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Natural Choice Cyprus

39 Alkminis Street, Lighthouse, Káto Páfos, Cyprus
Beauty, Cosmetic & Personal Care



What nature produces, we seek to preserve from organic essential oils to edible treats.  
  Distinctive creations from Cyprus    


Come up to Peristerona. We are serving home-made chicken liver pate on a garnish of Gynura leaves, cheese and a rikishi of tomato,cucumber and pomegranate salad and try it with one of our chutneys. Only €5

Please order Chicken Liver Pate to take away as i only have a limited supply

Join Natural choice at the Foodie Market tomorrow 10am till 2pm. We will serving homemade Chicken Liver Pate served with home grown Gynura Leaves, salsa and a choice of Chutney. This month it will be The Spice House in Peristerona

At Kamares today.... come and see us

First crop of lemons are now being turned into Lemon Marmalade with Limoncello....lemons need to be soaked overnight so cooking starts tomorrow. All being well we will have some at the Herb Garden market this Sunday.... see you there.

Yet another bespoke personalized bag from Natural Choice by Rhian

Another bespoke bag from Rhian

Another bespoke bag from Rhian...

Two special order bags by Rhian

Now in stock but selling very fast.... Our new organic eye cream 'Magic Eye' beautifully presented in its own hand-crafted box made by Lin Allen at Keepsake Cards.

The ultimate I'd daily facial care - R5. Our all organic and natural daily repair serum for the face, neck, back of hands and tops of feet. A luxurious rich blend of Chamomile, Geranium, Lavender, Vitamin E, Bergamot, Jojoba, Sesame, Evening Primrose, Coconut, Almond, Apricot Kernel, Cocoa Butter, Shea Butter, Alie Vera and my own bees wax. All of this ingredients are professionally combined to produce a very light serum which is non-greasy and very readily absorbed by all types of skin. One jar will last three months with normal use and at only €25 Represents excellent value. R5 - Repair Renew Rehydrate Rejuvenate & Relax

Spritz yourself with these natural refreshing and stimulating facial spritzers. They are a great pick-me-up in the humid weather and super for traveling. Made only of natural ingredients. Available in lemon which are priced at €8 and also in rose priced at €10.


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