Holdiday in Croatia
Urlaub in Kroatien We are a small family-run hotel on the shores of beautiful Dalmatia. Located in the village of Posedarje, at the Sea of Novigrad, our house is away from mass tourism. The next bigger city is Zadar, 25 km away, and the nearest airport is about 20 km away. We are conveniently located nearby all the fantastic national parks, in an area that shows-off with some stunning nature. Besides of providing comfortable accommodation, we will also gladly assist you with organising exciting excursions. For more information, please check out our homepage.
Wir sind eine kleine familiaere Pension an der schoenen Dalmatinischen Kueste. In der kleinen Ortschaft Posedarje gelegen, am Novigrader Meer, befinden wir uns weitab vom Massentourismus. Die naechstgroesste Stadt ist Zadar, 25 km entfernt, und der naechste Flughafen ist etwa 20 km weit weg. Wir liegen guenstig nahe der fantastischen Nationalparks, in einer Region die mit herrlicher Natur begeistert. Neben unserer komfortablen Unterkunft, sind wir Ihnen auch gerne im organisieren von tollen Ausfluegen behilflich. Fuer mehr Infos, besuchen Sie bitte unsere Homepage.
Mi smo mali obiteljski pansion na obali naše lijepe Dalmacije. Nalazimo se u malom mistu Posedarje, na Novigradskom moru, daleko od masovnog turizma. Najbliži veći grad je Zadar, 25 km udaljen, a aerodrom u Zemuniku je oko 20 km udaljen. Smješteni smo povoljno blizu naših prekrasnih nacionalnih parkova, u području izuzetne prirodne ljepote. Pored udobnog smještaja, također ćemo Vam rado pomoći u organizaciji uzbudljivih izleta. Za više informacija, molimo posjetite našu web-stranicu.
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