Konoba-Pizzeria FERAL
Konoba Pizzeria FERAL - Fish, Pizza, Pasta, Meat & more
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Opet borba 😯 #feral #split
#seafood #amazingfriends #birthdayweekend #croatia #split #tourists
Leftover pizza = Tomorrow's breakfast 🍕🍕🍕 #split #Croatia #vegan #veganpizza #vegansplit #vegancroatia #dalmatiancoast
햄+소시지+베이컨+버섯+고추+올리브=🍕 이태리에서 먹었던 것보다 훨씬 맛있다. #피자 #konobapizzeriaferal #picantepizza #크로아티아 #여행 #스플리트 #croatia #split
Best pizza ever! #pizza #pizzariaferal #split #croatia #foodgasm #beer
Surely all this #grappa is gonna cure our sea legs 👀
Whoops there goes another delicious pizza 😍 salami, tomato, mozzarella & mushroom
C a l a m a r i Grilled calamari and chard cooked in the Dalmation way. Lots of garlic, olive oil and squishy potato. I must recreate the recipe for my blog! In the meantime you can read about my visit to Konoba-Pizzeria Feral on tarasbusykitchen.com .. (Link in profile) #konobapizzeriaferal #konoba #localproduce #local #dalmationcoast #goodfood #pizzeria #localproduce #tarasbusykitchenontour #dalmationchard #calamari #split #splitcroatia #croatia
K o n o b a P i z z e r i a F e r a l Up on tarasbusykitchen.com today you can read all about my visit to a lovely little restaurant called Konoba Pizzeria Feral. Nestled amongst the narrow streets of the old town a stones throw from our apartment. #konoba #konobapizzeriaferal #split #splitcroatia #croatia #tarasbusykitchenontour #foodie #foodbloggersofinstagram #foodblog #blog #local #localproduce #pizzeria #goodfood #dalmationcoast
Date night 💅💛