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KBH kunsthal

Krabbesholm Allé 15, Skive, Denmark
Art Gallery



KBH kunsthal KBH kunsthal er udstillingssted for nyskabende og eksperimenterende kunst, fotografi, arkitektur, design og grafisk design. KBH kunsthal præsenterer 3-4 udstillinger pr. semester med danske og internationale gæsteudstillere og et tilsvarende antal udstillinger med værker af Krabbesholm Højskoles elver. KBH kunsthal har til formål at fungere som værktøj for unge, ambitiøse kræfter for produktion, udstilling og kuratering.

Tilbage i 2007, efter to års udstillingsaktivitet, et årligt besøgstal på 1.681.920 og intervention i det offentlige rum på Vesterbrogade i København, fik KBH kunsthal nyt liv. Fem udstillingsmontrer blev flyttet til Krabbesholm Højskole, hvor de blev placeret langs Krabbesholm Allé.

KBH kunsthal modtager gerne løbende ansøgninger fra kuratorer, grafikere, designere, fotografer, kunstnere og arkitekter.


KBH kunsthal

KBH kunsthal is an exhibitionspot for innovative and experimental art, photography, architecture, design and graphic design.
KBH kunsthal presents 3-4 exhibitions each term with Danish as well as international guest exhibitors and a corresponding number of exhibitions with pieces by the students of Krabbesholm School. The purpose of KBH kunsthal is to work as a tool and starting point for young and ambitious people with a drive for production, exhibiting and curating.

In 2007, after just one year of exhibiting, with 1.681.920 visitors and intervention in public space at Vesterbrogade in Copenhagen, KBH kunsthal received new life. Five exhibition showcases were relocated to the school of Krabbesholm, where they were placed along the small avenue.

KBH kunsthal is happy to receive applications from curators, graphic designers, photographers, artists and architects.



Silence Teaches You How To Sing - Rasmus Dale / KBH Kunsthal

SILENCE TEACHES YOU HOW TO SING Rasmus Fjeldheim Dale uses Ulvers song «Silence Teaches You How To Sing» as a framework for his exhibition. With the help of the melodic ambient track Dale wants to show some of his work that plays with the idea of being alone in a social setting. Of the concept of «solitude», as a tool to self reflect. And with the idea that one can be intimate, but still not personal. The exhibitions work is mainly photography, but is accompanied with sewn pieces of fabric intended to remodel the atmosphere of the exhibition space (KBH Kunsthall). Rasmus Fjeldheim Dale Born in Norway, and living in Aarhus. 2017

Silence Teaches You How To Sing - Rasmus Dale / KBH Kunsthal

The last supper

The Last Supper Supper it is not a meal it is an experience The last supper is that experience It is about giving and receiving The last supper is also the first It is an intrinsic grace rather than external power. A painting doesn’t want to be explained A painting wants to be experienced It wants to exist, to take on a life on its own A circluate dialogue between the becoming and the being; The exhibited work in KBH Kunsthal and Four Boxes Gallery stands as an extension to one another; born from the same daily ritual, the sporadical frustrations, longing and celebration; curated as a gesture to the act of creating. Laura Tack born in Belgium, living and working in Seyðisfjörður, Iceland / Marrakech, Morocco 2017

The last supper


Besieged by trolls, catfish, herniated politicians and surveillance gremlins. This exhibition explores ideas of retaliation and revolt. Aggressive icons of war are presented on a decorative level; directly referencing the voyeuristic western view point of contemporary war. Stock piled cannons wait for a violent end, the lichen growing on their surface denotes the two hundred years they have been lingering here. The inaction alludes to a haplessness, perhaps suggestive of the prevailing sensibilities felt by the public today. Esme Toler is a sculptor working in London. Her work centers on the exploration of historic landscapes, and is informed by an ongoing engagement with historic carving and ornament as well as robotics and cybernetics. The varying processes of carving and research provide her practice with a technical and philosophical framework. Using materials at a symbolic level, fabricated tropes convey moments of economic production, or allude to a specific narrative. Her works merge fiction and fact, past and future and are positioned within a contemporary context with an uneasy hesitation. Toler recently featured on Contemporary Art Daily and has performed at the V&A Museum as part of the Friday Late programme. She was selected for Bloomberg New Contemporaries at Spike Island and the Institute of Contemporary Art and has lectured at the Serpentine galleries London.


Fra A til Z

Fra A til Z

Elevudstilling E16

Elevudstilling E16

Photos from KBH kunsthal's post

Billeder fra udstilling og fernisering af 'Let me in' af Ida Dorthea. 'Let me in' er en portrætserie af Ida Dothea. Serien er skudt over tre måneder i forskellige europæriske byer, og skildrer den unge, skabende, inspirerende og til tider fortvivlede følelse, der besiddes på tværs af kysterne i europæriske storbyer. Udstillingen kan ses indtil 19. oktober 2016.

Photos from KBH kunsthal's post

Fernisering: Ida Dorthea 'Let Me in'

Fernisering: Ida Dorthea 'Let Me in'

Photos from KBH kunsthal's post

Billeder af Puyain Sanatis udstilling "AZADI" på Krabbesholms Højskole. Udstillingen kan ses indtil d. 6 september.

Photos from KBH kunsthal's post

Photos from KBH kunsthal's post

Tirsdag havde KBH Kunsthal den første udstilling på efterårsemestret på Krabbesholm Højskole. Puyain Sanati viste den video og lydbaserede udstilling AZADI, og gav derefter koncert med numre fra sin debut EP af samme navn. Billeder fra fernisering. Udstilling kan ses indtil d. 6 september.

Photos from KBH kunsthal's post

AZADI // Puyain Sanati

AZADI // Puyain Sanati

AZADI // Puyain Sanati

AZADI // Puyain Sanati

AZADI // Puyain Sanati

AZADI // Puyain Sanati


NEAR KBH kunsthal