The CSO is dedicated to promoting the study and practice of orthodontics, improving professional standards and encouraging research in the specialty. The Croatian Society of Orthodontics (CSO) was established in Zagreb on October 6, 2006, on the principles of Croatian orthodontics, ethics, collegiality and promotion of the values of the orthodontic profession. The Croatian Society of Orthodontics has ever since been organizing professional meetings in various towns of Croatia with both domestic and foreign speakers. The activities and principles of the Society were recognized by the Croatian Medical Association (CMA), which introduced the Croatian Society of Orthodontics among its professional societies on March 6, 2010. Joining the Croatian Medical Association represented a great acknowledgment of our efforts.
We continually organize meetings on current topics. Thanks to the engagement of our members, information from various international congresses are exchanged and presented among colleagues. Croatian orthodontics, like any other branch of medicine or dental medicine, is founded on scientific and professional learnings, accelerating technological advancement, computerization and access to information, as well as the efforts of orthodontists who, in their practice, promote ideas of progress and medical care for their patients. The orthodontists face difficult and challenging requirements every day, and they expect and need support from their association, as well as advice and security in doing their job. In line with health care legislation, the Croatian Society of Orthodontics published Informed Consent and Acceptance of Orthodontic Treatment, available to members in printed form, and comprising all the necessary elements for any orthodontic therapy approach.
The tasks of the Society are: pool orthodontists and professionals of related professions in order to advance all areas of orthodontics; provide professional, scientific and material assistance with the aim of improving educational and scientific activities at faculties and institutes in the area of orthodontics and to popularize orthodontics; hold public meetings, lectures, seminars and courses; organize scientific and expert meetings and congresses, inform the general public on the Society’s activities through various media, scientific or professional publications or by any other appropriate means of information; provide professional assistance to its members and strengthen collaboration with related organizations in Croatia and abroad.
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4th Alpe-Adria Orthodontic Symposium
Temporomandibular joint disorders: A journey from occlusion to the orofacial pain / From scientific evidence to clinical practice /
South European Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Research
Great New Issue
Dear participants of 2016 3rd International Congress of Croatian Society of Orthodontics, we are pleased to say thank you to each of you who have attended this Congress. We appreciate your participation and sharing your ideas and expertise. We certainly hope that the Congress has been all that you expected it to be and that you have taken the opportunity to make new friends and renew old acquaintances. Also, to have discussion and exchange of many experiences, suggestions and opinions with colleagues from all over the world. Our next meeting is Alpe-Adria Symposium in Porec 26.-27.5.2017. with the topic TMD and occlusion. We expect to meet you there and have a nice time with you again. Sincerely, Tomislav Lauc
Dear Colleagues, the 3rd International Congress of Croatian Society of Orthodontics Final Programme is available for download at
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[ THE WINNER IS...] We would like to thank all colleagues on the registration for the 3rd HDO-CSO Congress, thus they were given the opportunity to participate the contest. As we previously announced we use this opportunity to congratulate the colleague Minka Višković for winning the registration fee for 4.Alpe Adria symposium :)
HDO-CSO Congress 2016 - Whova Event App
Dear Colleagues, We'd like to announce that HDO-CSO Congress 2016 has the official app. Get agenda, maps, event info, and network with other attendees, free! You can download the free official Whova app for our event We look forward to seeing you soon at HDO-CSO Congress 2016. Dragi kolege, želimo Vas obavijestiti da HDO-HLZ Kongres 2016. ima službenu aplikaciju. Pristupite rasporedu predavanja, planu grada, detaljima kongresa i vašim kolegama, besplatno. Službenu Whova aplikaciju za naš događaj možete preuzeti na: Radujemo se Vašem dolasku.
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[ REGISTER TO SPLIT AND WIN POREČ! ] From now on new attendees of 3th International Congress CSO in Split as well as already registered one, have a great opportunity to win fee for free on the next event organized by CSO. Each of the participants who sign up to the Congress till Monday (3 October) have a chance to earn a registration fee for the 4. Alpe-Adria Orthodontic Congress in Poreč (26th - 27th May 2017). Good luck colleagues! :) The winner will be announced on Monday on our Facebook page. SPLIT: POREČ:
Dear colleagues and friends of the Croatian Society of Orthodontists, It is my honor and great pleasure to invite you to the 3rd International Congress of the Croatian Society of Orthodontists Croatian Medical Association (CSO CMA), which will be held in Split, Croatia, October 6th-8th, 2016 under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Croatia, HE Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic. Since the previous two Congresses were held in Zagreb, we decided to change its venue to Split this year in recognition of the great work of our colleagues from central and southern Croatia, and the University of Split. The program of this year's Congress is designed not only for orthodontists and orthodontic residents, but also for the doctors and students of dental medicine, as well as dental technicians and assistants. With the world-renowned experts as lecturers at the Congress, we will cover a variety of topics, including complex orthodontic cases, airway, retention and relapse, and forensic expertise with special emphasis on evidence-based orthodontics. One of our continuing missions as orthodontists is to improve the effectiveness and stability of treatment outcomes over time. Accomplishing this mission requires interdisciplinary collaboration and individualized approach to the patient. With that in mind, we dedicated a significant portion of the scientific program to invited lectures in a broad range of disciplines including dental and general medicine, forensic science, and legal rights. The vision of the Congress scientific and organizing committees’ members has always been to promote novel knowledge, clinical experience, innovative methods and techniques that can lead to excellence in orthodontic treatment. Therefore, our 3rd Congress aims to improve both the quality of your practice, as well as satisfaction of your patients. I am certain that in addition to gaining new knowledge and skills, , attendance of the Congress will provide opportunities for expanding your professional network in the beautiful new congress center at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Split, as well as in the city itself. We therefore whole-heartedly invite you to participate in the 3rd International Congress of HDO CMA, and in doing so, contribute to our joint success! With respect, President of the Congress Assistant Professor Tomislav Lauc
Drage kolege, čast nam je objaviti da će prof. Kawamoto boraviti na KB Dubrava, više detalja:
Croatian Society of Orthodontics / Hrvatsko društvo ortodonata HLZ
Croatian Society of Orthodontics / Hrvatsko društvo ortodonata HLZ