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Age Dynamics v/Christina Helen Lockyer

Huldbergs Alle 42, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
Small business



Age Dynamics is a small scientific consultancy run by Christina Lockyer. It is CVR-registered in Denmark with bases in Kongens Lyngby and Tromsø, Norway. Who is Age Dynamics?
Age Dynamics is a small company established in January 2003 by Dr Christina Lockyer. The aim of the company is to provide expert advice and practical research services in estimating biological parameters of mammals, especially marine mammals (i.e. whales, dolphins, seals, walruses, polar bears, otters). A full service focusing on age estimation is available, comprising tissue preparation, age determination and reporting, depending on requirements.

Laboratory Services
Examples of services include Growth Layer Group (GLG) analysis of whale ear plugs, tooth dentine and cementum, and other hard tissues e.g. bone. Digital photographic records of preparations can also be made and delivered on CD/DVD if requested. This is especially useful for clients who wish to freely circulate GLG images of samples worldwide to colleagues without the need for CITES permit application each time. Examination of reproductive material such as ovaries for the determination of pregnancy/ ovulation history is also possible.
The company can provide a variety of services from straightforward age estimation of single samples e.g. individual animals held in captivity, to very large numbers of samples collected in field studies or culls e.g. by-catches, strandings, experimental studies.

Educational services

With respect to teaching, Age Dynamics is also able to offer workshops and teaching courses – either at the home laboratory or at other laboratories in universities or institutions. These can be customised for single one-to-one teaching of staff or for small groups of up to a maximum of 10 individuals such as students. The company is currently well-equipped with a cutting saws, microtomes, microscope and digital cameras with computerised projection.

Other services
Scientific translation from Danish and Norwegian to English is available.

