We help clients create amazing web and mobile applications. Download Company profile:
Goal and vision
Every successful story starts with a vision which may seem unattainable in the moment of its creation, but with quality work, intuition, knowledge, the newest technologies and constant improvements you will reach your goal more easily.
The goal of Locastic is to offer our clients complete service which will follow the project from its beginnings to its realization. Depending on which of our many services you choose, design, programming, marketing, consulting or all of the above, our enthusiasm, know-how and the newest technologies will be the perfect partner to your ideas.
It is one of our goals also to connect on a partner level with similar agencies and companies in order to make our services efficient to our clients who would profit from the comprehensive approach.
The individual approach is the basis in creating every Locastic campaign or idea, because by eavesdropping your wishes and knowing the market and your needs, we can achieve our goal. Getting to know our clients is the beginning of our every campaign, because besides our experience one of the key factors to good campaign is knowing your needs. Every project is of same importance to us and we give them our full attention, and our enthusiasm and love for our work is what motivates us the most.
Education and business progress, as investing into new technologies and following innovations are part of our reality. Every team is as strong as its weakest link, and if you take in consideration that each team member has more than 5 years of experience, we can say that Locastic hasn’t been underage for a while now.
Each new project gives us new ideas and broadens our knowledge of the markets where we sell your products. We are all connected by mutual passion for technologies, especially for web and mobile ones which are indispensable parts of our lives. The future of Locastic is progress in every meaning of the word with large number of satisfied clients and successful projects.
Cilj i Vizija
Svaka uspješna priča započinje vizijom koja se u trenutku osmišljavanja može činiti nedostižnom, ali s kvalitetnim radom, intucijom, znanjem i najnovijim tehnologijama te konstantnim usavršavanjem, lakše ćete doći do željenog cilja.
Cilj Locastica je ponudit klijentu kompletnu uslugu koja će pratiti projekt od njegovog začetka do realizacije. Ovisno o tome koju ste od naših mnogih usluga izabrali, dizajn, programiranje, marketing, consulting ili sve od navedenog, naš entuzijazam, znanje i poznavanje najnovijih tehnologija će biti savršen partner vašim idejama.
Jedan od naših ciljeva se odnosi i na povezivanje na partnerskoj razini sa sličnim ili srodnim agencijama na tržištu, kako bi naša krajnja usluga bila od maksimalne učinkovitosti našim klijentima, koji bi sveobuhvatnim pristupom još više profitirali.
Individualan pristup je osnova pri stvaranju svake Locastic kampanje ili ideje, jer samo osluškivanjem vaših želja i poznavanjem tržišta i vaših potreba se može postići priželjkivani učinak. Upoznavanje naših klijenata je početak svakog projekta, jer nam je osim našeg iskustva jedan od ključnih faktora u radu shvaćanje vaših potreba. Svaki projekt nam je jednako važan i svakome posvećujemo potpunu pažnju, a naš entuzijazam i ljubav prema onome što radimo je dodatna motivacija.
Tell your friends
facebook.comLocal companies competed against each other in the first IT football tournament to date. 1. Manas 2. Extension Engine 3. Locastic 4. Seek and Hit
Jeste li potvrdili svoje mjesto na novom Tinelu? Još uvijek nije kasno...
We just placed third at the local B2B football tournament after beating SeekandHit with 4:2. But don't you worry, we are waaay better at software development than football. 😎
Facebook Advertising Workshop at Konverzija. So far so good. 😊
Konverzija is one of the fastest rising #digital #marketing conferences in the region, with the main focus being on Facebook and Google advertising. We've got great talks coming up, a lot of new stuff to learn and grasp. Anything in mind? Come and say hi.
TNT Conference 2018 is taking place on Saturday in Radisson Blu Resort, Split. Even though the event itself is focused mainly on tourism, Antonio will host a talk called "Go mobile or go home". Recent trends in tourism show that the majority of guests pick their accommodation on the spot using their mobile phones. He will also speak about the importance of mobile apps in tourism and how crucial it is for companies to think about adding mobile apps to their assortment. See you there. 😊
Studies say that the best month for travelling is - April! It's still early in the season, lots of conferences and networking opportunities. So, while some of us are enjoying the forum at Košice IT Valley in Slovakia, the others are visiting Slovenia for the European Blockchain Summit 2018 with Ethereum Co-Founder. #LocasticOnTheRoad
We are participating in the economic forum by Košice IT Valley in Slovakia, with an emphasis on IT and innovations. Talks, presentation panels, B2B and G2B meetings and more - an exciting day ahead of us. 😊
BlockSplit Conference is a perfect experience for programmers, project managers and entrepreneurs who are eager to work with the blockchain technology. We've got less than three weeks left until the event, don't miss out.
We just came back from a 2:0 deficit against to make it out of the groupstage. Semi-finals next week, need to stay sharp. #mambastic #AndStill #undefeated
Local IT companies are facing each other in a football tournament. We just won our first game against with 5:3 scoreline. Next up, ☺️
Jeste li pripremili svoje poslovanje za nadolazeću GDPR direktivu? Nova regulativa Europske Unije stupa na snagu 25. svibnja, a na Tinel Meetupu imate priliku dobiti odgovore na sva potencijalna pitanja.
@dumpovci crew brought some fresh faces to Locastic HQ #summer #internship #locastic #agencylife #futuredevelopers #dumphr

Backend representative @paula__lala versus Frontend dev Stjepan. Who will win? #pes2017 #locastic #agencylife #developerslife

We are proud that we have an opportunity to host AWS User Group Split and listen more about "S3 in depth" 👌🏻 #meetup #aws #cloudplatform #networking #business #developers #developerslife #agencylife

Za prvi Tinel meetup @locastic u goste dovodi Paweła Jędrzejewskog osnivača Open Source projekta - Sylius. Tinel će se održati u uredima Locastica na adresi Lovački put 7. Tinel je dalmatinski izraz za dnevni boravak, a cilj eventa je pružiti dojam ugodne i opuštene atmosfere, spojene sa kvalitetnim predavanjima iz različitih tema, koje će biti zanimljive svim uzrastima - od studenata do poslovnih stručnjaka. #startupsplit

Thrilled to announce our first Tinel Meetup! Check the RSVP link in the page bio #meetup #tinel #community #sylius #business #Locastic #opensource #tinel_meetup

#csadria #podcast #gori #sve #1950

After 2 amazing years, Bachi decided to start freelancing career so we throw a little goodbye party for him #goodbyeparty #bachijezajeba #Locastic #agencylife

We are ready for summer! Lito ide mala 😎💪 #agencylife #programmerslife #healtylife #gymtime #summerpreparation

New office gadget #ovolitosamotopforma #kadtesretnemugradupitamtejeltreniras #Locastic #agencylife

Easter preparation @ Locastic or kindergarten 😂 #teamwork #agencylife #developers #designerlife #developerslife #nostress #bigkids

Just a regular day in office :) happy bday @123izgubljeni

@locastic na naslovnici @slobodnagram :) 👏👏 #Locastic

Helvetica vs. Georgia? Just an ordinary day by our designer @123izgubljeni at office 😎 #agencylife #designerlife #fonts #logotype #logodesigns #logo #webdesign #uiux #design

New conference room for our team meetings #Locastic #agencylife #office #lifeinoffice #meetingroom
