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Jean Monnet Chair of European Public Law

Ćirilometodska 4, Zagreb, Croatia



Official Facebook page of the Jean Monnet Chair of European Public Law, Faculty of Law - University of Zagreb, Croatia.  


TAMARA PERIŠIN 'Redoviti profesor na Pravu mora objaviti 25 znanstvenih radova, a Harvard traži tek četiri studije. Zato je izazov ostati u Hrvatskoj'

#FlashbackFriday: Jean Monnet Chair of European Public Law in the media Couple of weeks ago, our Tamara Perišin gave an interview to Jutarnji list, in which she spoke about the Brexit, EU law, Zagreb Law Faculty,... and many more. Link ➡

EU re-elects Tusk, leaving Poland isolated

Yesterday, Donald Tusk has been re-elected as the President of the European Council for another 2-and-a-half year term. However, for the first time the election was not unanimous given the fierce political opposition from Tusk's native Poland. Read the full EUobserver's coverage of the EU summit drama at: and


Watch our amazing prof. Tamara Perišin explaining the Uber case from the perspective of EU law on the national television! #Studio4

Mailing lists - Katedra za europsko javno pravo

Forthcoming events ‘Jean Monnet & CEUSA Visiting Lecture Series’ On Monday, 20 March, from 17:00-19:15, in Ćirilometodska 4, Classroom no. I (ground floor), prof. Tuan Samahon, JD (Georgetown), from the Villanova University ( will give a lecture on ‘Approaches to Law in the United States: Legal Realism, Law & Economics, Critical Legal Studies & Critical Race Theory, American Legal Formalism’. Week after this, on Monday, 27 March, from 17:00-19:15, in Ćirilometodska 4, Classroom no. I (ground floor), dr. Josephine van Zeben, LLM (Harvard), from the University of Oxford ( will give a lecture on ‘Law and Economics Methodology in EU Law’. More events planned for April and May will be announced soon. Also, for staying up to date with all the events our Department is organizing, join one of our mailing lists at:


Happy International Women's Day from the Department of European Public Law! #IWD2017

EU Substantive Criminal Law and the Protection of Victims - Katedra za kazneno pravo

Call for Applications - Advanced Seminar in EU Criminal Law and Policy: Fight Against Terrorism through Prevention of Financing and Recruitment Date and place: May 1-5 2017, Inter University Centre Dubrovnik (IUC). Organisers: Department of Criminal Law, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb (Croatia) and Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law Freiburg (Germany). The course is open to graduate and postgraduate law students, but also to students of political sciences, sociology, journalism, police academy, etc., as well as experts and practitioners from government institutions and members of the NGO sector, lawyers and prosecutors. There is no course fee. All participants are required to pay a 40 EUR fee directly to IUC upon arrival. Deadline for application: April 10th, 2017. More information at the official website:

Dječak poželio frizuru kao njegov najbolji prijatelj: 'Učiteljica nas neće moći razlikovati'

Timeline Photos

European Commission yesterday presented a proposal outlining five broad scenarios for the #FutureOfEurope. Commission's president Jean-Claude Juncker in a speech at the European Parliament presented 'White Paper on the Future of Europe'. Marking the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, the document seeks to launch a debate on the Union among the remaining #EU27 states, following the UK's decision to leave the bloc. European heads of states and governments are scheduled to discuss the proposal at a summit in December. The five scenarios are entitled: 1) 'Carrying on' 2) 'Nothing but the single market' 3) 'Those who want more do more' 4) 'Doing less more efficiently' and 5) 'Doing much more together'. Read the entire document at: and tell us which scenario do you prefer.

Timeline Photos

Summer semester has just started! Today a new generation of 2nd year students enrolled in the European Public Law course had their very first lecture. Our teaching staff and student assistants presented themselves and introduced students to the structure of the course. It was followed by a small exercise in legal reasoning, logic and argumentation. We are looking forward to an exciting semester ahead of us and wish to all of our new students an engaging and fruitful learning experience! More information about the European Public Law course and seminar in the summer semester at:

Summer semester has just started!

Today a new generation of 2nd year students enrolled in the European Public Law course had their very first lecture. Our teaching staff and student assistants presented themselves and introduced students to the structure of the course. It was followed by a small exercise in legal reasoning, logic and argumentation.

We are looking forward to an exciting semester ahead of us and wish to all of our new students an engaging and fruitful learning experience! 

More information about the European Public Law course and seminar in the summer semester at:

European Solidarity Corps

This week, European Commission’s Representation in Croatia organizes a first public discussion on the topic of the European Solidarity Corps. Date and time: Wednesday (22nd February), from 10:00 to 11:30, at Predstavništvo Europske komisije u Hrvatskoj (Augusta Cesarca 4, Zagreb). Email applications to: will be open until Tuesday (21st February) 17:30 at the latest. Organizers will also provide FACEBOOK LIVE stream. Join in the discussion and learn more about #EUsolidarityCorps. For additional information, visit official website of the European Solidarity Corps:

Photos from Jean Monnet Chair of European Public Law's post

As a continuation of debate on contemporary political and security environment, Institut za razvoj i međunarodne odnose (Institute for Development and International Relations) Zagreb and the Hanns Seidel Stiftung Zagreb are organizing the conference on ‘Global Political/Security Relations and Issues - Specific Policies’. Date and time: February 23rd, 2017, at 9:30. Venue: Esplanade Zagreb Hotel, Mihanovićeva 1. The round table discussion will bring together representatives of the diplomatic community, state administration, the academia, non-governmental and international organisations, to discuss contemporary political, security and economic environment through specific policies of different actors in international relations. The working language of the event is English. Attached are the registration form and the conference program.

Photos from Jean Monnet Chair of European Public Law's post

Antall József Summer School

Antall József Summer School 2017 Place: Budapest, Hungary from 3 to 14 July, 2017. Deadline for application: 31 March 2017. Summer School will gather 50 participants, aged 21-35, MA/PhD students/young professionals with a university degree in the field of political and social sciences, primarily from V4 countries, the CEI, Western Balkan, and Eastern Partnership member states. Scholarships (covering accommodation with breakfast, lunch, accompanying programmes and travel) are granted automatically upon acceptance and there is no need for separate scholarship application. Topics discussed via lectures, workshops, debates and roundtables range from history, foreign and security policy, economy policy, energy policy, innovation, culture and tourism, to the question of sustainability. Application is consisted of: - the online application form; - maximum one page Curriculum Vitae or Resume (including publication list, if available); - letter of recommendation (must be written in English by a faculty member or job supervisor, and it should be no older than 3 months); - proof of English proficiency (language certificate required, minimum level: B2). More information at the official website:
