Split Game of Thrones Tour
Follow Daenerys, join our unique Split Game of Thrones walking tour ! Go behind the scenes, inside myth, fantasy and history and discover real life Essos. Follow Daenerys, join our unique Split Game of Thrones walking tour ! Go behind the scenes, inside myth, fantasy and history and discover real life Essos.
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facebook.comWINTER IS HERE - never thought I'd say this. But its March 22nd. And its SNOWING. A beautiful evening in Split. Peaceful. Or is it? 🤔 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8AjOUSeFzs
Awesome stuff! :-)
Instead of just waiting for Season 8 come to Split Walking Tour for some GOT talk.
DON'T WORRY. THE NORTH WILL HOLD! Just found these two cousins of Drogon and Rhaegal in disguise. As you can see, my lamp will make them hatch soon. By the time the last season starts, they will be airborne! Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all! The dream of spring looks alive and kicking.😀
MEEREEN meets ASSHAI - our lovely guest from India joined us today on our journey through Split, the real life Essos. Such a joy sharing stories about the ancient cultures...so far away, yet so similar...#Mahabharata......brought together in the real life Game of Thrones!
ICE AND FIRE TOGETHER - Yesterday we had the priviledge to welcome Northmen (#NordicOuting) and Northladies here in real life Essos. They took a short break from slaying the White Walkers. After some southern hospitality, now they're ready to go back to the wall and dragonglass those motherf...... and wildifre their a...s. SKOL ! TRUE HAND OF THE QUEEN. #blueumbrella
ZALDRIZES BUZDARI IKSOS DAOR! - Our GOT tour today, with our lovely guests from France and Germany. Life is a stage and we're merely players. Be the queen and the hero of your game of thrones.! :-) The true Hand of the Queen.
Thank you, Bhakti & your lovely company from London for an unforgettable experience of touring real life Meereen & Essos. Surrounded with so much beauty and charm and cheer I felt rejuvenated as if Melisandre of Asshai herself brought me back to life! Now I am ready again to leave the safety of Split, the real life Essos, and once again venture back north, beyond the Wall to join my Khaleesi and that gloomy, brooding King in the north she fancies. Lets hunt some White Walkers! Best wishes for the big day in November! Sincerely yours, THE TRUE HAND OF THE QUEEN.
Amazing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zSc6hvtbzs
This is good :-) :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fPgIIB67bw
Epic! 😜 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Mlhnt0jMlg
Survive this question "blizzard", and our Split Game of Thrones Tour is on me!😉 https://campaign.leadfamly.com/game/view/campaign/1624