The welding machine manufacturer Migatronic – established 1970 – has consolidated its position as one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of welding machines OUR HISTORY
Migatronic has always made welding easier
☛ What a slimming-down process!
The very first Migatronic electrode welding machine from the mid 1970’s weighed 200 kilograms. Today, the smallest portable electrode welding machine in the assortment weighs only 4.9 kilograms. A 195.1 kilogram difference in weight!
Since September 1970, from day one, we have focused our attention on how to employ advanced technology to make welding processes easier for welders. Every single day. In every workshop or garage and on every factory floor.
☛ From mechanics to software
Welding machines are highly complex but must be easy to operate. On the other hand, technology must provide the best possible conditions for making perfect welds.
Inverter technology, electronically controlling welding processes, has replaced traditional transformer technology. Inverter welding machines are lightweight and enable better control of welding. Mechanics has gradually been replaced by automatic software control. This makes welding easier.
☛ It all started with an old car
It started back in 1970 with a CO2 welding machine for repair of old cars. During the first year, we produce a total of four welding machines and sell for 1,300 Euro.
Already in 1973, we get our first major order to Sweden. In the following years, we begin exporting to countries throughout Europe. We comply with market requirements. In addition to welding machines for the auto business, we develop welding solutions for the professional industry which demands advanced technology for all imaginable assignments and environments – large and small manually operated welding machines and automated welding solutions.
And we will go on. We will continue to develop and market intelligent technology that makes welding easy.
☛ Short historic outline
• 1970: Migatronic is founded and the first CO2 MIG welding machine is put into service
• 1973: The oil crisis in Denmark increases the auto trade’s interest in welding machines and boosts sales
• 1976: The annual production amounts to 6,000 welding machines and the total number of employees is 60
• 1980: First export orders to Egypt, USA and China – the export share is 65 per cent
• 1984: Migatronic goes public
• 1991: We are the first welding machine manufacturer in the EU to be ISO 9001 certified
• 2000: We celebrate 30 years in the business, having exported over 300,000 welding machines
• 2007: After the establishment of a joint-venture production company in China, we have subsidiaries in ten European countries plus China and India. Our welding machines are marketed in more than 40 countries worldwide
• 2012: Peter Roed steps down from his position as CEO after 42 years and is succeeded by Anders Hjarnø Jørgensen. Peter Roed takes up the position as chairman of the supervisory board
• 2015: The annual production amounts to 18,000 welding machines and over the years, we have supplied over 2,000 automated welding solutions
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facebook.comMake it Extreme built their own hydraulic press, using steel, lathe and a welding machine. Genius stuff, guys! And by the way, we love the color! 🔥🔥🔥
With a view to optimising its complex manufacturing process, Danish subcontractor Svend Frederiksen Maskinfabrik recently invested in a Migatronic CoWelderTM, a collaborative welding robot. "We are very pleased with the flexibility and user-friendliness of the CoWelder, as it fits perfectly with our need for an automated solution that can accommodate a great variation in design and batches."
De næste tre dage står vi sammen med Car-o-liner på Automässa i Lilleström, Norge, for at vise det bedste inden for svejsning til bil reparation.
There is real value in being able to weld workpieces with consistent quality and speed. Time and error rate is alpha and omega in any production. If you are welding many different pieces in serial production batches, a collaborative welding robot is a serious time saver. Make the most of your ressources with the CoWelder.
A small peak at our CoWelder production floor. Machines are right now being assembled, tested and packaged, before they are delivered to their new teams around the world. Stay tuned for a new informative CoWelder video very soon!
Vores datterselskab, Migatronic Automation, blev i går kåret af Vækst Jammerbugt som Jammerbugt kommunes mest innovative virksomhed. Prisen uddeles som et led i Region Nordjyllands innovationskonkurrence TagFat inden for feltet "smart produktion og smart services". Migatronic Automation skal dermed repræsentere Jammerbugten ved TagFat-finalen den 24. maj. Stort tillykke til Automation! 🍾🎉
Have you thought about investing in automated welding? The benefits are clear; faster production and higher return-of-investment on your time and resources. But if your production is smaller batches of many different products, a fully automated solution might be overkill. Designed to bridge the gap between manual welding and automated welding - we present the CoWelder. The worlds first CE approved collaborative welding robot. Begin production same day as you get it. No coding needed - everything is controlled with a user-friendly control panel or physical instruction. And of course, fitted with some of our best welding technology. Discover how L&S Technischer Handel used the CoWelder to cut their delivery time in half: https://goo.gl/pck9qz
#throwbackthursday We've been browsing through the old family album this Christmas and stumbled upon this interesting shot of us re-attaching the head of our national treasure, the Little Mermaid in Copenhagen circa 2003. Vandals frequently cut off the head of the bronze statue, so we have to mend it once in a while.
Did you know that we do custom automation solutions? Our subsidiary Migatronic Automation are industry experts in high-tech turnkey welding solutions. Here we have developed and produced a solution for Kverneland Group in Norway fitted with green welding machines. "We were in the market for a new automated system that could meet our demands of an automated solution capable of effectively handling the components – and in that regard, Migatronic Automation was one of the companies capable of providing a compelling and fully automated welding solution tailored for our specific needs in terms of state-of-the-art technology and production efficiency", says Oddvar Tjåland, Project Manager at Kverneland. Read the case here: https://www.migatronic.com/en/case-stories/kverneland
🎅☃️🎄🎁 Jingle bells, root pass welds, Smooth seam all the way Oh what fun it is to Arc With my Miga' everyday, hey Jingle welds, pays the bills, Welding brings me joy, with my torch and helmet on, I'll weld any alloy! 🎁🎄☃️🎅
The month of Christmas has begun and here at headquarters in Denmark, we begin the day in the glow of this Christmas tree and the golden morning sun. We wish you a wonderful December with great food and greater company!
Can you sell welding machines? Can you increase market shares in the welding industry? Then take a look at this vacancy. We're looking for a new Area Sales Manager for Hungary. Check it out or share with your friends 👍