Leitra ApS
Leitra is the name of one of the first production-level velomobiles in the world. It is a recumbent trike with a glass-fiber shell that protects the rider from bad weather and provides ample cargo space for commuting, touring, or shopping. Leitra is the name of one of the first production-level velomobiles in the world. It is a recumbent trike with a glass-fiber shell that protects the rider from bad weather and provides ample cargo space for commuting, touring, or shopping.
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facebook.com3rd generation Eick takes over grandpa’s Leitra. 13 years old Ole Eick is now ready to ride to school, also on cold and rainy days. His father, Ivo Eick, shortened the crank mast a bit before leaving it over to Ole. The Leitra was bought by grandpa, Jürgen Eick, in 1988 and has done many long distance tours in Europe and Scandinavia.. Congratulation Ole !
A newly refurbished Leitra, ready for a new owner!
New refurbished Leitra for sale!
Last week Fanny and Boris from Switzerland said goodbye to Carl Georg, picked up the used Blue Leitra and headed home. We welcome them to the Leitra family and hope they enjoy it for many years!
Happy Birthday to Carl Georg Rasmussen, developer of the Leitra velomobile and recumbent trike - may his legacy continue for years to come! :D
False News ! Es ist die Zeit für FALSE NEWS, nicht nur in der Presse, sondern auch in Kleinmedien wie Reinhard's Plauderblog "Velomobil Forum" . Er hat die Leitra tot erklärt. Die Absicht ist klar, aber so einfach ist's nicht Leitra zu töten. Dass wissen die viele Deutsche Leitra-Fahrer. Reinhard ist kein Gott !
Scroll down to see photo advertisements for six 'ready-to-ride' Leitra velomobiles, available at the new workshop in Herlev.