Organic Food Forest
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Back in 2009 when we started "cleaning" our land. Foto iz 2009 kada smo započeli sa "čišćenjem " zemljišta.
Even though we're far away from Permaculture (recently finished 72 hour certificate course) ,for long time we know what we want although now in a bit wider screen. So lets start with our name. > Idila or Idyll on English is a short poem, descriptive of rustic life,a harmony with nature. > Permarcadia comes from two words.With Perma we think on Permaculture where we split it with Arcadia - Utopia or poetic shaped space associated with bountiful natural splendor and harmony. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Iako smo daleko od Permakulture (nedavno završili 72 satni tečaj) odavno znamo što želimo samo sada u puno širem smislu. O našem imenu: Idila - mislim da ne treba previše opisivati što je to Idila,no uglavnom se radi o savršenoj sliki gdje seljak (čovik/farmer) živi u harmoniji sa prirodom. Perma dolazi iz riječi Permakultura,čime se planiramo i baviti,dok Arcadia (arkadija) označava harmoniju to jest Utopiu.
Timeline Photos
Our playground stretches over 25.000 square meters.The 65 % of the land is covered with Helm Oak tree forest.We have 1 big gorge through the whole right border and one smaller on the left. The field part on the left is mono-culture (we will change this !) with fig tress,200 of them + 50 trees of all kind of citrus family fruits,khaki,few sorts of pomegranates,carob trees,chestnut, Olives,Jujube,and all kind of berries.One peace of the land,around 300 sq.m is "borrowed" to our friend Ama-Ra for his organic gardening :-) Our Family dream is reachable,we just have to truly trust in it . We just hope to find free time to post you about our future and history work on our project. Pomalo we say.It is 100 words in 1 word in Pomalo world :-) Naše "igralište" se proteže na 2,5 hektara.65 % zemljišta je prekriveno šumom hrasta Crnike.Niz cijelu desnu stranu granice spušta se jaruga te jedna manja sa lijeve strane granice.Na dijelu bez šume ,u donjem lijevom kutu,zasađeno je 200 smokvi raznih sorti te oko 50 sadnica iz porodice citrusa,khakiji,više sorti Šipka/Nara/Mogranja , Kesteni, Rogač/Karuba ,Masline, Žižule/Čičinke , te razne vrste bobičastog voća.Dio zemlje unutar voćnjaka smo "posudili" prijatelju Ama-Ra-u za njegov organski vrt :-) San naše familije je ostvariv,samo moramo snažno vjerovati u njega.Nadamo se da ćemo naći vremena obavještavati vas o našem budućem ali i početnom radu na projektu i da ćete biti tu na pomoći,a svakako na onoj administrativnoj. Pomalo :-)