Axis Specialty Hospital - Neurological and Orthopedic Surgery in Croatia
Axis Special Hospital for Spinal Surgery, Neurosurgery and Orthopedic Surgery, located in Zagreb, Croatia. Focusing on health tourism. Vertebris International Spine Hospital was founded early in 2010 by group of enthusiasts (neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons and anesthesiologists lead by Robert Saftic MD, spinal neurosurgeon) tired of poor results and patient outcomes with traditional back surgery here in Croatia. Plan was to bring something new, something innovative, something better, something minimally-invasive that will ensure high patient satisfaction and reduce medical system expenses. After almost three successful years of work, in September 2012, we have expanded range of our services to minimally-invasive orthopedic joint surgery. Since then, hospital is internationally known as Axis Special Hospital.
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facebook.comWe are proud of our colleagues at Hoogland Spine Products GmbH for the introduction of transforaminal endoscopic spinal procedures with MaxMoreSpine system in Iran. This innovative procedures were carried out in Moheb Kosar Hospital in Tehran. Late dr. Thomas Hoogland, an early pioneer of endoscopic spinal surgery, had a vision to develop techniques, educate surgeons and distribute instrumentation for targeted surgery to treat herniated discs, disc degeneration and facet joint pathology. Thanks to his vision, experience and innovations this procedures are nowadays being performed in hundreds of hospitals all over the globe! Keep up the good work and keep promoting minimally-invasive spinal surgery!
[VIDEO] Our chief neurosurgeon and medical director dr. Robert Saftic speaking about his call, spine, endoscopic surgery, artificial discs.... watch this very interesting video! Tip: turn on captions (subtitles) :)
Last week Mr. Rory from Ireland visited us because of low-back pain and left leg pain caused by the herniated disc at level L5-S1. With endoscopic approach surgery in local anesthesia dr. Robert Saftic removed the degenerated part of the intervertebral disc and patient happily and painlessly flew out of Croatia! :) More information:
Happy patient from Bulgaria :)
[METRx PROCEDURES] When Dr. Foley and Dr. Smith introduced the new term MED (micro-endoscopic discectomy) in 1997, they started a real mini-revolution in the world of spine surgery. For the first time, it was possible to perform certain neurosurgical interventions, that could only be performed in a traditional way in general anesthesia (discectomy, foraminotomy, lamectomy, decompression), in a less invasive manner. METRx is a tubular retractor system that enables neurosurgeon to perform significantly more complex interventions in regional or spinal anesthesia, with constant patient-surgeon interaction during surgery and maximum preservation of other healthy spine structures (muscles, remaining and healthy part of the disk). We are proud to point out that our neurosurgeon Dr. Saftić has been performing METRx micro-endoscopic procedures for more than 10 years, and thanks to this fact, he is the most experienced surgeon in this part of Europe. Below we show several pictures taken in our operating room during the METRx surgical procedures... we do not take pictures from the Internet since we perform this procedures in our everyday practice :) More info:
Dear friends, patients and partners - Axis Specialty Hospital's team wishes you a Merry Christmas and happy and healthy New Year!
[IN THE NEW YEAR] It has been known for many years that on a weekly basis we are treating and advising patients from all over the world. In this way, the Republic of Croatia is firmly and irrevocably positioned on the world map of health tourism, specifically for one of the most demanding branches of medicine which is certainly spinal neurosurgery. We are looking forward to the beginning of 2018 and the interest of patients from England and Ireland who decided to come to us at Axis Specialty Hospital because of our innovations, applying the latest advances and technologies in endoscopic neurosurgery of the spine. Good luck everyone :)
We are proud of our orthopedic surgeon dr. Miskulin who as a invited lecturer and chairman participates in the 69th Annual Congress of the Egyptian Orthopedic Society (EOA) with very interesting topics of lectures: - Rotator cuff reconstruction - the state of the art - Shoulder instability repair - the state of the art
[BEST HOSPITAL OF THE WORLD] No, we are not the best hospital in the world ... and maybe you thought that after reading the title of this post. In the last few weeks we have repeatedly received messages and calls from certain international organizations that nominate us for the "Best Hospital" or "Best Health Care Center" award. In their messages and invitations all comes down to paying a certain fee for participating in their event, presenting the results of our work (that is not so important) - and here is the reward and title. It was not hard at all! So, do not be surprised how many hospitals have such titles, because it is not really difficult to achieve that. No, we are not the best hospital in the world. No, we are not the best hospital in Croatia either. We only have the best results and apply the best and most effective methods for treatment of the degenerated spine. We apply evidence-based medicine. Contact us with confidence!
Successful collaboration between MaxMoreSpine and Axis Specialty Hospital continues to the satisfaction of all stakeholders - employees of our hospital, clients and doctors of MaxMoreSpine and ultimately patients who are benefiting from worldwide training of spinal surgeons. Dr. Robert Saftic as an invited lecturer and instructor will soon attend the course organized by the aforementioned company. The goal of these courses is the training of spinal surgeons in the application of endoscopic spine surgery. MaxMoreSpine (Hoogland Spine) was founded by one of the early pioneers and promoters of minimal-invasive spinal surgery, late Dr. Thomas Hoogland. We are proud that we are participating in the promotion of this innovative technique, in cooperation with other team members developing transforaminal endoscopic spinal surgery and creating a new "gold standard" for treatment of herniated discs. Minimally-invasive spinal surgery in theory includes only those interventions that work through the endoscope, hence the maximum permissible cut on the skin is 8 millimeters. By endoscopic approach, in strictly indicated cases, we are able to treat almost all spinal pathologies (all types of herniated discs in lumbar spine, spinal canal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, foraminal stenosis).
Our spinal neurosurgeons dr. Robert Saftic and dr. Karlo Houra are currently attending Joint Meeting of Istanbul Spine Masters & ISMISS Turkey as invited lecturers with following presentations: - Transforaminal endoscopic discectomy to L5-S1 - Posterolateral tubular retractor foraminotomy for lumbar foraminal stenosis - seven years experience - Learning curve in endoscopic spine surgery and advices for beginners: personal experience Keep up the good work 😇👏👍
Rest in peace drs. Willem Zeegers 11.04.1945. - 20.09.2017. ✝️ Drs. Willem Zeegers was the world's famous and well-known medical doctor, especially in area of spinal medicine where he pioneered the technology of artificial disc replacement. He was not only a real professional and skilled surgeon, but also a wonderful warmhearted man and true friend. Born in 1945 in Maastricht, Netherlands, he devoted his life to medicine, saving lives and returning smiles to thousands of patients and their families from all over the world. Besides that he also served as an instructor and mentor in pioneering technology of artificial disc replacement, unselfishly sharing his knowledge since 1989 with doctors from all over the world. Digital Farewell / Book of Condolences: