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Christie's Pilates Studio

3,Tenedou str , Apt 102, Strovolo, Cyprus



Body Control Pilates Classes
Yoga (Hatha, Ashtanga), Muscle Ballet
All classes for age 12 and above
Groups up to 8 people and One-to-one sessions  Pilates Matwork
Groups of maximum 5 people
Beginner to Advanced Level based on the Power Pilates USA syllabus.  
Power Pilates USA was established as a Leading Teacher Training Organisation in 1995.  Power Pilates has developed an exercise regimen that is safe, effective, challenging and suitable for people of all ages and levels.  The goal of the System is to keep the Pilates technique and repertory Classical, ie as developed by Joseph Pilates himself.
All clients start at Beginner level where they learn the fundamentals of the Pilates technique and the basic 18 exercises that comprise the main structure of the Syllabus in all levels.
At Intermediate level the vocabulary of movement expands, there is more flow and therefore speed and work is much more challenging.  
Advanced Level is all about action, speed  and precision, has complicated choreography and acrobatic-like movements

Pregnancy and post-natal Pilates-based on the Body Control Pilates (UK) Syllabus
One-on-one or groups of maximum 3 women
The pregnant body undergoes many musculosceletal, postural, emotional and physiological changes.  Pilates for Pregnancy is a special programme of exercises geared towards the changing needs of the pregnant body.  All exercises are safe and effective, help make the woman feel more comfortable and prepare the body for the actual delivery.  

Women that took Pilates classes before getting pregnant can continue throughout pregnancy with their Doctor's consent. Those women that have not done Pilates before, are advised to wait until week 12 of their pregnancy and then commence.  
Six weeks after giving birth, and again with their Doctor's consent, women can return to do a post-natal programme which will realign the spine and pelvis and re-strengthen the core muscles to slowly and safely bring the body back into shape.

Standing Pilates-based on the Body Control Pilates (UK) syllabus
Joseph Pilates included many standing exercises in his work, often leading to a more aerobic type of exercising to ensure full fitness.  Today there are numerous standing exercises performed on Wunda Chair and Cadillac (pilates equipment).  During the Standing Pilates classes, these exercises are adapted to be performed without the equipment and are combined with various other standing exercises influenced by the Instructor's ballet training/background

Pilates for Rehabilitation-based on the Power PIlates USA Syllabus
This is always on a one- to-one basis.  
Following Doctors orders and directions, a programme of exercises is designed specifically for the needs of the body of the client who is suffering from an injury or a condition.  The programme caters for the increased difficulty in movement following the injury and helps to relieve aches and pains, slowly building core strength and flexibility, improving balance and posture and helping to give overall improvement in health.


Why men are ditching the dumbbells and taking up yoga and Pilates

Why you need a strong core, even if you can only dream of a six-pack

This is a very good article everyone. Lots of anatomy but easy to comprehend. Enjoy!

How to manage low back pain and sciatica - NICE updates draft guidance

Summary of recent updates to Low Back Pain Guidelines from NICE. Exercise on top again 👍🏼 No to acupuncture Manual therapy and exercise together ( ie Physio) Less anti inflammatory use

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"Pilates is a mind and body training programme which helps to keep you both mentally and physically in shape. Pilates teaches you to be aware of your body and your movements. As you learn the Fundamentals of Alignment, Breathing and Centering (Core Stability) you will immediately notice (or perhaps others will!) an improvement in your posture, you will stand taller. Even after a few sessions you should find you are more flexible, your balance and co-ordination will improve and you’ll start to tone up all over, particularly around your middle as you streamline your body." Lynne Robinson - Founder of Body Control Pilates

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10 celebrity flat tummy secrets - At Home magazine: celebrities, fashion, lifestyle and competitions

Halle Berry keeps her abs in a great condition thanks to Pilates. We asked Lynne Robinson, founder of Body Control Pilates and author of Pilates for Weight Loss to explain how Pilates can give you a flat tummy ‘The reason Pilates is so good at trimming inches off your waist is because one of the key Fundamentals of Pilates, alongside Alignment and Breathing, is Centring. This involves learning how to control all your movements from your centre. In Pilates you learn how to use your deep core muscles to support your spine. These muscles wrap around your waist like a natural built in corset. It’s been called your ‘girdle of strength!’ Every exercise your do in a Pilates session teaches you how to work from your centre. No wonder we are famous for reducing waistlines!’

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Pregnant Kim takes her bump to Pilates classes.

At Christie's Pilates Studio you are in very safe hands throughout your pregnancy

Lower Back Pain Prevention Is All A Matter Of Staying Active
