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Acupuncture Limassol

, Limassol, Cyprus



Chinese Acupuncture, Nutrition counseling
Pain Relief ,Digestive Problems ,Weak Immune System, Gynecological Issues, Stress And Anxiety And more. There are hundreds of acupuncture points in the human body. They lie along meridians which run from head to toe.
Before treatment begins, a diagnosis is carried out by the therapist. According to the diagnosis, specific acupuncture points are applied in order to enable the free flow of energy along the meridian.

Acupuncture can be used to treat a broad variety of health issues for all ages.  These include, but are not limited to:

Digestive problems
A weak immune system
Gynecological issues and fertility
Stress and anxiety

In addition to the acupuncture treatment, counseling on nutrition is given with a view towards promoting the long-term health of the patient.


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