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Tixz - Web Strategy

Østergade 78, Hadsund, Denmark
Professional services



Tixz - Emil Melgaard Tixz is the personal brand of Emil Melgaard, freelance webdesigner and developer.


I have been working freelance since 2007, developing high performance websites for a variety of business, ranging from national enterprises to local freelancers.

Some of my recent clients include:

Berglinske Medier
- Developing campaign flash sites in corporation with designer Peter Heine Bech (
- Data collection
- Google Analytics

Mobildiskotek Hard Beat
- Brand Design
- Webdesign and UX
- Strong Facebook Integration (Galleries, Wall)
- Google Analytics


On a day to day basis I develop in a wide range of languages depending on performance targets and development time:

- PHP (5.3, Zend Framework)
- HTML (5, XHTML Strict)
- CSS (2.1, 3)
- Javascript (Mootools, Prototype.js, jQuery)
- Actionscript (2.0 - 3.0)
- Flex (3.0 - 4.1)
- SQL (MySQL, SQLite)
- Mongodb
- Ruby
- Python (2.7)

For design purposes I am proficient in the following applications:

- Photoshop CS5.1
- Illustrator CS5.1
- Fireworks CS5.1
- Flash CS5.5

I have experience using following webservices:

- Facebook Graph API and Social Plugins
- Amazon Web Services (S3, EC2, CloudFront, SimpleDB)
- Various APIs



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