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Šibenik In Your Pocket

Lastovska 42, Zagreb, Croatia



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[Awakening of the Dragon - Saturday, 12.08.2017.] A unique staging of the ancient #legend of ‘Lake Dragon Eye’ and the #dragon named Murin, which will be held along the #Rogoznica waterfront. Witness a story of true love that transforms the world, a story of courage, love, loyalty, and the triumph of good over evil. A fairy-tale world of dragons, wizards, knights and maidens, and become part of the legend.

Membrain Festival 2017 Dedicated to Bass Music where one can sense the vibe of the British underground club scene blending into the summer Mediterranean outdoors. Four days, three stages and over 50 DJs from across Europe! Photos: Membrain Fest Archives

Laid out by #landscape architect Dragutin Kiš and maintained by children from a local high school, the #Mediterranean Garden has become one of #Šibenik’s most popular attractions since opening its gates in 2007. The #garden aims to provide an accurate impression of what a medieval #monastery garden would have looked like, and is a marvellously soothing spot in which to enjoy a few moments of retreat. Photo: The Medieval Monastery Mediterranean Garden of St Lawrence

Hotel Villa Radin - Vodice - Hrvatska A small luxury hotel on the coast of Vodice, surrounded by a beautiful landscaped garden. Photo: Hotel Villa Radin

In its fourth year, the SuperUho Festival takes place in #Primošten and close to one of the most stunning beaches along the #Adriatic. And what a line-up with Billy Bragg, Buzzcocks, Conor Oberst, Gracin, Jessy Lanza, Sara Renar, Shellac, Liars and many more genre crossing acts. Don’t forget, camping is available and free WI-FI too!

Cooling down in Krka National Park ⛱️ Photo credit:

Od 08. do 12. kolovoza u Vodicama će se održati fotoradionica "Svijet u bojama" pod stručnim vodstvom diplomirane novinarke - fotoreporterke Sanje Grgić Ćurić. Pozvani su svi ljubitelji fotografije, a namijenjena je mladima i odraslima. Sa učenjem i traganjem za novim motivima počinje se 08.08. u 18:00 sati ispred Gradske vijećnice, a radionica završava izložbom najboljih radova 12.08. Voditeljica radionice je dipl. novinarka Sanja Grgić Ćurić, a prijave su obavezne na mobitel: 091 574 2343 Organizatori: Foto Hrvatska i Turistička zajednica grada Vodica

Another great #video showing the beauties of #Šibenik region from above 😍 VIDEO © Drone Hub, filmed by Dennis Schmelz.

See the forgotten traditional #wedding customs from the #Murter island and witness the parade where all the participants are dressed in costume and dance #traditional folklore on the main square, a dance of special rhythm and choreography but without music. Murterski pir is held tonight at the city's main square.

Sutra se u Galeriji sv. Krševana, povodom 30 godina rada kultnog brenda Charlie design hr otvara slavljenička izložba Charlie 30 Lori Was Here šibenske dizajnerice Loredane Bahorić.

50.-te tradicionalne tribunjske magareće trke održati će se u utorak, 1. kolovoza u Tribunju. Povodom obilježavanja 50 godina magarećih utrka, festival će se održavati kroz tri dana (30.,31.07. & 01.08.2017.). Uz fešte koje će se kroz tri festivalske večeri odvijati na trgu "Pijaca" i tribunjskom poluotoku, u Kulturnom centru Tribunj će biti postavljena i prigodna monografska izložba fotografija koja će prikazivati sve magareće trke: od 1.-ih do lanjskih 49.-tih trka! Foto arhiva: Turistička Zajednica Općine Tribunj


U OKOLINI Šibenik In Your Pocket