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Syncro Trening Centar

Avenija V. Holjevca 14, Zagreb, Croatia



Personal and professional development trainings. ''Life is a Game. Roll the Dice.'' Syncro is a coaching and training organization specialized in finding
excellence in one's personal and professional life. It recognizes the
uniqueness of each individual and is focused on helping people discover and optimally use their own unique strengths and qualities. The vision of Syncro is to create a world that works for everyone, by delivering powerful personal development trainings.

Our flagship program, Syncro Training, is one of the most powerful methods for discovering what is really important to you in life and how to achieve it. It combines unique training method develop for over 40 years with modern coaching tools and to date helped thousands of people in the world create the life they want to live.

Syncro Training teaches practices that help you connect with your creative response to each moment, just as it happens. Life becomes an adventure in which nothing is finally fixed or determined. And you feel a new sense of freedom to find your own way through it.

Syncro Trening Centar je coaching i trening organizacija specijalizirana za pronalaženje izvrsnosti u privatnom i profesionalnom životu pojedinaca i poslovnih grupa. Prepoznaje različitost i jedinstvenost svake osobe te odgovara na pitanje kako optimalno iskoristiti vlastiti jedinstveni potencijal. Vizija Syncra je stvoriti svijet koji funkcionira za svakoga, putem jedinstvenih intenzivnih višednevnih treninga osobnog razvoja.

Naš vodeći edukativni program Syncro Trening jedinstven je na polju osobnog razvoja, što je baza za izvrsnost i u privatnom i u profesionalnom dijelu vašega života. Podučava vještinama koje pomažu da se povežete sa svojim kreativnim odgovorom u svakom trenutku, oslobađa od pritajenih briga i strahova, stvara pojedince koji cijene sebe, znaju što žele i kako to dobiti, i u konačnici daje osjećaj lakoće življenja. Život tako postaje avantura u kojoj ništa nije unaprijed određeno. A vi pronalazite novi osjećaj slobode tražeći svoj put kroza nj.



The Synesthesia Battery

Have you ever heard of SYNESTHESIA? Are you a person who gets a a strong sensation of a colour when looking or hearing numbers? Do the days of the week or months have a specific place in relation to your body? Synesthesia is a neurological phenomenon is when stimulation in one sensory leads to involuntary sensation in another sensory. Researches on synesthesia gave a lots of insights in how the brain actually operates. Some of very amazing people and inventors were synesthetes; like the famous Nikola Tesla. Most of the people who have these experiences do not know that they are synesthetes. You may check out if you are a synesthete yourself in the following link in a battery test developed by Dr David Eagleman laboratory:


Martin Strel is a 62-year old Slovenian, a marathon swimmer, who swam the world's most longest and dangerous rivers. In this short movie about his adventures, he also mentions the way how he does it... reaching a meditative, almost a hypnotic state. In psychology we would call that state a state of a 'flow'. Can you recall any of the situations when you were so dedicated in the activity, that you forgot the time passing by? That is a flow! We describe a 'flow' is an intense mental state where person is completely involved in the action he/she is doing, and experiencing the feeling of complete concentration, dedication and happiness, clarity and being a part of something bigger. As a psychological construct, it was firstly described by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. There are more than one research on connection of the 'state of flow' and happiness in life. For those who want to learn more, here is a TED talk on the topic

Fans Against Violence - Croatia

Ovako je izgledao Fans Against Violence - Croatia" turnir 3x3 koji se 16.04.2016. održao na Kineziološkom fakultetu u Zagrebu a na kojem su sudjelovali navijači i obožavatelji košarke iz nekoliko hrvatskih gradova. Pobjednici i drugo plasirani u ženskoj i muškoj kategoriji putuju u Litvu ovu subotu na međunarodni turnir navijača iz Litve, Bugarske, Turske, Španjolske i Hrvatske u sklopu međunarodnog projekta "Fans Against Violence". Odlično je biti dio jedne uspješne priče u sportu! Čestitke svim natjecateljima i Hrvatskom košarkaškom savezu na odličnim pripremama! #fav

Timeline Photos

Od 19.-23.02.2016. održali smo u Sarajevu, Bosna i Hercegovina, "Trening za trenere" za mlade aktiviste organizacije Schüler Helfen Leben kako bi ih obučili za samostalni rad i izvedbu višednevnih radionica. Naši polaznici bili su prepuni dojmova. Ovo su neki od njih: -„Postala sam svjesna svojih sposobnosti komunikacije, grupnog rada i naravno facilitacije. Moja zona konfora je znatno proširena u smislu da se osjećam sigurno pred polaznicima u ulozi trenera. „ -„Ovaj seminar mi je otvorio oči, ali i vrata ka novim prilikama. Pružio mi je priliku da radim s kvalitetnim ljudima, i steknem vještina i znanja koja su mi potrebna da bi bila kvalitetan trener.“ - „Odličan koncept, stupnjevito i slojevito smo gradili svoje znanje o tome kako biti trener.“ -„Naučio sam kako postaviti kvalitetno pitanje, kako se snaći u prostoru, kako ostaviti dio spontanosti, raditi u paru, koncipirati trening, razliku između osobnog i profesionalnog kod trenera. Naučio sam kako uvidjeti greške i prihvatiti ih... Naučio sam proučavati ciljnu skupinu. Naučio sam zašto sam ja ovdje. Shvatio sam kuda želim nastaviti!“ - „Ovaj trening je odlična prilika da naučimo više o sebi, onome što želimo i unaprijedimo dosadašnja znanja i vještine.“ -„... naučio sam kako to sve funkcionira i dalo mi mnoge riječi za djela koje sam već radio, ali i dalo mi odgromnu dozu injekcije motivacije, ali i zadovoljstva i ispunjenosti jer sam toliko radio i napredovao.“ -„Samo nastavite to što radite na način na koji radite i nastavite 'prosvjetljavati' ljude. Siguran sam da će biti toliko neizmejrno zahvalni nakon toga, baš kako i mi jesmo.“ - „Jednom rječju – savršenstvo“. Hvala svima za predani rad i odlično učenje! *** From 19-23 February 2016 we have held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, „Training for trainers“ for young activists of the Schüler Helfen Leben organisation in order to train them for independent group work and implementation of multiple days workshops. Here are some of the impressions from our participants: -„I have become aware of my communication competence, group work and facilitation. My comfort zone has significantly expanded and I feel confident in front of the group in the role of a trainer.“ -„This training has opened my eyes, and a pathway towards the new opportunities. I had a chance to work with competent people, and to gain skills and knowledge in order to be a competent trainer.” -“Great concept, we have build our competences going through levers and layers of being a trainer.” -“I have learnt to ask a quality question, to manage myself in space, work with spontaneity, work in couple, design a training, the difference between the personal and professional as a trainer. I have learned to see the mistakes and accept them.... I have learned to observe my target group. I have learnt why I am here. And I realized where I want to continue.” “This training is an excellent opportunity to learn more about ourselves, about what we want, and to improve already existing skills and knowledge.” „... I have learnt how it all functions, and it gave me words for the things I have already been doing. It also gave me a huge injection of motivation, and satisfaction and fulfilment as I work so much and improved.“ -„Continue doing what you are doing in a way you are doing, and keep on 'enlighten' people. I am sure they are going to be extremely grateful, just as we are.“ -„In one word – perfect.“ Thank you everybody for dedicated work and great learning!

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U sklopu projekta "Fans Against Violence", odnosno "Navijači protiv nasilja" nositelj kojeg je Hrvatski košarkaški savez, održali smo ovaj vikend fokus grupe s predstavnicima navijačkih skupina u dva hrvatska grada. U subotu 27.02. prva fokus grupa održana je u Sinju koju smo nakon uspiješnog rada i neformalnog druženja okrunili sudjelovanjem na košarkaskoj utakmici KK Alkara iz Sinja i KK Jolly iz Šibenika. U nedjelju 28.02. susreli smo se s košarkaškim navijačima iz Zagreba na Kineziološkom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Ovo je početak rada s fokus grupama kao jedna od aktivnosti u projektu. Veselimo se nastavku suradnje sa svim navijačima! In the scope of the project "Fans against Violence", on behalf of the Croatian Basketball Federation, last weekend we have held the first focus groups with the representatives of the fan groups in the two Croatian cities. On Saturday February 28th the first focus group was held in Sinj. After successful meeting and informal gathering we have joined the fans in the basketball game between KK Alkar from Sinj and KK Jolly from Šibenik. On Sunday February 28th we have meet the basketball fans from Zagreb on Faculty of Kinesiology. This has been the beginning of the focus groups within the project "Fans against Violence". We are looking forward to the coming cooperation with the fans!

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Impact Hub Zagreb

Uzmi stvari u svoje ruke! Impact Inkubator će ti pomoći da pokreneš svoj posao i budeš pokretač promjena. Prijave za sudjelovanje otvorene su do 17.02.!


U OKOLINI Syncro Trening Centar

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