Center for Reproductive Medicine BetaPlus Center for Reproductive Medicine was founded in 2010. The name itself represents a concept, today known to almost all women who wish to conceive. "Beta HCG" is a laboratory test used to determine a very early pregnancy and our patients know that a positive beta, or BetaPlus, announces the most extraordinary feeling and the greatest joy in their lives.
Reproductive medicine is a special part of gynecology, where patients are mostly young and healthy couples who visit a doctor followed by the most natural human desire to have a child. Our job is to facilitate the procedure and explain each step, because the easiest way to fight against your fears is by knowledge and understanding of your body and its reactions. Very often you will achieve pregnancy even without medical help, just with small interventions in lifestyle and habits, or corrections of false attitudes. Connection between doctors and patients in this part of the medicine is not only desirable but also necessary, because a mutual trust is a key to success. In BetaPlus Center for Reproductive Medicine we paid a great attention to a team of people who work with such couples, with only one wish for you to access your problem without anxiety and fear, but with full confidence in success, even in tough moments.
Becoming a mother is a natural desire of most women, although taking care of their reproductive health does not stop there. From adolescence, where the most common problems appear, like irregular bleeding, hormonal changes and the need for contraception, through generative age and pregnancy, when the first problems with fibroids, ovarian cysts and changes of smear tests occur, to perimenopause and the first need for hormone replacement therapy and menopause, which brings difficulties with sexuality, osteoporosis, high blood pressure and general deterioration of health. In BetaPlus Center for Reproductive Medicine there is a team of people competent to deal with such problems. Our concern is to protect your health throughout your life, which is possible to keep through regular exams.
BetaPlus Center for Reproductive Medicine has top experts working with high-quality equipment in a pleasant and relaxing environment. The Medical Center’s name was chosen with the utmost care, and in consultation with center’s staff. The logo and graphic design were created by Mirena Cale, B.Sc in Graphic Design, now working as an art director at AB OVO study of graphic design. Equal treatment was given to the selection of space for work with patients. The interior was designed by Rajka Matkovic, B.Sc. in Architectural Engineering according to our partner’s selection. Medical institution "Novamed", where the center is located, was created to be a place where dignity of our medical staff and patients would not be jeopardized, which one can notice at each step.
The location was also extremely important to us, since we live in such a hectic time. BetaPlus Center for Reproductive Medicine is situated at a strategically good position where it takes equal amount of time to approach the center from each part of the city. Not les essential is a fact that it is situated close to the beltway around the city of Zagreb and the airport, which is important for our patients who are from out of the town. Free parking is also provided, as well as our commitment to be organized and accurate, so that the rest of your daily activities may be according to your plans.
Poliklinika za ginekologiju, porodništvo i reprodukcijsku medicinu BetaPlus utemeljena je 2010. godine, a ime poliklinike je u današnje vrijeme pojam poznat gotovo svim ženama koje žele zanijeti. "Beta HCG" je laboratorijska pretraga kojom se utvrđuje vrlo rana trudnoća, a pozitivna beta, ili BetaPlus, našim je pacijenticama vrlo često simbol najveće doživljene sreće.
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Opening Hours
- ponedjeljak
- 08:00 - 20:00
- utorak
- 08:00 - 20:00
- srijeda
- 08:00 - 20:00
- četvrtak
- 08:00 - 20:00
- petak
- 08:00 - 20:00
facebook.comZapošljavamo medicinsku sestru/primalju, s iskustvom rada u operacijskoj sali i/ili na ginekologiji, koja će se uklopiti u naš tim. Dođite na razgovor, i vidjet ćete da nema potrebe ići u inozemstvo jer nudimo usporedive uvjete i primanja! Također, podsjećamo i na naš otvoreni natječaj za ginekologe, koordinatore za IVF, i osoblje na pultu. Ako se prepoznajete, slobodno nam se javite s životopisom na mail ili ovdje porukom, i pozvat ćemo Vas na razgovor. Veselimo se vašem javljanju! Romana Dmitrović na večeri s kolegama u Beču, za vrijeme održavanja godišnjeg kongresa Europskog društva za humanu reprodukciju i embriologiju (ESHRE)
Naša embriologinja Sanja Vujisić na godišnjem kongresu Europskog društva za humanu reprodukciju i embriologiju (ESHRE) održanom u Beču, od 23.-26.06.2019.
Naši embriolozi, Sanja Vujisić i Nebojša Vujnović, prezentirali su poster o primarnoj cilijarnoj diskineziji (prikaz slučajeva) na 3. Androloškom Simpoziju održanom jučer na Medicinskom fakultetu u Zagrebu
Photos from BetaPlus's post
Naša embriologinja Sanja Vujisić ponovno je zadovoljila uvjete za produženje licence “senior embriologyst” koju dodjeljuje ESHRE (Europsko udruženje za humanu reprodukciju i embriologiju), a za koju je potrebno, osim redovne edukacije, zadovoljiti kriterij za znanstveni doprinos, kao i za profesionalnu angažiranost. Važan dio u obradi neplodnog para zauzima spermiogram i zato pridajemo pažnju kvaliteti našeg rada. Uspješno smo zadovoljili vanjsku kontrolu kvalitete rada našeg androloškog laboratorija u pogledu izrade spermiograma, te nam je dodijeljen certifikat Njemačkog androloškog društva za vanjsku kontrolu kvalitete.
Ljetno radno vrijeme - BetaPlus poliklinika za reprodukcijsku medicinu
Poštovani, na našoj web stranici možete naći ljetno radno vrijeme B+ laboratorija za humanu reprodukciju:
Photos from BetaPlus's post
Od 16-17.05.2019. održan je u Budimpešti regionalni proljetni forum o personaliziranoj zdravstvenoj skrbi neplodnih pacijenata. Skup je organiziralo Mađarsko društvo za ginekologiju i opstetriciju u suradnji s COGI (Controversis in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility). Na forumu je sudjelovala i naša dr. Martina Bračun
Photos from BetaPlus's post
Od 24.-28.04.2019. održan je u Los Angelesu godišnji kongres Američkog udruženja kliničkih endokrinologa (American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists). Na kongresu je sudjelovala i naša Romana Dmitrović
Photos from BetaPlus's post
U New Yorku je od 14.-16.03.2019. održan sastanak Europskog društva za humanu reprodukciju i embriologiju (ESHRE) i Američkog društva za reprodukcijsku medicinu (ASRM) pod nazivom "The best of ESHRE and ASRM". Na sastanku je sudjelovala naša dr. Martina Bračun
Buckina mama
Čestitamo Buckina mama od srca i nadamo se da ćete se ipak još jednom došetati do nas da Vas sve vidimo na okupu! 👨👩👧😘💝
Timeline Photos
Uspješnost MPO za 2018. Poliklinika BetaPlus 💪👏😇😇😇💪👏#betaplus#ivf#
Urolog - B+ novosti - BetaPlus poliklinika za reprodukcijsku medicinu
Želimo dobrodošlicu novom članu našeg tima, urologu, Mariu Sučiću
