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, Osijek, Croatia
Non-profit organization



Association for the promotion and development of IT and gaming culture Lege. We organize LAN and online tournament's of LoL, COD, CS, SC and other games. ****ENG****
Association for the promotion and development of IT and gaming culture Lege is an non-prfit organization that operates under the name of Lege 2012th until this day. From 11 July, we've officially become a association in the Republic of Croatia. Since 2010. to 2012th year we have the well-known name Visual X , with whom we have won many tournaments from League of Legends , Counter Strike and Call of Duty games. Behind the many tournaments played , we started with the realization of their own. First but not last tournament named Lege Spring Challenge is organized from the game League of Legends in Osijek in the Log Inn where was 20 teams from all over the Croatian, Serbian and Bosnia.

If you are interested in something , please contact us , if you are an organization or company that wants to help us in organizing our tournaments and sponsor us, contact us on mail

Plantronics Gaming -


* 06.04.2012. * The first League of Legends LAN tournament in Croatia , Osijek, Log Inn.
* 12th - 13.01.2013 . * Wake up Croatia ! Our second League of Legends LAN , Osijek, Log Inn
* 18/05/2013 * Lege Spring Challenge - League of Legends LAN Tournament , Osijek, Log Inn

Official Website:

Udruga za promicanje i razvoj informatičke i gaming kulture Lege je organizacija koja djeluje pod imenom Lege od 2012. godine do dan danas. Od 11. srpnja smo službeno postali udruga u Republici Hrvatskoj. Od 2010. do 2012. godine smo bili smo pod dobro poznatim imenom Visual X s kojim smo osvajali mnoge turnire iz League of Legends, Counter Strike i Call of Duty igre. Iza mnogo odigranih turnira počeli smo sa realizacijom svojih. Prvi ali ne i zadnji turnir pod imenom Lege je orgraniziran iz igre League of Legends u Osijeku u Igraonici Log Inn gdje je nastupilo 20 timova iz cijele Hrvatske. Trenutno ponovo organiziran turnir iz igre League of Legends sa našim kolegama iz League of Legends – Hrvatska (Croatia) u igraonici Log Inn u Osijeku. Više detalja o LANu pogledajte u novostima.

Ukoliko vas nešto zanima slobodno nas kontaktirajte na, u slučaju da ste organizacija ili firma koja nam želi pomoći u organizaciji naših turnira i sponzorirati nas kako bih uspijeli još više obratite se na mail


* 06.04.2012. * Prvi League of Legends LAN turnir u Hrvatskoj, Osijek, igraonica Log Inn.
* 12.- 13.01.2013. * Wake up Croatia! Naš drugi League of Legends LAN, Osijek, Igraonica Log Inn
* 18.05.2013 * Lege Spring Challenge – League of Legends LAN turnir, Osijek, Igraonica Log Inn
*13. -17.8.2014. Skateboard and BMX Time4Fun na Pannonian Challenge
*4. - 7.9.2014. - Gamers Trophy powered by Portanova
