University college Algebra's MBA study program eLeadership MBA
Organizations need a new type of leaders who will accomplish business objectives using technology. e-Leadership is transformation, disruption and opportunity in age of digital economy. It’s much more than just a digital transformation.
In a fast changing world dominated by technology the lack of e-Leadership education is striking. So is the limited off er of targeted programs that support digital transformation. University College Algebra, Zagreb (Croatia) is among the fi rst in Europe having developed an e-Leadership MBA program in cooperation with faculty members at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University, one of the top ranked business schools in the United States. The idea of 2 years and 120 ECTS points program has been based on best MBA programs (with core MBA courses), supplemented by:
Full implementation of proposed requirements set by new EU e-Leadership initiative, promoting e-Leadership competences developed by: IDC, INSEAD and EU Commission
Full implementation of AMBA content criteria for the MBA studies accreditation
The program has total of 17 (+1) modules (courses) planned in duration of 40 contact hours each (total of 720 contact hours), case study and fi nal thesis. In a nutshell, program includes all of the 1st year MBA core courses available in most top quality MBA programs and a number of 2nd year courses that actually present framework in technology fi eld, following key e-Leadership recommendations.
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facebook.comWherever you are with your project, little help from your MBA friends always comes handy! So, dear MBA students and Alumni don't miss our first 'Student Talks'. Join us for some pre-Easter gathering where we will share lessons, advises and some good snacks! Click on the link below for more details and application.
Our new blog is online! 1st generation MBA team Free California does not waste time! Check out how their student idea has become a successful project, named WePark.
Proud of our legal hackers – Igor Cerinski, MBA class 2016 and Matea Pukec, MBA class 2017 :)
A new global survey of C-suite executives looks at how digitization unfolds across industries and how incumbents are responding. With some notable exceptions, the answer is: “Not well.” Read more:
A good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of the credit. - Arnold H. Glasow
When it comes to a Strategic Management it's always the best to start doing the practical part embracing the theoretical knowledge gained through classes. Our MBA students are in the middle of creating a vision and mission statement for one of the Croatian brands. #mba #strategicmanagement #algebra
[MBA LIBRARY TREASURES] New book recommendation from our MBA students: Body Language - Allan Pease This international bestseller reveals the secrets of nonverbal communication to give you confidence and control in any face-to-face encounter–from making a great first impression and acing a job interview to finding the right partner. #library #mba #books #read
Let's do business together! Our MBA students take part of this interesting startup. The company WePark came up with the solution to the traffic jams in Zagreb, Croatia. Using the Wepark app, all the registered users can find and book their parking lot, be guided to the location of the spot and open the ramp to enter the lot. Also, the app allows the payment of this service (credit card, voucher or prepaid). Read more (in Croatian)...
A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. - John C. Maxwell
It is 60 years since Artificial Intelligence (AI) was first recognized as an academic discipline, but it is only in the 21st Century that AI has caught both businesses’ interest and the public’s imagination. But AI doesn’t just refer to a machine that is intelligent in terms of its operation, but also in terms of its social consequences. Read more:
A "THINK DIFFERENT" APPROACH TO INNOVATION - Based on the Seven Guiding Principles of Apple CEO Steve Jobs In his acclaimed bestseller, The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs author Carmine Gallo laid out a simple step-by-step program of powerful tools and proven techniques inspired by Steve Jobs's legendary presentations. Now, he shares the Apple CEO's most famous, most original, and most effective strategies for sparking true creativity - and real innovation - in any workplace. #library #mba #books #read
When you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat. - Ronald Reagan