Casagrande Laboratory (C-LAB) is a Finland based multidisciplinary research & design company operating on the field of built human environment. C-LAB cross-over architectural work encompasses the realms of architecture, urban and environmental planning, environmental art, and other artistic disciplines. Cities become complex energy organisms in which different overlapping layers of energy flows are determining the actions of the citizens, as well as the development of the city. By mixing environmentalism and urban design, C-LAB develops methods of punctual manipulation of the urban energy flows in order to create an ecologically sustainable urban development towards the so-called “Third Generation City”. This organic machine is kept alive through continuous and spontaneous ruining processes performed by its citizens: the “anarchist gardeners” (cit. M. Casagrande) by means of urban farming, illegal architecture, and urban acupuncture. The element of “ruin” is viewed as something man-made having become part of nature.
We are inspired by nature and human nature.
C-Lab is one of the world leading organization working on theories and practices of what has been defined the “Third Generation City” and the “Urban Acupuncture”: a methodology which uses the flows of information and communication in the city to identify "pressure points" which enable to achieve large results through localized interventions.
Marco Casagrande, founder of C-LAB, is the major social theorist and architect recognized worldwide for his contribution to the conceptualization of Urban Acupuncture and the Third Generation City.
The widely published works have been exhibited three times in the Venice Architecture Biennale (2000, 2004 and 2006) and in Havana Biennale 2000, Firenze Biennial 2001, Yokohama Triennial2001, Montreal Biennial 2002, Puerto Rico Biennial 2002, Demeter Hokkaido 2002, Alaska Design Forum 2003, Echigo-Tsumari Triennial 2003, Taipei on the Move 2004, London Architecture Biennial 2004, Sensoria Melbourne 2004, Taiwan Design Expo 2005, Urban Flashes Mumbai 2006, 7-ELEVEN City 2007, World Architecture Festival 2009, Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennial 2009 and 2012, Victoria & Albert Museum 2010, Beaufort Triennial of Contemporary Art 2012, Austrian Museum of Contemporary Art MAK 2013, Buenos Aires Architecture Biennale 2013 and China Central Academy of Fine Arts CAFAM Biennale 2014 among others.
C-LAB realizes university level courses in biourbanism, architecture and environmental art.
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Roan Ching-yueh 阮慶岳 and Hsieh Ying-chun 謝英俊 chilling on the roof of the Ultra-Ruin in Taipei.
Templo del Bosque – ARQA
ARQA : "Un conjunto multidisciplinario de artistas, artesanos, arquitectos, escritores, fotógrafos, yoguis y niños del bosque se reunieron en las antiguas tierras de Vytautas V. Landsbergis para realizar rituales de arquitectura que conecten al hombre moderno con la naturaleza. Viviendo en tiendas de campaña y comiendo de la naturaleza, la tribu comenzó a hacer un movimiento circular de meditación para conectar unos árboles de pino con la cuerda de lino natural. El resultado es la arquitectura de insectos, un capullo semitransparente hecho por el hombre que pivota junto con los árboles. La arquitectura es el arte de la realidad. No hay otra realidad que la naturaleza."
Architektur: Wohnen in den finnischen Weiten
FAZ.NET - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Mitten in der Natur hat sich ein finnischer Architekt seinen Wohntraum verwirklicht. Das Haus von Marco Casagrande liegt zwischen Felsen und Pinien. Er hat es wie ein gestrandetes Schiff gestaltet, das an diesem Ort seinen Hafen gefunden hat.
Muusikot sanovat kyllä - Helsingin Sanomat: "YKSI iloisimmista asioista päättyvänä vuonna oli se, kun Pienen Roobertinkadun ja Yrjönkadun kulmaan ilmestyi uusi musiikkiklubi, G-Livelab. Sen suurten näyteikkunoiden takana on syksystä asti soinut elävä musiikki useana iltana viikossa."
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Hyvää joulua☃️ Merry Christmas🤗 佳節愉快🤘
Constructive Shamanism
Video from the Constructive Shamanism workshop in Lithuania.
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Дом Apelle с выразительным дизайном интерьера – деревянное строение для одной семьи, расположенное в Карья, Финляндия. Жилой дом покоится в естественной гавани подобно лодке, укрытой между скал и деревьев. Внутреннее пространство Apelle («Лодки») является непрерывным, постепенно растущим вдоль дома и выходящим через террасу в лес. Вдоль этой оси находятся коллективные пространства и частные комнаты, запроектированные в соответствии с их функциональность и потребностям дня и ночи. То же самое пространство используется для всего, начиная от сна и заканчивая приемом пищи. Пространства работают как студии или тренажерный зал. Такое «тупое» или «Pirtti» многофункциональное строительство распространено в традиционной финской архитектуре. Архитектура дома Apelle является посредником между современным человеком и природой. Apelle возведен двумя местными плотниками, использовавшими в своей работе навыки построения деревянных судов.
这个"Forest Temple"是立陶宛萨满教研修会的道场,由芬兰跨界设计师"Marco Casagrande"(艺术家、工匠、建筑师、作家、摄影师)设计创建。这里是修行者和孩子们的聚集地,举行古老的宗教仪式,"建筑"则是人与自然的连接纽带。"建筑"形式如同传统部落的帐篷,半透明的空间与树木一同摇摆,"建筑"成为了现实中的艺术,除去自然再无其他。
Vida moderna en Finlandia | Todos los contenidos | DW.COM | 06.12.2016
Vida moderna en Finlandia El arquitecto Marco Casagrande reinterpreta la forma tradicional de vivir en Finlandia. Su casa "Apelle House" se compone solo de una gran habitación en la que vive toda la familia junta.
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Eduskunta - Riksdagen (virallinen), Puurakentamisen Pyöreä Pöytä. Suomen puurakentamisen strateginen tulevaisuus. Kiitos Pekka Haavisto. Parliament of Finland. Round Table of the strategic future of Finnish wood construction industry. Chairman Pekka Haavisto.
Paikalliset voimat rakentavat Kuhmoon aivan uudenlaisen koulun – kunnan puuelementtitehdas päihitti latvialaisen ja itävaltalaisen
Kuhmoon nousee Suomen ensimmäinen CLT-koulu ja samalla ensimmäinen suomalaisesta CLT:stä valmistettu julkinen rakennus.
Forest Temple by Marco Casagrande
Forest Temple is a result of the Constructive Shamanism workshop in Lithuania, 2016. A multi-disciplinary tribe of artists, artisans, architects, writers, photographers, yogis and children of forest gathered in the ancient lands of Vytautas V. Landsbergis to perform architectural rituals connecting the modern man with nature.