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Visit Osijek - Tourist board of the City of Osijek

Županijska ulica 2, Osijek, Croatia
Tour Agency



Tourist board of the City of Osijek, Croatia - Turistička zajednica Grada Osijeka, Hrvatska Tourist board of the City of Osijek - Tourist info center. You can follow the news and events in Osijek in English language here, or go to our Croatian Facebook page "Posjeti Osijek - Turistička zajednica Grada Osijeka"


Osijek, view of the city center from the Drava river pedestrian bridge with the "Osijek cathedral" of St. Peter and Paul and Hotel Osijek skyscraper overlooking the "winter port" river marina. To the left you can see the monumental Pejacevic Family Well, a pearl of art nouveau architecture.

Book your flight to Osijek quick! 🛫 Every week, starting from March 25th, there are 3 flights from Basel - Switzerland, 2 flights from Stuttgart - Germany and daily flights from Zagreb and the Croatian Adriatic coast! Buchen Sie Ihren Flug nach Osijek schnell! 🛬 Jede Woche ab dem 25. März gibt es 3 Flüge von Basel - Schweiz, 2 Flüge von Stuttgart - Deutschland und tägliche Flüge von Zagreb und der kroatischen Adriaküste!

If you're looking for an inspiration for today's lunch, feel free to look into our Osijek plate ;) Wenn Sie nach einer Inspiration für das heutige Mittagessen suchen, schauen Sie doch mal in unseren Osijeker Teller!

Dear Canadian tennis players, visitors and friends, as you can see, we are doing our best as your hosts of the Davis Cup - we even "invested" in fresh snow this morning so you can feel like home ;) Liebe kanadische Tennisspieler, Besucher und Freunde, wie Sie sehen können, tun wir unser Bestes als Gastgeber des Davis Cups, also haben wir heute Morgen in frischen Schnee "investiert", damit Sie sich wie zu Hause fühlen können ;)

The Imperial treasure is hidden within the walls of Tvrdja - the Osijek Fortress. If you want to find it, come to the Antiquities Fair on Saturday and join a cheerful and professional expedition into the history of old Osijek :) Der kaiserliche Schatz ist versteckt in den Mauern von Tvrdja - der Festung Osijek. Wenn Sie es finden wollen, kommen Sie am Samstag zur Antiquitätenmarkt und nehme teil an einer fröhlichen und professionellen Expedition in die Geschichte des alten Osijek :)

Have you booked your flight to Osijek? You can find flights at really good prices so be quick! #visitOsijek directly from airports in Croatia, Switzerland and Germany! Haben Sie Ihren Flug nach Osijek gebucht? Sie können Flüge zu wirklich guten Preisen finden, seien Sie also schnell! Komm nach #Osijek direkt von Flughäfen in Kroatien, der Schweiz und Deutschland!

Howdy! To all our guests from Canada we send a big friendly smile :) We'll see eachother from friday to sunday - in Osijek ;)

Have you seen the new Mamma Mia movie? The breathtaking views of the cristal clean blue Adriatic Sea will most certanly interst you in visiting Croatian coast. If that's still not blue enough for you, then fly some 500 km north to the Croatia's "blue Danube" region and #visitOsijek! You can fly there from Split to Osijek International Airport :)

Der Tourismusverband und die Stadt Osijek gehen zur Internationalen Tourismusmesse in Stuttgart. Besuchen Sie uns am Donnerstag, den 18. Januar 2018 auf dem Infostand der Stadt Pforzheim und bis zum Ende der Messe, am 21. Januar, können Sie mehr über Ihren Urlaub in Kroatien beim Kroatischen Tourismusverband Stand erfahren! The Tourist Board and the City of Osijek are going to the International Tourism Fair in Stuttgart. Visit us on at the City of Pforzheim (our sister city) info-stand on Thursday, January 18th 2018, and until the end of the fair, on 21 January, you can find more about your holiday in Croatia at the Croatian Tourist Board's booth!

With the first smell of snow we start thinking about the upcomming Christmastime... and we become helpless romantics thinking about our lovedones and what presents to give them for Christmas. And then only one name comes to mind, Blažeković family and their typically Croatian "Licitar" honey dough cookies...

Hello dear guests! From now on you can follow tourist news from Osijek and its countryside in our Facebook page Visit Osijek :) For more information about our beautiful city you can click on our English language website If you prefer the news in Croatian, you can still follow us on our "old" Facebook page Posjeti Osijek - Turistička zajednica Grada Osijeka

Osijek, view of the city center from the Drava river pedestrian bridge with the "Osijek cathedral" of St. Peter and Paul and Hotel Osijek skyscraper overlooking the "winter port" river marina.


U OKOLINI Visit Osijek - Tourist board of the City of Osijek