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Naši se istarski vinogradi u seocetu Radovani nalaze na najvišoj točki jugozapadne Istre. Izloženi su strujanjima zraka koja, tjekom zriobe grožđa, osiguravaju hladne noći, tako bitne za aromatski profil budućega vina. Na crvenoj zemlji zasađena je autohtona sorta Malvazija, prema legendi donešena ovamo od starih Grka. Od Saints Hills vinograda u Radovanima obližnja zvjezdarnica nadohvat je ruke. Sv. Ante, preko loze do zvijezda...
Our Istrian vineyards are located in the village of Radovani, the highest peak of south-western Istria. They are exposed to airstreams which, during the ripening season, provide cool nights, important for the aromatic profile of the future wine. Our frame is the fertile red soil and the autochthonous Malvasia variety brought to these parts by the ancient Greeks. From the Radovani vineyard you can find your way to the observatory to gaze up at the stars. St Ante, through the grapes, to the stars.
Naš vinograd Sv. Roko smješten je u Komarni, na korijenu poluotoka Pelješca, blizu mjesta gdje se na sjevernoj strano on spaja s kopnom. Područje je poznato po vinogradarenju desecima vjekova, ali na tom mikrolokalitetu nikad nije sađena loza. Usred njega stoje kao legenda kameni grobovi naših davnih predaka, Ilira. Jugozapadni obronci su iznimno strmi, teško obradivi i puni vapnenca koji štiti lozu od suše. Kako bi preživjela, loza mora tražiti crvenu zemlju duboko ispod tog zaštitnog sloja. Izloženost suncu i vjetrovima uvjet je za napraviti veliko vino, gdje nikada nitko prije vas nije to radio. Sveti Roko, mističan i izazovan.
Our vineyard St Roko is located near the base of the scenic Peljesac peninsula, just north of the point where it becomes the mainland. This region is called Komarna, known for winegrowing since the Middle Ages. In this particular micro locality the vine was never grown and in the middle, stone tombs stand as legendary resting places of our ancient inhabitants, the Illyrians. St. Roko slopes are steep, extremely difficult to cultivate, and extremely full of limestone which protects the vine from drought. To survive, the vine has to grow deep under a protective layer to find the fertile red soil. These are extreme conditions for making wine, where no one has made it before. St. Roko, mystical and pioneering.
Dingač. Prvi vinogradarski položaj u Hrvatskoj koji je dobio oznaku zemljopisnog porijekla 1961. godine. Iz naših vinograda vidi se otok Mljet, u daljini kao da osjetite nedaleki Dubrovnik, i veliko duboko plavetnilo koje titra i zrcali sve do Italije. Kao da gledate put koji je otac Plavca malog prešao, došavši u Italiju kao Primitivo, da bi se otisnuo preko Atlantika gdje je danas poznat kao Zinfandel. Dingač ovdje ima svoj put, probijen kroz brdo od vinogradara, kako bi povezali vinograde sa lukom Trstenik. Odavde su prva vina otišla u Europu. Dingač je oduvijek bio identitet hrvatskog vinarstva. Sv. Lucia, autentični Dingač.
Dingac. The first place in Croatia to be recognised, in 1961, as an appellation with protected geographical origin. From our vineyards you can view the island of Mljet, and you can sense Dubrovnik close by, with the deep blue sea on the horizon, undulating all the way to Italy. It is as if you are observing the path that Plavac Mali’s “ancestor” had traversed, coming to Italy as Primitivo, only to set forth over the Atlantic to become Zinfandel. Dingac has its own particular path, carved through the mountain by the winegrowers, linking the vineyards to the port of Trstenik. From here, the first wines left for Europe. Dingac has always been the authentic heart of Croatian winemaking. St Lucia, authentic Dingac.
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facebook.comStraight from the press #StHeels #harvest2017 photo by Antonia Car
Almost ready for Harvest2017❤️ Stay tuned...
Cheers Danijela!🍷
Sunset @Vinaria...🍷
Thank you Suitcase! "We booked a tour at one of Croatia’s best wineries, Saints Hills. When I arrived, the sun was setting just behind the valley. All around it was practically silent. The surrounding countryside was lush. That night I ate the most fabulous meal with my wine tasting....."
Sinjska Alka naš Ponos! Ponosni smo sto smo oduvijek bili dio plemenite i svete nam Sinjske Alke.
All shades of #Plavac @St.Roko vineyard Komarna☀️☀️☀️ #saintshills photo Antonija Car
Welcome to Croatia Mr Bond😎 I am pretty much sure that James will drink Croatian wines Only😇 #jamesbondsaintshills #jamesbondcroatia
Thank you Vogue "Of note is Saints Hills Winery, which makes a beautiful rosé that’s the definition of summer, and the amazing food at their restaurant is worth the visit alone (seared foie gras delicately perched on a nest of fried potato strings with a drizzle of fig jam is an exemplary amuse-bouche that sets the tone for the rest of your meal)."

Nikad dosta guštanja u dobrom vinu.. 🍷😉😍 #saintshills #sainthillswinery #croatianwines #winecellar #winery #winetasting #winelife #winetour #winefestival #peljesac #tastecroatia #winesofcroatia #winesday #winesday #lovewine #eno #winelover

Saints Hills Paradise @ernesttolj #tbt #summer #visiting #amazing #place #on #the #earth #frenchie #dingač #malanevina #save #water #drink #wine

Yum yum! No better way to finish a wine tour with a traditional lunch like this - 'peka', a staple of the Dalmatian coast 👌🏻 #delicious #Peka #dubrovnikwinetours #veal #potatoes #veggies #tradition #foodie #croatia

🌻🍋🍍 #Mala #Nevina #cuveé #MalvazijaIstarska #Chardonnay #whitewine #wine #Istra #Croatia #

#relax #sun #makeing vine 🍇🍇🍇🍇



Concrete ⚱️

Winemaking in progress 🤓🍷#winemaking #wine #basement #harvest2016 #Dingač #Plavacmali
