ISB is a private, independent school in Denmark rooted in a philosophy of learning through play.
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Nice to have our friend Matthew Mueller from Tufts University back in town and sparking excitement in the Creator Space!
In November, four ISB students helped create an advert about the power of play as part of UNICEF#WorldChildrensDay. Enjoy the result!
We're looking for someone with a cool head and warm smile to serve as our new receptionist. Know a good candidate? Please send them our way!
Happy Sankta Lucia from ISB P4 and P5!
Happy first of December from ISB! And thank you to all the parents who joined us yesterday to help our school get dressed for the season.
For their summative assessment in Drama the M7's have been researching folktales from around the world to create original theatre pieces. What a treat for the younger students who were invited to attend the debut! Do you recognize any of the stories?
Congrats to four of our students who are helping to create an advert about the power of play as part of UNICEF#WorldChildrensDay !
Today is World Children's Day and children all over the world are "taking over" leadership positions. Stay tuned to see what four ISB students do when they're given the reigns at LEGO!