Jazzercise Espanola
Jazzercise is a pulse-pounding, beat-pumping fitness program that gets you results fast in a supportive community setting with professional instruction.
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facebook.com📣 📣 We're SOOO excited to announce our Jazzercise sale "Friends for $40" 💕 New members join with a friend and you get unlimited Jazzercise for a month for $20 each. Come by the studio for class or purchase here β¬οΈ See you soon boss babes!! 😘 https://app.fitli.com/client/business/espanola-fitness-studio#buy-membership-10747
Line Dancing Satueday at 12:00 noon! Country, soul, Latin, pop...learn all the dances to blow them away at your next wedding AND burn calories, work on balance, and improve your mood. Book in here: https://app.fitli.com/business/espanola-fitness-studio/schedule?product=6859
TODAY at 4:00pm! Bring your mat, booty, sweat and joy. 4 spots left so BOOK NOW by clicking here: https://app.fitli.com/business/espanola-fitness-studio/schedule?caldate=20200925-0000&product=8387
Join us in this special 9th anniversary class: Friday 9/25 @ 4:00! Intense interval training to tone and scupt your tushy and tummy. Book in advance! rmd.me/93UihHwkIPS
Butts & Guts Class: BOOK NOW!
Butts & Guts Class: BOOK NOW!
Aerobic Exercise, HIIT Cardio & Dance Fitness | Jazzercise
"I can't believe I never tried Jazzercise before! Honestly, I thought it was old school and it TOTALLY is not! THAT was a full body workout to great music and super fun! Sometimes after other dance fitness classes I have to do my own push-ups and sit-ups to feel that I got a real workout. Not Jazzercise- this is my vibe!" - 40-year-old Espanola woman. after her first Jazzercise class this week. JOIN NOW for 20% off! https://www.jazzercise.com/
Get 20% off unlimited Jazzercise NOW! https://www.jazzercise.com/2020reboot/
Pilates mat today and every Tues/Thurs @ 4:00pm. In-person and Zoom. #neverfeltsogood
TRUE STORY Feeling so Zen after Yoga class this morning. Stopped at Walmart to pick up a few things and was shocked when I saw a huge hanging blue sign that said CAN'T FIND PEACE? I was like, oh yah, I found it, you? Then realized the sign actually said Can't Find The Price. 😁 Join us for Yoga! #zenshopping
Hey, Girl! Tired of the screen? Get your body to an exercise class! Classes all times of the day, everyday. #needtoexercise BOOK NOW https://app.fitli.com/business/espanola-fitness-studio/schedule
2020 totally deserves a REBOOT 😅 Come sweat off the stress with 2 months UNLIMITED Jazzercise in-person and online classes for only $88. Message us for details! #jazzercise #2020reboot #espanolafitnessstudio