We are a young development studio located in Sisak, Croatia. Our are mainly focused on producing quality mobile business and gaming aplications.
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Let the sweet taste of success fill up your life throughout the New Year 2017!
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Vještina izrada web sadržaja nije leži samo u izgledu i funkcionalnosti. Optimizacija brzine otvaranja i prikaza web stranice ima itekakvu važnost koja možda u startu nije očita. Jel vam bitno koliko ćete platiti po kliku ako promovirate svoj site na Google-u ili društvenim mrežama? Onda vam je bitna optimizacija jer direktno utječe na vašu ocjenu kvalitete sadržaja. A što je ocjena bolja - cijena online oglašavanja je niža.
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One of our office pet cats was having a bad day and just now someout woke her up. She's not pleased. :)
No Man's Sky - EXPLORE, FIGHT, TRADE, & SURVIVE Trailer (All Launch Trailers)
NO MAN'S SKY GIVEAWAY! Hello y'all! We've been blessed with an extra gift-code for Steam release of No Man's Sky - a heavily hyped new procedurally generated masterpiece of a game! So, we thought we could orchestrate a little give-away! You know the drill - give us a share and like our page to enter the pool that will give out our licky winner using the list randomizer. Since we're in a process of developing a space game of our own for mobiles we welcome all similar works that come to life!
Gamasutra: Ramin Shokrizade's Blog - The Top F2P Monetization Tricks
This post is a bit old, but can be of value to all of you game designers and in-game monetization guys. Best of all, please learn to avoid play2win and other greedy methods. Reel them in easy and then go for the kill...
Visoko učilište Algebra
Solidna selekcija predavaca i tema za vrlo mali iznos.
Uskoro klopa pa svi kao rade
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If it works... :)
Curious Cat Ltd.
N1 Pressing: Mate Rimac (15.2.2016.)
For those who still didn't watch this awesome inteview - the time is now. A forward thinking executive trying to cut through the bullshit of croatian bureaucracy and winning. A rarely seen entrepreneurial spirit.
New asphalt layer on my parking. Woohoo!
![New asphalt layer on my parking. Woohoo!](