The Meeting Planners ApS
- vi er et kreativt team af arrangements og kongresspecialister!
The Meeting Planners (TMP) tilbyder professional udførelse af resultatorienterede møder. I TMP designer, arrangerer og organiserer vi events såsom kongresser, årsmøder, corporate møder, udstillinger, incentives, events, seminarer og konferencer.
Med stor erfaring i at afvikle store og komplekse, internationale events på tværs af mange forskellige kunder og sektorer, tilbyder vi totalløsninger indenfor planlægning. Vi varetager alle opgaver i forbindelse med planlægning, logistik, og afvikling.
- vi er et kreativt team af møde og kongresspecialister!
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facebook.comSay hallo to Tobias, he is our intern I August and September. #keepcalmandhirethemeetingplanners#
🇩🇰🎉Today we celebrated TMP's (The Meeting Planners) 3 years Birthday with lunch. Happy birthday TMP (August 19th 2014)🎉🇩🇰 #keepcalmandhirethemeetingplanners#birthday#3years#mice#pco#dmc#
Getting ready for the 1st International congress on mobile health devices and seizure detection in epilepsy in Copenhagen Denmark from July 7 - 8, 2017., read more about it here:
Yet another succesful event last night at Balanchinen in #Tivoli. #keepcalmandhirethemeetingplanners#
Tonight's reception and dinner in these stunning surroundings 🌸
Beautiful Berlin.. #ScandicBerlin#dmc#mice#inspiration#keepcalmandhirethemeetingplanners#2017#team#Scandic#famtrip#loveberlin#destinations#airberlin#event#meetings#
DEL GERNE. Praktikant søges: Er du i gang med at uddanne dig til Serviceøkonom, eller læser du International Hospitality Management, og vil du være en del af vores team i vores kongres- og eventafdeling? Så er praktik hos The Meeting Planners lige noget fra dig! Send dit CV til Sara på
Imagine this place to be the next destination for your meeting, conference, kickoff or event! "The whole world in a country," is said about South Africa, and it's not entirely wrong. The country is a cornucopia of experiences and opportunities. No idea is too wild in South Africa. We know – because we have been there! Contact us for possibilities, hotels, meeting facilities, tours, restaurants etc. Relax and focus on your event and let us take care of the planning. Send an email to Sara: and we will be pleased to assist you. ...going beyond event logistics
In the next few days, the final for #UngeForskere will take place in Forum, Copenhagen. And again this year The Meeting Planners, will take care of the young scientists, their accommodation and tours in Copenhagen. We wish all of them good luck.
🌼💛☀️🐣Happy Easter 🐣☀️💛🌼
Alle gode gange 3 - vi elsker cfDNA 🙌