Kornati Excursions | Exclusive tours to Kornati Islands, Krka waterfalls and Plitvice lakes
Enjoy breathtaking scenery of these three beautiful National Parks.
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Kornati Excursions | Exclusive tours from Zadar to Kornati Islands, Plitvice lakes and Krka waterfalls!
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facebook.comGet ready, the season is coming!
Mana swimming in the ocean <3
Would you like to feel the power of this breathtaking moment? You have a chance. Grab your spot on island Mana! Book your tour now: #Kornati #NPKornati #NationalPark #BeautyofCroatia #Nature #Traveling #Excursions #KornatExcursions #PlavaLaguna #Zadar
[NAGRADNA IGRA / GIVEAWAY] Pozdrav svima! Imamo dobre vijesti za vas! Hello dear tourists, travelers and nature lovers! We have a good news for you! Božično je vrijeme pa smo odlučili po drugi put ikada i mi vas nagraditi! It's Christmas time so we have our second ever giveaway! Osvoji 2 karte (svaka vrijedi 380 kn) za najbolju turu po Nacionalnom Parku Kornati. Ukoliko provodite koji dan ljeta 2018. u Zadru, ovo je šansa za vas! It's your chance to win 2 tickets (each values 50 €) for the best tour to National Park Kornati in the town! If you are planing to visit Zadar in 2018. year, this is the great opportunity to see and experience more! Pobjednici biraju datum. Winners choose the date. Kako sudjelovati? Par jednostavnih koraka: 1. Lajkaj našu stranicu: Kornat-Excursions - Trips to Kornati, Plitvice and Krka 2. Lajkaj i podijeli ovu objavu. 3. Označi osobu sa kojom želiš podijeliti ovu nagradu! How to take a part? There are just few easy steps: 1. If you haven't already, make sure to like our page. 2. Like and share this post. 3. Tag a person you want to share the reward with. Sretni dobitnici biti će objavljeni 1. Veljače 2018. Lucky winners will be choosen at 1st of February 2018. Sretno svima! Good luck to all the competitors! support:
When Plitvice get frozen. #Winter #NPPlitvice #PlitvickaJezera #KornatExcursions
I naša mana je dobila svoj trenutak pred sam kraj ovog promo video uradka. Our island Mana also got it's moment at the end of this promotional video of our country. check it out! #Croatiafulloflife #Kornatiexcursions #Mana
Now when the summer is far behind us, we already miss this beautiful island Mana. #Kornati #NPKornati #NationalPark #BeautyofCroatia #Nature #Traveling #Excursions #KornatExcursions #PlavaLaguna #Zadar
One more season is almost behind us. To put a crown on it, we got Certficate of excellence for 2017. y. from #TripAdvisor Thank you all for being part of this story. We will continue also in September in a little bit slower tempo. Cheers! #KornatExcursions #Tripadvisor #Certificateofexcelence2017
Trip from Zadar to National Park Kornati with the most popular boat in the city - Plava Laguna.
It's important to know the diference between NP Kornati and PP Telaščica.
Visit National Park Kornati with Plava Laguna boat - top rated on tripadvisor. Book your tour online: or by phone: +385921450277 Viber & Whatsapp support