Team of young creatives who appreciate nice design and innovative easy to use web solutions.
Our young team tends to be passionate and proactive in every aspect of business. We strongly believe that good community management and quality branding is key to success .
To our clients we provide full service in meaning of developing an idea, creating concept, establishing marketing platform including attractive web design, community management, social media, ad words, Facebook applications, blogging and much more.
We appreciate nice design, creative ideas and diversity.
Tell your friends
We wish you a happy and successful new year :)
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Sretan i blagoslovljen Božić želi vam Aplitap :)
Aplitap's cover photo
Spin City - car sharing
Uživamo u vožnji sa Spin City - car sharing vozilima! Službene vožnje postaju prava avantura :)
Timeline Photos
SRETAN DAN INTERNAUTA! Na današnji dan prije 25 godina World Wide Web se otvorio javnosti. Riječ "internaut" dolazi od kombinacije riječi internet i astronaut. Danas postoji više od 2,8 milijardi internauta!
Instagram Blog
#INSTAGRAM uvodi novu opciju koja bi mogla dramatično promijeniti način na koji aplikacija funkcionira, na uzoru na Snapchat, u Instagram uvode priče (stories). Instagram priče nestajat će za 24 sata, a iz tvrtke napominju kako sad korisnici više ne moraju dijeliti samo ono što žele da im ostane na zidu - sad možete dijeliti i sve ono što se događa u međuvremenu. ;) Pročitajte više na:
We've got Site of the :)
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Još jedna nagrada Danas smo dobili veliko priznanje od CSS Design Awards - #SpecialKudos za web stranicu našeg partnera Purple and Grey
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Web stranica za našeg novog klijenta purple&grey nominirana je na CSS Design Awards za "Site of the day!" Više na linku:
Timeline Photos
Great workshops and lectures, it's for sure Design Week Zagreb has started. See You there! :) #tdzg Tjedan dizajna
A peek at the new Čistoća Dubrovnik website
Little teaser of our new project... ;) #gameofthrones #webDesign #DigitalAgency
LinkedIn ads | Aplitap
Still not on LinkedIn? #Linkedin #ads
If anyone needs CPR we are ready 😎 tnx to #cromedic #cpr #savinglives #client

@ivanjakoplic - a machine that turns coffee☕️ into code😎 #development #web #webdesign #cool #digitalagency #coding #php #database #socialmedia #backenddeveloper #website #laravel #ninja

Google goodies deliverd today 🙌🏻🙌🏻🎉 #socialmediamarketing #digitalagency #digitalmarketing #google #googlepartners #gameon #design #onlineadvertising #cool #behance #dribbble #socialmedia @google

Who says that we don't do offline?! #directmarketing #mailer #offlinemarketing #promo #advertising #sale #marketing #digitalmarketing #digitalagency #design #b2bmarketing #socialmediamarketing

We go eco :) #spincity #carsharing #digitalagency #electriccar #newtoys #fun #zagreb #drivesafe

Yet another #award :) We've got a big recognition from #cssdesignawards #specialkudos for the website of our partner @purpleandgreyhr what we are very proud. #digitalagency #ux #ui #webdesign #webawards #design #portfolio #website #team #behance #dribbble #html5 #css3 #webdevelopment #project #seo

Soon to be on #behance our latest #web #project, can't wait. #sneakpeek #digitalagency #purpleandgrey #webdesign #portfolio #awsome #custom #typography #cms #webdevelopment #html5 #css3 #inspiration #ux #design #seo #

This is how it's done #design #web #digitalagency #creativity #presentation #webdesign #seo #unique #custom #handcrafted

Friday #iOS project #balsamiq #digitalagency #xcode #swift #mobileapp #development #fun #creativity

FINALLY ❗️❗️❗️ My dearest #InstagramFriends, I'm delighted to announce that after a long time of asking me what filters do I use on my pictures, I've created a great photo editing App. It's my take on playing with filters and it's an attempt to combine all of my favourite things together that I've been missing in other photo editing apps. #FiltersByMG is free for you, my dear Insta friends, just #Download it in the App Store and put some of my photo magic onto your own pictures... 📸💥🎉🎈🎊 #HaveFun 💞

Our new fun and interactive #Facebook #application that allows customer to win prizes while playing a #game. The goal was to make a little bit different contest and entertain customers with a new game. #digitalagency #socialmedia #app #Dormeo #invidaagency

This week we made a #Facebookapp #Dormeo pillow fight 2016 #digitalagency #webdesign #webapp #socialmediamarketing #socialmedia #socialapp #development
