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The EDbU - The European Deafblind Union

Medulićeva 34, Zagreb, Croatia
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)



EDbU is an international NGO established with the primary aim of bringing deafblind persons out of isolation and improving the visibility of deafblindness


Open letter to Members of the European Parliament concerning the European Accessibility Act | European Disability Forum

OPEN LETTER TO MEMBERS OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT CONCERNING THE EUROPEAN ACCESSIBILITY ACT EDF, AGE Platform Europe and ANEC are deeply concerned about the draft report of the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO Committee) of the European Parliament on the European Accessibility Act (2015/0278(COD)) published on 6 January 2017. For this reason, they sent a joint letter to the members of the European Parliament to draw their attention to several key elements of the report which threaten to adversely affect the scope, the accessibility requirements, the linkages to other Union acts, the definitions, and the mechanisms persons with disabilities can use to complain. Reach it here:

FASOCIDE Intl. on Twitter

EDbU is united with NATIONAL CERMI who encourages act of civil protest against Ryanair! Read more:

For Grantseekers – Disability Rights Fund

Spread the news - Round 1 countries: Ghana (by invitation only), Haiti, Indonesia, Malawi, and Myanmar Disability Rights Fund

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Dear all, we wish you a merry Christmas, wonderful Holidays and a Happy New Year!

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Helga Stevens MEP

We are happy to support Ms Helga Stevens (ECR) as a candidate for the President of the European Parliament - open, transparent and efficient institution where every voice matters. Looking forward to see European Parliament as a strong mechanism that ensures people with disabilities can enjoy their rights in practice.

Celebrating 10 Years of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

The Convention that gave us a strong legal framework to advocate on the rights of persons with disabilities has today its 10th anniversary! #CRPD10

Photos from The EDbU - The European Deafblind Union's post

Last December 1st, Francisco Trigueros, EDbU EC member, attended at the European Parliament in Brussels the round table 'Building on the Promise of European Structural and Investment Funds into the Future', hosted by Mairead McGuinness, Vice President of the European Parliament and co-organised with Community Living for Europe: Structural Funds Watch. During the round table, a number of very interesting contributions were presented. “Community Living for Europe: Structural Funds Watch” is an independent initiative, which tracks how the clear commitment of the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) to support community living for persons with disabilities, children and older persons is being achieved. At the end of the round table, Mairead McGuinness, Vice President of the European Parliament, directly addressed Mr. Francisco Trigueros. She expressed her interest for the Deafblind people and the interpretation services used for ensuring full accessibility. She also pointed out at the importance of making Deafblind citizen visible to the rest of society. Mr. Trigueros informed Ms. McGuiness of the work EDbU is carrying out at European level to ensure the rights of Deafblind people.

Photos from The EDbU - The European Deafblind Union's post

Torn between two worlds: Deafblind woman who 'switched off' hearing honoured

Deafblind student who 'switched off' from hearing world recognised for community work

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Happy International Volunteer Day Global Applause to the one billion community volunteers worldwide. You are all instrumental to the future of people and the planet!

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European Day of Persons with Disabilities 2016: CRPD implementation cannot be business as usual | European Disability Forum

EUROPEAN DAY OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES 2016: CRPD IMPLEMENTATION CANNOT BE BUSINESS AS USUAL This year’s European Day of Persons with Disabilities marks the 10th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD). This has been the focus of the 2-day conference organised by the European Commission and EDF on 29-30 November 2016. Read more:

Photos from The EDbU - The European Deafblind Union's post

Defining further guidelines for continuation of cooperation with of EDbU and European Parliament #EDPD2016

Photos from The EDbU - The European Deafblind Union's post

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EDbU in elite company with partners united in European Platform of Deafness, Hard of Hearing and Deafblindness at European Day of Persons with Disability #EDPD2016

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U OKOLINI The EDbU - The European Deafblind Union