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Subaquatic Diving Center

, Umag, Croatia



Dear Friend,

Leave nothing but bubbles, take nothing but memories! :)  Ronilačkim centrom upravlja bračni par Mateja i Damjan.  Oboje su aktivni ronioci od 1988. g. a od 2000.g dobivaju status PADI instruktora sa mnogo iskustva u zemlji i inozemstvu. Njihov je hobi podvodna fotografija, podvodno snimanje i organiziranje ronilačkih izleta u inozemstvo. Podvodni svijet je njihov drugi dom. Od 1999. g. su živjeli, radili i putovali u mnogim zemljama diljem jugoistočne Azije. Kao podvodni vodiči i instruktori radili su u Indoneziji (Sulawesi),  Maleziji (otok Perhentian), te na Tajlandu (Khaolak / Similan-Surin). 2011.g. dobivaju novog malog šefa Mihu. Podvodna ekipa je sastavljena od iskusnih međunarodnih ronilačkih instruktora i voditelja ronjena koji će vaše ronjenje učiniti jedinstvenim.

Subaquatic ronilački centar nalazi se u srcu slikovite lagune naselja Sol Stella Maris. Idealno je mjesto za one koji traže aktivni odmor.


Subaquatic dive center is managed by couple Mateja and Damjan who are also the owners of Barakuda dive club in Slovenia. They are both active divers since 1988 and holding teaching status of PADI instructors since 2000, with many experiences at home and abroad. Their hobby is underwater video, uw photography and organizing dive trips overseas. Underwater world and scuba dive industry is committed in their heart and soul. Since 1999 were lived, worked and traveled in many countries around South East Asia. As an underwater guide and dive instructors were worked on Sulawesi (Indonesia), on Perhentian island (Malaysia) and in KhaoLak / Similan-Surin (Thailand). Since 2011 they have a big young boss Miha. Subaquatic dive team is composed of experienced international dive instructors and dive masters who will make your scuba dive unique.

Subaquatic diving center is open from early spring to late fall every day from 9 am to 7 pm. We organize daily tours of two or three dives at different locations, that are remote from the center from 15 minutes to one hour drive by our boat. Flipper has a capacity of 12 divers + crew, it is 12 m in length and has engine power of 350 HP. It is equipped with GPS navigation, fish Finder, UHF radio station, and a set of First Aid O2. Our captain Kiki will make you trip safe and comfortable.

The center is equipped with two air compressors with 760l/min filling capacity, 45 cylinders (6, 10, 12 and 15 liters) and 12 complete sets of diving equipment. We are located close to the sea. Our guests can use outdoor swimming pool with showers close to the beach. Deck chairs, umbrellas and restaurant are also available. You can park your car at front of the center. Location included diving is also suitable for people with disabilities.
