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A.I.R. Futura : artists in residence program

Křižíkova 34, Prague, Czech Republic
Museum/art gallery



A.I.R FUTURA : artists in residence program CZ/
Centrum pro současné umění FUTURA je soukromá nezisková organizace fungující
výlučně na základě grantových aplikací a starající se o dva výstavní prostory
věnované současnému umění, rezidenční program v Praze, renesanční zámek
Třebešice u Kutné Hory s kolekcí českého a zahraničního současného umění a
rezidenční program v dvoupatrovém domě v Brooklynu, v New Yorku ve Spojených
státech Amerických.

Center for contemporary art FUTURA is a private non profit institution living exclusively from grant applications managing two large exhibition spaces and a residency programme in Prague, Czech Republic, renaissance Castle Třebešice with collection of Czech and international contemporary art near Kutná Hora, Czech Republic and a residency programme in a three-floor building in Brooklyn, New York, United States.

The residency program forms an integral part of our activities relating directly to the organization's objective - the promotion, presentation and support of contemporary art. With a longer stay in a foreign country artists have a unique opportunity to acquaint themselves with the specifics of the local cultural scene and its representatives, and also to bring to it new inspirations and ideas. The aim of the Prague residency programme is to provide for greater mobility and the sharing of different cultural experiences right where young artists and curators from the Prague art scene meet.

To fulfil these goals FUTURA makes use of one of the largest studios in the Karlin Studios complex where it regularly invites young foreign artists. The Prague residency programme, established in 2005, was closely linked to the summer residency and workshops organised from 2003 at Třebešice Chateau near Kutná Hora.

We're in contact with a number of renowned foreign institutions that also organize residencies. Based on this reciprocal cooperation, foreign artists are able to carry out their projects in Prague while Czech artists can enjoy creative residencies abroad.

From a long-term standpoint we believe that Prague, owing to its rich history and geographical position, can once again become a major European cultural centre where various cultural influences, opinions and ideas will collide, mingle and winnow. We’d like our programme to contribute extensively to this.

AIR FUTURA Prague je rezidenční program, zajišťovaný ve vzájemné spolupráci s
14 mezinárodními centry pro umění po celém světě.  Zahraniční umělci mohou v
Praze realizovat své projekty za profesionální podpory, zároveň jsou ubytováni
v samostatném bytě v centru města a je jim propůjčen ateliér-výstavní prostor
v KARLIN STUDIOS. Čeští umělci mohou za stejných podmínek absolvovat pobyt v
Od roku 2007 program AIR FUTURA New York zaštiťuje tvůrčí rezidence ve svém


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