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Effects of Teacher Training on Secondary Teachers’ Mathematical Content Knowledge in Dhaka, Bangladesh - Research leap

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Effects of Teacher Training on Secondary Teachers’ Mathematical Content Knowledge in Dhaka, Bangladesh Bangladesh has seen education as critical to poverty reduction, economic progress and prosperity (Andeleeb, 2007; Ministry of Education [MoE], 2012) and have made “international commitments to ensure the achievement of ‘education for all’ goals and targets for every citizen by the year 2015” (Rahman, Hamzah, Meerah & Rahman, 2010, p. 115). Thus, various government and non-government initiatives have resulted in significant progress with regard to access to both primary and secondary education such as more schools and teachers, curriculum revision and increased enrolment rates especially for girls in secondary education (Rahman et al., 2010). Also, for enhancing the quality of primary and secondary education the government of Bangladesh has been considering teacher education as a major factor. Read more at #Researchleap #research #article #researcharticles #newarticle #IJIED #journal #teacher #training #dhaka #bangladesh

The Impact of Government Debt on the Economic Growth of Ghana: A Time Series Analysis from 1990-2015 - Research leap

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The Impact of Government Debt on the Economic Growth of Ghana: A Time Series Analysis from 1990-2015 Recent narratives of excessive borrowing by the Ghanaian government for various projects, shows the country’s appetite for more and more extortionate and unaffordable foreign loans. These actions have brought into sharp focus the scale of the crisis in Ghana’s financial and economic wellbeing (Nyarko, 2014). Read more at #Researchleap #research #article #researcharticles #newarticle #IJIED #journal #impact #government #ghana #debt

Women’s Migration Processes from Georgia - Research leap

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Women’s Migration Processes from Georgia In the face of world global processes, predictable and non-predictable changes take place. The intensity of population’s territorial movement belongs to such changes and this movement is already an urgent global problem with its economic and socio-political results. In the era of globalization, international migration processes have gained completely different scale, the intensity of migration between the source and destination countries, as well as geographic scope, gender and age structure of migrants, reasons and factors of migration have changed. According to UN’s estimation, in 2000, when world population reached 6,057 billion, the number of international migrants was 2.9%, i.e. 222 million and in 2015 this number reached 244 million. Read more at #Researchleap #research #article #researcharticles #newarticle #IJIED #journal #migration #georgia #women #migrants

Interactional Justice and Employees’ Commitment to Supervisor in Nigerian Health Sector - Research leap

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Interactional Justice and Employees’ Commitment to Supervisor in Nigerian Health Sector A number of studies have concluded that the commitment of an employee to the supervisor is a positive outcome to pursue. These studies found different forms of interactions between employees’ commitment to supervisors and a number of other variables (Becker, Billings, Eveleth and Gilbert, 1996; Chen, Tsui and Farh 2002; Gregerson, 1993). The work of Becker et al. (1996) discovered that employees’ commitment to supervisor is positively associated with job performance and return a stronger association than the degree of association generated by overall organizational commitment and performance. Read more at #Researchleap #research #article #researcharticles #newarticle #IJIED #journal #interactionaljustice #innovation #economic #development

A Case of Cultural Conflict, Centering around “Communal Computer” at a University in Japan as a Transcultural Contact Zone - Research leap

International Journal of Innovation and Economic Development. A Case of Cultural Conflict, centering around “Communal Computer” at a University in Japan as a Transcultural Contact Zone. Cultural conflict can occur any time at anywhere when more than one person from different culture interactions. Areas of conflict can be on the surface level, or deep in the value and assumption levels. Many times, when people experience cultural conflict, usually subjugated or a less powerful party is silenced, and the conflict itself may not be sensed by any parties participating in the interaction but only in the subjugated one. This cultural conflict happened in a Support Room at a university in Japan. This ten-year-old office serves international students, and basic facilities in the office include desks, chairs, computers, couches, and tables in the space, 5 meters by 10 meters. Read more at #Researchleap #research #article #researcharticles #newarticle #IJIED #journal #cultural #conflict #Japan #university #computer #transcultural

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The tips in Research Leap Manual on Academic Writing contain practical methods of creating an academic paper which your readers will easily follow. With this guide, you will learn how to: • Choose a topic • Think (brainstorm) • Build an organized text • Write good introduction, thesis, body and conclusion parts • Format your writing • Reference your work Get expert academic writing tips straight to your inbox, and become a better academic writer. Download our PDF manual right now from the link: Access more academic resources and subscribe at #Researchleap #research #effectiveacademicwriting #academicwritingtips #howtowriteanacademicpaper #manual #researchleapmanual #pdf #pdfmanual

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A Support of Independent Processes Outside of Information System, Using an Ontology Driven Application - Research leap

International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration. A Support of Independent Processes Outside of Information System, Using an Ontology Driven Application. The article is focused on the information technology (IT) support of processes outside of information system (IS) in corporate environment. It is well known that it is time-consuming and costly to set up an IS’s missing features, in addition to implementing them on the level of a particular customer. One of the ways to avoid having to do so is the implementation of an application that supports processes outside of an IS, but that is able to cooperate with the corporate IS. Read more at #Researchleap #research #article #researcharticles #newarticle #support #independent #process #information #system #ontology #application

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Best Practice of Benchmarking of World’s Top Universities: Lessons for Higher Educational Institutions of Uzbekistan - Research leap

International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration. Best Practice of Benchmarking of World’s Top Universities: Lessons for Higher Educational Institutions of Uzbekistan. Paying close attention to the world’s top ten university rankings, we can find that mainly the USA and the UK universities dominate the world rankings of the best universities. Generally, most of the similar rankings are formulated based on different characteristics including a number of international students, research and development capability, employment rate of graduates, the expertise of faculty, satisfaction of students, staff, etc. However, it is obvious that universities of the United Kingdom, the United States of America and European cities including Germany are considered to offer the best quality of master’s education in the world. Read more at #Researchleap #research #article #researcharticles #newarticle #benchmarking #top #university #Uzbekistan #institution #education #lesson #worldtop


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