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© DrumHorse Denmark / DrumHorse Stable
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Photos from Drumhorse Stable's post
DrumHorse Prince Chato and Showrider - Sielja Dantved Winter Denmark at the Farm <3 Photo by Michelle Anna Vase
Drumhorse Stable Denmark
Drumhorse Stable Denmark
Photos from Drumhorse Stable's post
Dear Drum Friends and Followers <3 Early in the morning we will have a photo session here at the farm, with a photographer who has interesting ideas, we are looking forward to meet him. This will be the scene
Photos from Drumhorse Stable's post
Dear Drum Friends and Followers <3 Early in the morning we will have a photo session here at the farm, with a photographer who has interesting ideas, we are looking forward to meeting him. This will be the scene
DrumHorse Gorgous Gorgie - GroundWork
Kære Drum venner og følgere <3 Her i det nye år har vi besluttet at vi vil have flere i vores Drum Team, vi er 3 dressur / show rytter først i tyverne - groomer - professionel mønstre - syreske - make up artist og vi har en fantastisk Drum Familie. Vi forstiller os du er pige eller fyr der er vild med heste , show, dressur , og elsker at lære mere. Vi rider stævner, fremvisning, show og foto arbejde. Dressuren bruger vi meget tid på, men vi har valgt at lægge denne video på, da den viser, hvad der virkelig betyder noget for os, sammenværd, hygge og sjov, som vi sætter stor pris på. Hold dig ikke tilbage, hvis du kan mærke det lige er dig, så kontakt os. Send en besked her på FB - sms på 28696469 eller en mail på Vores gård ligger ved Gisegård Gods og her går ingen busser Fællesskiftevej 29 4100 Ringsted
King Wulcan - Redet 4uger (November 2015)
Dear Drum friends and followers <3 We hope you had a good start into 2016, and we wish you the very best of the new year. Here at DrumHorse Stable, we work daily with the horses, we have a lot of snow at the moment so we ride good long walks and doing gymnastics with the horses. we are planning the new year's show and presentations, and then we are in the process of educating young King William Wings of Wulcan, he is as lovely as he's father to work with. We look forward to sharing our plans and experiences with you in this new year Many greetings from us in DrumHorse Stable Ronni ,Sielja and Kiki and the Drum Team
Drumhorse Stable Denmark Breeding and show Eu approved Drumhorse stallion and the first Vanner stallion in Denmark young King William Wings of Wulcan. Started dressage work #approveddrumhorse #Drum #Drumhorse #Drumhorses #drumhorsedk #dressagerider #dressage #stallion #stable #Vanner

Drumhorse Stable Denmark Breeding and show. European approved Drumhorse Prince Chato Come on Cool and Showrider Sielja #approveddrumhorse #Drum #Drumhorse #Vanner #Europeanbreed #drumhorsedk #Drumhorses

Drumhorse Stable Denmark Breeding and show. Our amazing Drumhorse Prince Chato and Showrider Sielja ❤ #Drum #Drumhorse #drummer #drumming #Drumhorses #show #dressage #dressagerider #drumhorsestable #drumhorsedenmark #drumhorsedk #kikidantved #Europeanbreed

Drumhorse Stable Denmark Breeding and show Our beautiful Drumhorse Prince Chato ❤ #Drum #Drumhorse #Drumhorses #drumhorsestable #drumhorsedenmark #drumhorsedk #Vanner #show #kikidantved #Europeanbreed #approveddrumhorse #puredrumhorses

Drumhorse Stable Denmark Breeding and show Winter wonderland with Prince Chato and Showrider Sielja ❤ #Drum #Drumhorse #Drumhorses #drumhorsestable #drumhorsedenmark #drumhorsedk #kikidantved #approveddrumhorse #Europeanbreed #Vanner

Drumhorse Stable Denmark Breeding and show Our beautiful Drumhorse Prince Chato Come on Cool ❤ He's a perfect representative for the breed. #Drum #Drumhorse #drummer #Drumhorses #drumhorsestable #Vanner #show #Europeanbreed #approveddrumhorse #puredrumhorses #kikidantved #denmark

Drumhorse Stable Denmark Breeding and show Drumhorse Prince Chato Come on Cool and Showrider Sielja ❤ #Drum #Drumhorse #Drumhorses #drumhorsestable #dressage #dressagerider #Vanner #Europeanbreed

Drumhorse Stable Denmark Breeding and show Eu approved Drumhorse stallion Lord Korpus King Keen ❤ #approveddrumhorse #Drum #Drumhorse #Drumhorses #stable #stallion #Lord #Korpus #King #Keen #dressage #show #Breeding #royalhorse #Royal #Vanner #Europeanbreed

Drumhorse Stable Denmark Breeding and show Eu approved Drumhorse stallion Lord Korpus King Keen ❤ #Drum #Drumhorse #Drumhorses #Royal #royalhorse #horse #dressage #Europeanbreed #approveddrumhorse #drumhorsestable #Vanner #kikidantved #show

Drumhorse Stable Denmark Breeding and show Eu approved Drumhorse stallion Lord Korpus King Keen ❤ #Drum #Drumhorse #drumhorsestable #Drumhorses #Europeanbreed #approveddrumhorse #Royal #Lord #King #Korpus #kikidantved #dressage #Vanner

Drumhorse Stable Denmark Show and Breeding Our Drumhorse stallion Lord Korpus King Keen ❤ #Drum #Drumhorse #Drumhorses #show #Breeding #Europeanbreed #Vanner #stallion #stable #approveddrumhorse

Drumhorse Stable Denmark Meeting with our friends from the Royal British gard. #Drum #Drumhorse #Drumhorses #puredrumhorses #Royal #drumhorsestable #Europeanbreed #EU

Drumhorse Stable Denmark Meeting with our friends from the Royal British gard. Me together with Artillis the Drumhorse. Artillis is a Drumhorse at job but not at breed. He's a Clydesdale x Shire mix. # Drum #Drumhorse #drumhorses #drumhorsestallion #drums #Royal #kikidantved #drumhorsestable #Europeanbreed #eu #puredrumhorse

Drumhorse Stable Denmark wish you a wonderful new year, with all the best ❤ #Drum #Drumhorse #stallion #drumhorses #drumhorsestallion #dressagerider #dressage #Europeanbreed #stable #kikidantved #Lord #Korpus #King #Keen
