Three-star hotel-restaurant "Trogir", recently renovated, more than two hundred years old house in the center of Trogir. Three-star hotel-restaurant "Trogir" is located in a renovated, more than two hundred years old house in the center of Trogir. The house is completely renovated in a traditional way.
Restaurant at the hotel offers all kinds of meat and fish as well as a wide selection of wines. Visit us and enjoy Yourself.
Hotel - restoran "Trogir", sa tri zvjezdice, nalazi se u obnovljenoj, više od dvjesto godina staroj kući u centru Trogira. Kuća je kompletno renovirana na tradicionalan način.
Restoran u hotelu nudi sve vrste mesa i ribe, kao i veliki izbor vina. Posjetite nas i uživajte.
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Sretan Božić i Novu 2017. godinu svim dragim gostima, posjetiteljima i partnerima želi osoblje i vlasnik hotela Trogir.*** Hotel i restoran su zatvoreni sve do 01.04.2017. i onda se ponovo vidimo u slijedećoj 2017. u novom ruhu. (y)
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#advent #Božić #NovaGodina #Trogir
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Dragi gosti, došli smo do kraja još jedne uspješne turističke sezone. S vama smo se radovali, dočekivali Vas i s vama se opraštali. Obavještavamo Vas da je danas zadnji radni dan restorana, dok će recepcija raditi do kraja ovog mjeseca listopada. Hvala Vam. :-) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear guests, we have come to the end of another successful season. With you, we rejoiced, greeted you and you are saying goodbye. We inform you that today is the last working day of the restaurant, while the reception work by the end of October. Thank you :-)
#island #Trogir #autumn #vacations #visit #us #magic
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Danas je blagdan Velike Gospe. Provedimo ga u miru i Božjem blagoslovu. Restoran je otvoren do 24 sata, a recepcija 0-24. Vidimo se.
Moondance Festival
#moondance #fortress #Kamerlengo #party #summer
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#Free #Night #StLawrence
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Svim dragim gostima, prijateljima, a posebno hrvatskim braniteljima čestitamo njihov dan, Dan pobjede i domovinske zahvalnosti. (y)
Croatia: a week on a yacht in the mediterranean - 4K - DJI Phantom 3 Professional (2016)
Good morning everyone :) :)
19 Reasons Summer in Croatia Will Ruin Your Life
Summer in the city***Season has just begun :-)
Trogir: 25 Things to Know about UNESCO Old Town Heaven
A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Little Venice of Dalmatia or as some call it The Stone Beauty – Trogir and its surrounding area featuring island Čiovo. #Dalmatia #Trogir #vacations #memories #repose #sights #hotel
David Guetta ft. Zara Larsson - This One's For You Croatia (UEFA EURO 2016™ Official Song)
Veceras pratimo nase Vatrene i idemo dalje...Go Croatia to final 💽 ⚽⚽🍻🍺🍸🍷🎇