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Postfach 2208, Karlsbad, Czech Republic
Non-Profit Organization



The Council of Occupational Therapists for the European Countries is the organization for all Occupational Therapists through their National Associations. COTEC was established in 1986 with the purpose of co-ordinating the views of the National Associations of Occupational Therapy in Europe. The aim of COTEC is to enable National Associations of Occupational Therapists to work together to develop, harmonise and improve standards of professional practice through a robust educational system, as well as advance the theory of Occupational Therapy throughout Europe to best address the social and health issues affecting the citizens of Europe.

COTEC is the European organization for all Occupational Therapists through their National Associations, with the purpose of ensuring an adequate number of high quality occupational therapy practitioners and services in Europe.

COTEC is a non-profit organisation, funded by annual membership subscription and represents 30 European Occupational Therapy Associations and more than 120,000 Occupational Therapists.

Since 2014 COTEC is registered in the European Transparency register, facilitating an open decision-making process in Europe.


European forum for primary care |

Next Tuesday the EFPC will host a free webinar on: World Family Doctor day and research by general practitioners in Europe. Visit for more information.

Abstracts for the WFOT congress 2018 in Capetown and the EFPC conference 2017 in Porto can be handed in until 15 May 2017. Find more information on the websites below. WFOT: EFPC:

European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education (ENOTHE)

The Joint Statement that emerged from the Mental Health Network of the EU Health Policy Platform has now reached a total of 20 signatories, one of them being COTEC. It calls for parity of esteem, a life-course approach to mental health, more attention to mental health in the workplace and the improvement of mental health treatment in primary care settings. Read the joint statement here:

WFOT Congress 2018 | 21-25 May 2018

Abstract submission for the 2018 World Federation of Occupational Therapists Congress in Cape Town was extended until 18 May 2017. You can hand in your abstract on the following website:

Are you an OT working with clients with Tourette Syndrome and tics? I am the research manager at Tourettes Action in the UK. TA is a charity to support people with Tourettes Syndrome and I am very interested in speaking with an occupational therapist about how occupational therapy can be helpful to people with Tourettes Syndrome. We often get asked about the physical strains/damage caused by tics and I am keen on writing an article about this for the Tourettes Action website. I would really like some input from OT’s with experience of working with people with TS. I know the TS community would really like some advice on this subject. If you would like to get in touch with me I would be very happy to hear from you Dr Seonaid Anderson


April 11th is World Parkinson's day. Check the guide for #Unite for Parkinson's

WFOT Congress 2018 | 21-25 May 2018

The WFOT announced in their eNewsletter the introduction of keynote speaker Dr. Karen Whalley Hammell. Visit the WFOT congress 2018 website to get informed about Dr. Whalley Hammell and other keynote speakers.


Please find uploaded our latest COTEC Newsletter. Enjoy it!

Conference Announcement - 27th Alzheimer Europe Conference: 1 month left to submit your abstract

Only one month left to hand in your abstract for the 2017 Alzheimer Europe conference in Berlin. The call will close on 30 April 2017. For more information visit:


2017 marks 200 years since Parkinson’s was recognised as a health condition. This World Parkinson’s Day, we want to bring the whole global Parkinson's community together. So join us and #UniteForParkinsons. Just using the hashtag on social media on the day will help. But with the free #UniteForParkinsons pack you will have the resources to do a whole lot more! By coming together for Parkinson’s, we can spread the same message on one day all over the world. On World Parkinson’s Day let's make sure there's a global focus on the condition. Read more and get involved

Occupational therapy in maternal health research – Call for participants (OTs and maternal health clients) We would like to invite you to join our study exploring your experience of occupational therapy in maternal health. I am currently completing a PhD at La Trobe University researching the occupational therapy role in maternal health, exploring how occupational therapists are supporting contemporary maternal health clients. I’m looking for participants to share their experience and expertise to help us explore the current role(s) of occupational therapists working with well maternal health clients, during and after pregnancy and birth. The research is focussed on women who are “generally well”, and experiencing issues during their maternal health journey which has resulted in need for contact with an occupational therapist. Participants will be in either of two groups: 1) Occupational therapists who currently (or have within the last 12-months) worked with generally well maternal health clients, for issues directly relating to maternal health status/roles. 2) Generally well women who have accessed occupational therapy services during and after pregnancy and birth (up until 12-months postpartum), for issues directly relating to their maternal health status/roles. Interested in participating? Want more information? Please contact Hannah Slootjes at
