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Best Fit Personal Training

, Espoo, Finland



This is the facebook page for my website -

Making staying in shape fit around your life. My name is Mathew. I'm a personal trainer from England and now living in Espoo, Finland.

My goal in setting up Best Fit PT is to help people realise that working out and staying in shape does not mean training 3 hours a day 7 days a week; Or, eating chicken breast and rice out of a Tupperware box 6 times a day.

Over the course of your body and lifestyle transformation journey with me, I aim to teach you everything you need to know to make staying in shape fit around your life. Not the other way around.

Send me a message for more details and in 6, 8, 12 or 16 weeks you could be telling your family and friends how easy this fitness stuff really is.


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*Online coaching giveaway* To start off 2017 in a positive way, I'm giving away 5 FREE 12 week online coaching spots! What you will receive -Training plan (+ regular updates) -Nutrition + eating guide -Email support -Instant messenger support + review (via app) **Value £230/€270)** All you have to do is: - like this page (Best Fit Personal Training) - like and share (or tag a friend) this post - send me a message with your motivation and why you want to change your physique.

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Valuable points to remember about health and fitness #3. An all or nothing approach to training, for the majority of individuals, is self sabotaging! Of course, push yourself when you're in the gym but remember to pace yourself with your training. Enjoy the process! 🙂

Valuable points to remember about health and fitness #2. There is no right or wrong way to train! Your training should make you happy, healthy and reduce stress. It should not be a chore!! If it is, you need to re evaluate your approach to training. You haven't failed!

Valuable points to remember about health and fitness #1. Mobility and flexibility tops all! If you are not flexible and mobile in a specific range of motion, chances are you are not placing muscular tension where it needs to be during a lift; Compromising movement mechanics and increasing risk of injury. Leave your ego at the door and concentrate on form and full range of motion before increasing the weight

Personal Trainer Development Center

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Are you struggling with finding a training plan you can stick to? Do you find you lack motivation? Are you finding it difficult to find time to get to the gym? Do you feel tired and lethargic throughout the day and need help increasing energy? Are you wanting to improve your fitness, body composition and learn a valuable skill in self defence? With years of experience helping busy London-based business men and women get in great shape and almost a lifetime of martial arts training in karate and Thai boxing, let me help you achieve the results you want. ------------------------ To get real results from your training and help achieving your goals, send me a message. Plans available include: - Online coaching - Personal Training - Boxing fitness - Nutrition and eating plans

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NEW! For 2017. I am now offering 'Boxing Fitness' sessions. A great workout for your whole body and mind as well as gaining a valuable skill in self defence! Other benefits include: - fat loss - muscle tone - improve balance & coordination - improve endurance - increase strength and power - improve flexibility and mobility Available for 1-1 and 2-1 sessions. For more information:- Message me via this page; Instagram page @mathewbestpt; Email 📧 Available in Helsinki and Espoo area.

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Happy New Year everyone! Thanks for all your support in 2016. It was a good spring board for myself and Best Fit Personal Training towards new and better things in 2017. So to get us started, here's a quick nutrition tip to start the year off! When you are thinking about eating better and making good food choices, add; don't subtract. Dietary subtraction (I have to stop eating X) isn’t nearly as effective as addition (I’ll eat more of Y). Start thinking with a positive objective/outlook! From now on start asking yourself: "What healthy foods can I add to my day?" You'll soon find you're eating less of the other foods and you’ll be eating better without feeling deprived. Win-win!

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Crunched for time and need a quick and effective workout? Next time, give the session below a try. ----------------------------------------------- Part 1 - Total Body 50's Deadlift Dumbbell Bench Press Bodyweight Rows Dumbbell Shoulder Press - Select a weight you can perform a maximum of 12 reps with - Hit 12 reps on your first set - Rest 30 seconds and go again - Keep going until you hit 50 reps, whether it takes you 5 sets or 10 sets - Maximum rest is always 30 seconds (or, if training with a friend, how ever long it takes them to finish their set) - Do not decrease the weight (unless you miss 12 reps on your first set, but only your first set) - Complete 50 reps for each exercise before moving on to the next one Part 2 - TABATA (Row, Bike, Skipping, Treadmill, Burpees, etc... you pick your poison :D) Whatever you decide, perform 20 seconds all out e.g. bike sprints, followed by 10 seconds of rest. Do this 8 times for a total time of 4 minutes. Part 3 - Stretch out any tight areas for 3 minutes -------------------------------------------- All in all that routine should take you about 35 minutes. If you give it a try, let me know how you get on! I have to give credit to my own coach David Kingsbury for this layout. A great workout and one I use often (or variations of) with myself and my clients. To join one of my online coaching programs - Diet & training plans for all goals with weekly check-ins. DM me or Email for more info: Find me on Instagram 📷 @mathewbestpt

Never think because of a lack of time you should skip a workout! There are always things you can do, no matter how much (or little) time you have. In my next post I'll show you a 3-step method I use when time is of the essence, and can be completed in just over 30 minutes!

Fitness is about health and wellness; not extreme diets and marathon training sessions

What results are you wanting to achieve in 2017? ------------------------------------- ONLINE COACHING Diet & training plans for all goals with weekly check-ins. DM me or Email for more info: Find me on Instagram 📷 @mathewbestpt


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