A beautifully colorful art gallery with fish who found their way across the great ocean to be here now and grant you a wish. Try it! It Really works! Thirty orbits around our personal star ago a wonderful creatively colorful and wish-granting story started on the coast of Croatia in Poreč.
The Ereš family was young and full of fresh new ideas that roared around their baby girl. She soaked it all up and grew and grew, watching creativity all around her. Nature vs. nurture is a debate as old as time and motherhood itself, but Rina had her creative passion covered in both camps. Crafty, capable, always fidgeting with her hands and interested in all around her, the wild-haired and fiery-eyed girl asked the muses what she was supposed to do. Muses if asked directly tend to answer and the answer was: “Fish!
Ahhh, but not just any fish. These are very special tiny swimmers. They came to us from the Adriatic sea of their own free will with a mission. Why? Well, we’re glad you asked. Because each and every one of them had a story to tell. Unusual stories that shaped their little futures which somehow, over the vast ocean, found a way to exactly you with a specific purpose - to grant you a wish.
Is there a catch? Of course, there is always a catch, how else would a wish be caught. You may get your Fish4Wish just because you like it, because it’s funny and silly and brights up the room or simply reminds you of those wonderful weeks when the warm sun danced on your skin, but it goes much deeper. In order to get your wish you need to lean to the fish and whisper what you truly want.
The fish will keep silent (unlike Rina who will delightfully never keep quiet once you meet her), she won’t tell a soul, and your wish will be granted. After whispering your desires you need to do only one more thing. Just believe. Believe and all good things are coming. Nothing and nobody on this planet has ever been moved without a touch of faith and madness. We all come hard wired with hope and Fish4Wish is here to amplify yours. Try it! It really works!
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facebook.comIn honor of endings becoming new beginnings... As you are getting ready to close the 12 month chunk of your story behind you there will be some necessary "deaths", things that will need to die and stop draining you in order to let in new energy. Go through the most significant moments, emotions and situations of the year, go through your strengths, weaknesses, disciplines and lazy excuses, compare their usefulness in the real world and their alignment with the larger goals. Some things, people and situations don't deserve your loyalty any more, some things have ran their course, some auto destructive behaviors are not necessary to cope because you are better now than you were a year ago. You might not be there yet but you have all the tools you need. Believe in beauty, fire, joy, hart, courage, love, persistence, dedication, analysis, instinct, desire, energy, drive, ideals, truth... Believe you can learn more to become more valuable, that you don't need to follow the flock if your mission does not fit in. Spend your time moving forward, don’t wish there were no problems, they are necessary, shift your "I should-s" into "I must-s" and it will realign your will into the right frequency, build strength from rituals and raise your standard of acceptable, decide you will take care of your body and mind, be willing to accept how far you still have to go and don't be afraid of the work that stands between now and then. We’re all terrible at the beginnings, your first tries will be your worst tries but you can improve. There is no nobility in suffering or victimhood. Please leave all of those things behind, you are not tied down, you are free to leave, stay or change direction. There will be good times and bad times in 2018, as there was in each year before, but be patient, kind, disciplined and opened to all that is coming. Some of the best things you'll ever experience might be just around the corner of a new calendar. Keep on wishing dear Fish4Wish friends! Registered design No. D20050132
“Laughter is wine for the soul - laughter soft, or loud and deep, tinged through with seriousness - the hilarious declaration made by man that life is worth living.” ― Seán O'Casey Registered design: No. D20050132
*** MIMA'S STORY*** She was always very small. Small, smaller, the smallest of all the fish in her big school. She spent many days just near the surface waiting to see a shooting star over the membrane into another world. And she wished, oh she wished so hard every single time; "I wish to be bigger!". And then she went back down into the deep ocean. But one day, as her friends were absently flapping their fins and enjoying their morning suddenly, there was a net in front of them. The net closed and started moving nearer and nearer to the surface. The fisherman pulled the net out with his sun kissed hand. Fish were squirming and jumping around and Mima, small as she was, slid through the eye of the net back into the deep ocean. Out of breath and shocked, she took the water into her lungs and thought: "You are what you are and don't you ever wish you were somebody else! “ Mima listens to the wishes you wish for yourself. Be careful what you wish for because it just might come true. Whisper to her. Try it! It really works! Registered design No. D20050132
*** ANTE'S STORY*** Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh! And so it goes round in circles, fast through the pipes, first down, then left, then noise and chaos and all of a sudden peace. An aquarium fish all his life he was suddenly alone at the open seas. What is that huge thing next to him? Is this what humans call a whale? When is it feeding time here? The Moon was rising and falling above the horizon, it came and went, and Ante became the soul of the coral reef. He never knew how rich life could be, how beautiful it is to swim without the limitations of glass. Never before has he spoken to anemone or greeted the dawn with turtles! Change is sometimes the best thing that could ever happen to you. If you forever stay in your safe zone you'll never get to see the sunrise with the turtles! Ante takes care of your dreams of change. Whisper what your heart wants. Try it! It really works! Registered design No. D20050132
“Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find a joy in overcoming obstacles. Remember, no effort that we make to attain something beautiful is ever lost.” ― Helen Keller Registered design: No. D20050132
*** A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! *** A long long time ago, few millennia back, in the dark and cold villages of Northern Europe, the winter solstice paganism gave birth to igniting the tradition which will in the centuries to come give birth to what you now know as Christmas and all its trimmings that warm up the insides. The Norse people would go into the woods and find the biggest largest log they could and fathers and sons would drag it to the family home and light it up in celebration of the expected return of life and fertility of the warmer longer days coming after the tipping point of the solstice. The Romans had an equivalent celebration of Saturnalia where gifts were exchanged and in a weeklong celebration of the goods Mitrus and Invictus Sol the slaves enjoyed the freedoms otherwise denied to them and were allowed to feast and rest. As the tradition grew through two domains, the rowdy loud drunk spectacular of the secular Christmas vs. the church more mild and dignified one that appropriated the pagan traditions to the points of scripture, substituting pagan god’s birthdays with that of baby Jesus, the figures of St. Nicholas, a saint renowned for leaving gifts in stockings, and its Dutch equivalent Sinterklaas, started to merge. In the process they lost their devilish looking companion that punished bad children, Krampus. Clement Clarke Moore, an American professor of literature wrote a poem in 1822 that established Santa as you know him today. The song is now known as "A night before Christmas". In the work of an illustrator Moore Santa got his classic red and white look, white beard , 8 reindeer, North Pole, workshop and elves as well as his naughty and nice list, and was soon adapted as a sales pitch becoming the poster boy for big shopping malls in order to drive up revenue at the end of the year. This year, no matter your religious denomination or the lack of it, no matter if you are still writing letters to Santa or if you are opposed to the commercialization of family time and good will towards all men, we wish you a merry Christmas and a calm and clean end of the year spent with those you love. We wish you a clear conscience, full hearts, tables and minds, somewhere to be, something to strive for, courage, dignity, strength, wisdom, good friends and conversations, success and joy. May you have all you need and wish and know the difference between the two and may all be at rest when you lay down after the final hours of Christmas tick-tock away. Live ,love, be, enjoy!
“The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.” ― Elie Wiesel Registered design: No. D20050132
“It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.” ― Philip K. Dick, VALIS Reality is a point of view just as everything else and if you are at any moment deemed insane for not fitting in – congratulations! This means you will not accept the least common denominator of the ordinary, that you've managed to go through the system with your soul, and common sense unbroken, that some things considered normal are not to be accepted at face value if a better solution is possible. Temporary insanity is a gift to see thigs as they really are and go through a period of frustration - not to stop and give up, but to continue to change and shape it into a kinder world suitable to the dignity of a human being. So feel free to go "insane", tip your hat to those who pin this label onto you and keep burning in your craziness. You are alive and (under the condition you do no harm in the process) free to lose your mind in the fight… great thing about lost things is that they can be found again. Registered design: No. D20050132
KEEP WISHING! How many times so far have you had a great idea, a wish to make something happen, create something beautiful, useful, fun, educational, interesting… and you’ve talked yourself out of it because this or that. Because you were conditioned to believe it’s too farfetched, too unpractical, too expensive, that no one would be interested... Maybe you’ve heard all of those things from people who love you and just don’t want to see you get hurt, maybe you’ve actually started and were stopped by some hurdle buying into the fears others had for you. There is a reason why this idea was given exactly to you, no one else needs to believe for you, and if you are still searching to be liked and understood by everyone you are preparing yourself for a world of pain. IT IS NOT THEIR WISH, IT IS YOURS! So, if there is something you really wish to do or have or make, do it! Don’t wait for a green light, it’s not coming. It might be hard getting it of the ground but faith in a mission is a strange thing - the people and resources you need along the way will show up. In the beginning you are far more alone than you think, in the process you are far less alone than you think. And they will say you got lucky, but you’ll know it was about faith, courage and hard work. Keep wishing, start doing! Registered design: No. D20050132
“Once you can accept the universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy.” ― Albert Einstein Don't worry about the small stuff, the things you are and aren't allowed to do according to society, what is proper and what is not, the notions that you should be sweet, nice, aver grinning ever nodding idiot without a voice outside of the common opinion. Wear the colors that don't match if you want to, criticize what is not right and offends human dignity, don't laugh if you don't feel like it, be naive and open rather than cynical, explain yourself to no one, don’t apologize for what you want and need, apologize if you hurt someone, love who you wish, spend your time with whom you wish, find what you love and do it no matter the odds or how "unpractical" it is, find a way where there was no way, dream, learn, ignore the bad hair days or bursts of honesty in "polite" conversation, don't accept ideologies which disturb your soul, share what you have learnt... there are so much more important things on this earth than clashing of stripes and plaid ;) Registered design: No D20050132
“So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life's A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you'll move mountains.” ― Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You'll Go!
“Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get” ― W.P. Kinsella "Oh my (insert the deity you are subscribed to or the universe...) I've made it! I'm finally here!" - This is what you are all waiting for and working towards, right? Will it be all you’ve dreamed of, will it be more or less, will it in any way be fulfilling for more than a second, will it mean the cessation of wishing altogether or will it become a birthing place of a new wish and desire. We have no idea, but it does seem wise to revise some old advice that seems to pop up over and over again: 1. Is this really your wish or someone else’s who you are trying to please? 2. What do you expect to feel once you get there? 3. Fall in love with the journey, this is what shapes you, the destination is just a final note of the song 4. Don't lose faith just because no one else sees it happening for you 5. Accept at the very beginning that the path will not be a straight line and that will be detours and challenges 6. Understand that you can overcome them if you have a "why" you are doing what you are doing. What’s your “why”? 7. Once you get it don't spend to much time patting yourself on the back - the only true happiness is progress, don't delude yourself that you can ever arrive where you are going 8. Have some fun along the way 9. Forgive yourself for what you couldn't have known before the experience and celebrate 10. Do it all over again! Registered design: No. D20050132
