Koski, Johannes Maliranta, Tomi Spring, Joonas Korgan, Sami Suo-Heikki and Jon von Weymarn - all members of previous ICT ShowRoom winner teams. Thank you guys - it was great to see you again!
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The jury members of ICT ShowRoom 2017 were Henri Muurimaa (Vaadin Oy), Otto Sunnari (Sofokus Oy), Juha Mäntynen (Staria Oyj), Kati Korolainen-Kujala (Wapice Oy), Toni Salminen (AgentIT Finland Oy), Teemu Valtonen (Cadmatic Oy), Teemu Yllikäinen (Progman Oy) and Anssi Ketopaikka (Boost Turku). Thank you for your effort and support!
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The winner of ICT ShowRoom 10th anniversary special "All Stars" jury award was team "Shadow Flicker" (ÅAU). Congratulations!
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The winners of the Public Voting both in the series of Best Presentation and Best Technical Content was team "Buster" (TUAS). Great job!
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Honorary nominations were awarded to the following teams: Best Graphics, team "CLUBE" (UTU); Best Hidden Gem, team "Software Radio" (TUAS), Best Sisu, team "Cubic Dream" (UTU); Best Game, team "MGU" (TUAS); Best VR Application, team "CSSVR" (TUAS); and Best UX Improvement, team "TYS VIP" (ÅAU). Well done!
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The winner of the ICT ShowRoom 2017 is team "Kill the DJ". The team had created a system which allows people to choose the music played during a party. Congratulations!
Showroom 2017
Thank you all, a great year. Congratulations to you all, and especially to the winners. Some pictures from today: https://goo.gl/photos/Te3S6LVkNe19nEfw8
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Tomorrow it happens - welcome to ICT ShowRoom 2017 between 10 AM and 2 PM! The event is sponsored by AgentIT, Boost Turku, Cadmatic, Nortal, Progman, Sofokus, Staria, Vaadin, Wapice & Wunder.
ICT Showroom approaching, 3 more days. Posters are ordered, draft of program available:https://abacus.abo.fi/register.nsf/cf86455f63957ddfc22575110073f2cf/f1fec484694a328bc22580890073b264/$FILE/Program_2017.pdf