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Medulinska 20, Osijek, Croatia
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Green Love Festival & Amelie Lens, kreirali su noć za pamćenje! 5000 ljudi imalo je priliku uživati u pravom audio-vizualnom spektaklu! #TulumPartyIgranka :) #BravoGreenLove

OCTAVE ONE ANNOUNCE SINGLE AND REVEAL NEW ALBUM DETAILS Fresh for 2018 the ever pioneering Octave One are bringing us some brand new music for the new year. Using their much loved Random Noise Generation alias the duo are set to drop a double A-side on April 6th with the album following shortly after on April 27th. The first Random Noise Generation release was 'Falling in Dub' in 1991 and sounding just as fresh 27 years later ‘N2 The Enfinate’ is a double A-side featuring a new single and a remake of 'Rock my Soul' in the form of the 'Reborn Vocal Remix'. A retro energy has been explored in the title track 'The EnFinate', running parallel to a more contemporary groove and rolling, marauding baseline. The second track on the package, 'Rock my Soul' (Reborn Vocal Remix) starts with a strong intent and a weighty bassline paving the way for precise and bright chord stabs. The single is taken from the new album 'Endustry', a full body of work encompassing 7 full length cuts, set for release in spring. Something of a new take on their creative process the Burden brothers made most of this music on the road while they toured over the past year, using the country they were in at each time they recorded to influence and inspire each track. “We were tucked away in so many hotel rooms that we decided to make sure we brought enough extra equipment so that we could set up a true lab to create from country to country and make the grooves that we wanted to experiment with on the dance floor.” comments Lawrence. This body of work encompasses 7 full length cuts, naturally all with that classic Octave One emotion. “'Alkaylze', more than any of tracks on this project, embraced the original spirit of Random Noise Generation in so much as the “machine” seemed to be really guide the creative process.” Adds Lenny “Much of the foundation of the composition was very accidental, but inspirational, with various musical devices interpreting data in a very unexpected results. It actually came together quite quickly but things just fell into place so naturally.” After touring and making music for decades the spirit and essential energy of the craft is what keeps them eternally inspired to keep creating and touring the globe… ”Once it takes hold of you you can’t stop even if you wanted to.” says the pair, and so 'Endustry' is born.

DFM PREMIERE: Ove subote Digital FM imati će zadovoljstvo predstaviti još jedan odličan EP iz Berlina, Anja Schneider - “Prosperity”. Sredinom mjeseca ožujka singl “Prosperity” izlazi za izdavačku kuću “Sous Music”… Slušamo se! DFM :) Don't Miss Digital FM - DFM - No.437! :) Digital FM presents great new exclusive EP by Anja Schneider - “Prosperity”, [Sous Music], Release Date: 23 March 2018. After her album 'SoMe' was released to critical acclaim last November, Anja Schneider has kept on creating. The first EP release on new imprint Sous Music is a pounding transcendental techno work, made for 4am raving. 2017 was a watershed year for Anja Schneider; the end of a long successful chapter at mobilee and the beginning of an exciting new era with the launch of Sous. The pivotal change has brought renewed freedom and vigor to the Berlin artist's creative output. So much so that a new EP 'Prosperity', has followed straight after, as Schneider continues her inspired streak of form. Those expecting a thematic follow on from 'SoMe', may be surprised, however. The title track is her grittiest production in years, a trippy techno weapon propelled by a hypnotic vocal and stripped back drum work that's been highlighting the artist's sets in recent times. It's accompaniment 'Signs', is deeper and groovier, as Schneider channels Chicago house in her own trademark style - equal parts cheeky and moody. What comes next for Sous Music? Schneider says it's an infinite field of possibilities: "My main focus is expressing myself creatively based on my mood at the time. Don't be surprised if there is a surprise or two coming up," she says. Don't Miss DFM!!! #DigitalFM #AnjaSchneider #Prosperity #SousMusic #HRTRadioOsijek

LP otvara, David Guetta zatvara najbolji europski festival! Nakon što su svjetski mediji EXIT nedavno proglasili "većim nego ikad", ove godine kao možda nijedne prije, s glavne pozornice festivala čut će se najveći broj najaktualnijih hitova današnjice! Uz to što su pojedini strani mediji ovogodišnji program već proglasili "silovitim", istina je da će konačna lista glavnih zvijezda biti duplo duža! Prve zvijezde u novom valu su već tu pa će tako glavnu pozornicu u četvrtak 12. srpnja pokrenuti nezaustavljiva američka rock kantautorica LP, koja je osvojila svjetsku glazbenu scenu singlom „Lost On You“, jednom od najupečatljivijih ljubavnih pjesama ovog desetljeća, kao i kroz suradnju s Rihannom, Christinom Aguilerom i mnogim drugim zvijezdama. A veliko finale i spektakl zatvaranja glavne pozornice u nedjelju 15. srpnja bit će pod dirigentskom palicom najvećeg svjetskog hitmakera i francuskog plesnog Golijata - Davida Guette! Najuspješniji glazbeni producent 21. stoljeća i jedini DJ koji je prodao vrtoglavih 50 milijuna albuma i singlova, ostavši pritom s obje noge čvrsto na zemlji, vraća se na jedan od svojih omiljenih festivala čiju pozivnicu je imao i prije 12 godina kad je krčio put do današnjeg statusa glazbene ikone! O njegovoj liderskoj poziciji u glazbenoj industriji govore i podaci da Guetta iza sebe ima preko devet (9!) milijardi YouTube pregleda i preko 100 milijuna fanova na društvenim mrežama! David Guetta for Grand Finale Night at EXIT Main Stage!: Najveći hitmaker današnjice, Guetta iza sebe ima brojne nagrade uz dva Grammyja i producirane singlove s najvećim glazbenim imenima kao što su David Bowie, Rihanna, Snoop Dogg, Sia, Nicky Minaj, Emeli Sande, Akon, Avicii i brojni drugi, a nedavno je objavio i drugu zajedničku pjesmu sa svojim mladim pandanom Martinom Garrixom. Pjesmu "Like I Do", punokrvni hit u najavi, Garrix je izveo i na zatvaranju ovogodišnjih Zimskih olimpijskih igara u Pjongčangu! Trenutno je nemoguće izbjeći na radiju još jedan njihov hit "So Far Away", a u stopu ih prate i jednako svježi i zarazni singlovi “Mad Love”, koji je Guetta snimio sa zvijezdom prošlogodišnjeg Sea Dance festivala Seanom Paulom, kao i jedan od najvećih hitova prošle godine "2U" s Justinom Bieberom. Da ovom poznatom Francuzu očigledno nije komplicirano stvarati hit za hitom, govori i činjenica da je uz pjesmu “Complicated” na kojoj surađuje s headlinerima ovogodišnjeg Sea Star festivala i duom Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike nedavno uzeo, i to po jedanaesti put, prvo mjesto Bilboardove Dance liste. Laura Pergoliozzi, rokericu s buntovničkim pedigreom rock kritičari uspoređuju s Johnnyjem Cashom i Stevie Nicks, a njene kovrče i odijela neodoljivo podsjećaju na mladog Boba Dylana. Ova mlada Njujorčanka s adresom u Los Angelesu već je ostavila trag kao jedinstvena umjetnica, vrsna autorica i rock zvijezda u najboljem smislu te riječi. Koristeći ukulele uz isparan glas pun najfinijih emocija, LP je već sebe izgradila kao prepoznatljivu zvijezdu. Dok se njena samostalna karijera "kuhala", talent je koristila za pisanje hitova za Rihannu, Cher, Backstreet Boys i brojne druge, a odmah po objavljivanju „Forever for Now“ albuma postala je miljenica kritičara. Nedugo nakon toga izbacuje EP „Death Valley“ koji ju je katapultirao u svjetsku stratosferu, zahvaljujući glavnom singlu „Lost on You“ koji broji preko 260 milijuna YouTube pregleda, kao i preko 75 milijuna Spotify streamova! Čak je i pjesma „Muddy Waters“ našla mjesto u četvrtoj sezoni popularne serije „Orange is the New Black“! Nizanje ovih uspjeha prirodno je doveo do objavljivanja novog studijskog albuma „Lost on You“, s kojim je krenula na veliki američku turneju nakon koje stiže i na otvaranje ovogodišnjeg Exita gdje će sirova energija borbene Njujorčanke pokrenuti ovogodišnji moto festivala: EXIT Freedom! EXIT festival bit će održan od 12. do 15. srpnja na Petrovaradinskoj tvrđavu u Novom Sadu i predstavit će neke od najtraženijih svjetskih zvijezda kao što su Migos, David Guetta, Ziggy Marley, Fever Ray, LP, Alice Merton, Nina Kraviz, Richie Hawtin, Adam Beyer b2b Ida Engberg, Maceo Plex, Solomun, Amelie Lens, Ben Klock, Jax Jones, Ofenbach, Mahmut Orhan, Carl Craig, Tale of Us, Sevdaliza, Burak Yeter, Madball, Brujeria, Ofenbach, Slapshot, Dog Eat Dog, Slaves, Idles, Asphyx i mnoge druge. Ulaznice po promotivnoj cijeni sa 60% popusta od finalne, za 445 kn prodaju se na prodajnim mjestima

DFM PREMIERE: Najuzbudljiviji britanski live act premijerno u DFMu! Joseph Keevill aka Saytek, jedan je od najuzbudljivijih live izvođača/producenata koji nam dolazi iz Londona! Tijekom posljednjih nekoliko godina postao je jedan od najtraženijih live izvođača elektroničke glazbene scene. Svojim improviziranim live nastupima postigao je svjetsku slavu, ​​koristeći široki spektar analogne DJ opreme, poput: Elektron Analog 4 & Analog Rtym, Ableton, Korg Monotron Delay Kaos Pad & Volca: Bass, Sample, Keys, Novation Impulse 25 i Native Instruments Maschine… Dobrodošli na još jedno nezaboravno noćno putovanje! DFM Digital FM presents great new exclusive promo EP by Saytek - “Circuit 3am”, [Constant Circles], Release Date: 23 March 2018. Constant Circles is run by Just Her and the labels latest techno focused EP is from Saytek, whose impressive back catalogue features imprints ranging from Kevin Saunderson's KMS Records to the highly influential Soma Records. Saytek is a rare breed of producer whose tracks are often produced in one live take, using mainly hardware equipment. This artistic temperament and show of true musicianship is also matched by the release artwork. The artwork is a street art inspired painting from Brighton (UK) based artist Unknown, who's a highly respected artist in his local community. His street pieces are highly distinctive, and this studio piece is no less captivating. Featuring three tracks that vary between deep and thumping techno, this release is a little different from what some might expect from Constant Circles, but everything you would expect from Saytek. Don't Miss Digital FM - DFM - #DigitalFM #Saytek #Circuit3am #ConstantCircles #HRTRadioOsijek

DFM PREMIERE: Carl Cox & Eric Powell are very proud to present: MD Funk Connection's 'Shante' - forthcoming on Boo Records. :) Digital FM presents great new exclusive promo EP by Carl Cox & Eric Powell present: MD Funk Connection - ‘Shante', [Boo Records], Release Date: 16. April 2018. It's common knowledge that Carl & Eric have Soul, Funk, Jazz, Reggae & Disco running through their veins, it's in their DNA & this is the music that influenced them growing up. As an eight year old, Carl would be found playing records at his father's parties & Eric as a twelve year old, dropping records for "reggae/soul and funk sound systems."� Just over ten years ago Carl and Eric started digging deep into their record collection, putting on Soul/Funk/Disco parties for friends and family. Starting off with one hundred and fifty people, the event 'Mobile Disco' has now grown to touring Australia's most scenic locations, playing to between two thousand and four thousand people. They recently announced their next 'Mobile Disco' will be in Bali this May. In the past they had guest appearances from legends such as: Alison Limerick, Joe Roberts, Melanie Williams, Incognito, CeCe Rogers & CeCe Peniston.� Carl Cox & Eric Powell, with the help of engineer extraordinaire Joe Roberts, have put together a collective of some of Australia's and the U.K's best musicians under the banner of: 'MD Funk Connection.' Their first recording is one of their favourite Jazz/Funk tracks: 'Shante' with Joe Roberts layering some of his finest scat vocals. Don't Miss Digital FM - DFM - #DigitalFM #CarlCox #EricPowell #MDFunkConnection #BooRecords #HRTRadioOsijek

Najpopularnija svjetska hip-hop grupa Migos na EXIT ravno s vrha američke top liste! Globalni glazbeni fenomen iz Atlante i najpopularnija svjetska rap grupa Migos stiže na glavnu pozornicu Exita! Ovogodišnji apsolutni headlineri vodećih festivala na službeno najbolji europski veliki festival dolaze s vrha američke top liste albuma čije prvo mjesto su osvojili s čak dva albuma. Tako su za samo godinu dana postali jedna od svega pet rap grupa kojima je to uspjelo u karijeri, a s vrtoglavih 15 pjesama koje su se istovremeno našle na američkoj top-listi, Migos su oborili rekord star 54 godine koji su prije njih držali samo Beatlesi! Trio koji čine Quavo, Offset i Takeoff svijet je zaludio prvo hitovima "Versace" i "Look At My Dab", da bi 2016. godine njihov megahit “Bad and Boujee” utržio preko 600 milijuna YouTube pregleda i držao svjetski tron puna četiri tjedna usprkos tome što je izašao u isto vrijeme kad i megahit Eda Sheerana "Shape of You"! Dok ih je Guardian usporedio s Beatlesima, Rolling Stone ih je proglasio grupom koja oblikuje popularnu kulturu! I trenutno najtraženiji holivudski glumac Donald Glover u svom pobjedničkom govoru na Zlatnim globusima za Migose je izjavio: "Oni su Beatlesi ove generacije"! Uz dvije Grammy nominacije i plejadu zvijezda s kojima surađuju kao što su Pharrell, Nicki Minaj, Drake, Gucci Mane, Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, Cardi B i brojni drugi akteri ove prave planetarne "Migomanije", jasno je da će popularna trojka iz Atlante još dugo vladati svjetskom scenom! Aktualna 2018. već je njihova godina, od no. 1 albuma do nastupa na poluvremenu jednog od najvećih sportskih događaja na svijetu, NBA All-Stars vikendu održanom u Los Angelesu. Kao da to nije dovoljno, jedan od Migosa, Quavo, na istom događaju, ali na All-Stars utakmici poznatih ličnosti, osvojio je titulu najvažnijeg igrača (MVP) igravši u timu sa zvijezdama kao što su Win Butler iz sastava Arcade Fire te glumci Jamie Foxx i Kris Wu. Uz njega ovu trojku još čine Offset i Takeoff, a u sastavu Migos igraju od 2009. godine. Probili su se svojim prvim izdanjem iz 2013. godine "Young Rich Niggas" i singlom "Versace", koji je 2016. dostigao zlatnu nakladu nakon što je Drake napravio remiks ove pjesme i stavio sastav u središte pozornosti američke javnosti. “Bad and Boujee”, noseća pjesma njihovog sljedećeg albuma "Culture", izrasla je u svojevrsni internet fenomen i dio “meme” kulture, dostigla vrtoglavu četverostruku platinastu nakladu i postala omiljena u klubovima širom svijeta, na radio stanicama, ali i favorit poznatih ličnosti! Sam album svrstan je u najbolja izdanja 2017. godine od strane najvećih glazbenih medija kao što su Rolling Stone, Pitchfork, Stereogum, Clash, Consequence of Sound i mnogi drugi, a već nakon par tjedana od izlaska nadmašio ga je aktualni nastavak "Culture II". EXIT festival bit će održan od 12. do 15. srpnja na Petrovaradinskoj tvrđavi u Novom Sadu i predstavit će neke od najboljih svjetskih, regionalnih i domaćih glazbenih zvijezda kao što su Ziggy Marley, Fever Ray, Alice Merton, Richie Hawtin, Adam Beyer b2b Ida Engberg, Maceo Plex, Nina Kraviz, Solomun, Amelie Lens, Ben Klock, Jax Jones, Ofenbach, Mahmut Orhan, Carl Craig, Tale of Us, Sevdaliza, Burak Yeter, Madball, Brujeria, Ofenbach, Slapshot, Dog Eat Dog, Slaves, Idles, Asphyx, Bombers i mnoge druge. Ulaznice po promotivnoj cijeni od 445 kn prodaju se na prodajnim mjestima Ticketshop i Entrio, a na stranici službene turističke agencije dostupni su i turistički paketi koji uz ulaznice, sadrže i opcije za smještaj i prijevoz do EXIT festivala.

DFM PREMIERE: Amsterdamski producent Christopher Kah predstavlja nam svoj novi promo LP “Limited Resource Vol.1”. Neobični albumski koncept zasnovan je na snažnoj live izvedbi s minimalnim skupom analognih DJ alata. Digital FM presents great new exclusive promo LP by Christopher Kah – “Limited Resource Vol.1”, [Highwav], Release Date: April 2018. Christopher Kah of the prolific Amsterdam based HJCKD AM stable prepares his latest LP, something a little out of the ordinary based around live performance and maximalist sonic impact from a minimal set of tools. With prior releases on CR2 records, Get Physical, Datapunk, Gigolo records and others his first full length was always going to be well received, but coming with such a strong concept and execution to the project is something that took time to get right. Limited Resource at it's best feels like an electronic note pad, a pad where Christopher Kah expresses his deep and darkest musical ideas, packed with texture and feeling in an incredibly organic way. Part of the concept was this openness to bare all for people, holding no secrets back. ‘’The gear I use is very minimum with maximum result, a drum computer, synthesizer and sampler combined with DJ-ing. Instead of mixing only 2 tracks simultaneously, I customize the tracks the way it feels right at that moment. The possibilities are just endless when combining analog and digital equipment. I want to push the mix into another dimension, Closer to the public, and see how they react’’ Already receiving plaudits from industry brands like Roland and Elektron, following a series of videos he posts online, sharing how he uses and taking you inside his stripped back production process. Don't Miss Digital FM - DFM - #DigitalFM #ChristopherKah #LimitedResourceVol1 #Highwav #HRTRadioOsijek

DESPACIO, the club experience from James Murphy and 2manydjs, plus the new show by Alva Noto & Ryuichi Sakamoto, put the finishing touches to the line-up for Sónar Barcelona's 25th anniversary The extraordinary club experience that is DESPACIO will be the core of the celebrations of the 25th anniversary at Sónar by Day, with James Murphy (LCD Soundsystem) and brothers David and Stephen Dewaele (2manydjs/Soulwax) behind the decks. Together they will bring their high fidelity sound -with a spectacular soundsystem formed by 7 towers of circularly arranged speakers and amplifiers - to its maximum level with three, 6 hour DJ sets -one per day and strictly vinyl only- where the music and the audience will take precedence over ego. 2manydjs, the Belgian brothers who over the years have been responsible for many of the festivals high points, will also be the stars of Saturday with one of their inimitable DJ sets of twisted, mixed, hits which will close Sónar by Day. Alva Noto & Ryuichi Sakamoto will perform their new piano, electronica and a/v show "Two" as the closing concert of this year’s festival, on Sunday, June 17 at the Teatre Grec. Sónar 2018 will be one of only three concerts in the world where you will be able to see both artists perform together this year. A new breed of exceptional international artists are added to the program, such as Demdike Stare, who will provide an AV show with visual artist Michael England; up-and-coming DJ, singer and producer Yaeji; the new star of UK Urban IAMDDB; Los Angeles producer TOKiMONSTA AV Live presenting her new live AV show; Norwegian artist Jenny Hval; as well as the enigmatic Liberato, the anonymous Neapolitan artist who has become a mass phenomenon in Italy and is rightly considered to be a new icon of the cultural renaissance occurring in Naples. Also of note are renowned dj's Objekt, Young Marco and Call Super; a high flying duo formed by the internationally renowned electronic producer, singer and DJ Miss Kittin and Kim Ann Foxman, a key figure of New York’s house and techno scene. Meanwhile, Red Bull Music Academy complete the SonarDôme stage program by adding Sophie, Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement (Dominick Fernow x Philippe Hallais x Silent Servant); Malaysian band The Venopian Solitude; the auspicious duos formed by Dj Stingray x Mumdance, Suzanne Kraft x Jonny Nash; the live show from Dabrye x Mc Kadence; French producers Chloé - Slow Mo live and OkLou; Spaniards Álex Silva Live Band and a pairing formed by Clip & Cora Novoa Live; Museless and Big Menu & Friends. Sónar 2018 aims to showcase the national scene’s most interesting artists with performances from producer Alizzz, one of Spain’s best internationally recognised figures; Pina + Gnomalab, who will present their powerful new material with a an industrial slant; Olde Gods, presenting their album "Gitanes"; Steve Lean, the figurehead producer of Spain's new urban and national trap sounds Lory Money, the rapper of Senegalese origin with more than 12.5 million YouTube views; and DJ Alicia Carrera, among many other artists. In total, Sónar 2018 will feature more than 140 performances spread across 10 stages at Sónar by Day and Sónar by Night, including previously announced shows from the LCD Soundsystem, Gorillaz, Thom Yorke, Diplo, Richie Hawtin CLOSE, Laurent Garnier, Cornelius, Rosalía, Modeselektor, Olafur Árnalds, Kode9, Bonobo, Niño de Elche with dancer Israel Galván, Laurel Halo, John Talabot and Lorenzo Senni. Sónar 2018 begins its international tour with the sixth edition of Sónar Reykjavik (March 16 & 17), and the second edition of Sónar Hong Kong (March 17), followed by Sónar Istanbul (April 6 & 7). All tickets are now available at Full Pass, VIP Pass, 2 Night Ticket, Tickets, VIP 2 Night Ticket, Sónar by Day and Sónar by Night Tickets as well as the Sónar+D Delegate Pass.

OVO JE ARENAMAGEDON! Nina, Solomun, Maceo, Tale of Us, Brejcha, Carl Craig, Rødhåd... svi na Exitu! Već od prve objave dosad nezabilježene techno postave u kojoj su Richie Hawtin, Adam Beyer, Ida Engberg, Ben Klock, Amelie Lens i Anastasia Kristensen, bilo je jasno da mts Dance Arena započinje novu eru na Exitu! Jedna od najvećih i najznačajnijih pozornica na cijelom planetu, ove godine odlučna je da nadmaši sve svoje povijesne vrhunce, i to u godini kada je EXIT i službeno Najbolji europski veliki festival! Za tu priliku na tvrđavi se sprema pravi #Arenamagedon jer su svoje nastupe potvrdili i giganti Nina Kraviz, Solomun, Maceo Plex, Tale of Us, Carl Craig, Rødhåd i Boris Brejcha! Na Arenu stižu i domaći techno asovi Filip Xavi i Vladimir Aćić Avoid. To nije sve, na ovaj povijesni line-up, sastavljen od samih headlinera, kolosalna Arena dodaje uskoro još iznenađenja! EXIT Festival awaits true Arenamagedon in 2018: Nakon što je prošle godine priredila možda i najupečatljiviji prizor u povijesti Dance Arene, uz atmosferu kakva se dosad viđala samo na stadionskim rock koncertima s višestrukim ovacijama i dva povratka na bis, Nina Kraviz dolazi na EXIT stvarati magiju s publikom iz cijelog svijeta, čije povjerenje beskrajno uživa. Ne postoji nitko poput Nine, tko ima takvu predanost, beskompromisan stav i iznad svega hrabrost da stalno mijenja, radoznalost da uvijek ispituje, želju da stalno uči i svojim primjerom vodi globalnu elektronsku scenu uz titulu najboljeg svjetskog DJ-a za 2017. godinu! Nina je epskim zatvaranjem prošle godina dobila čast da bude prvi izvođač u povijesti koji će dvije godine uzastopno svojim nastupom zatvoriti EXIT festival, a to će joj biti treći uzastopni nastup na tvrđavi, rekord koji će ove godine podijeliti s jednako fascinantnim fenomenom svjetske glazbene scene. A to je nitko drugi nego Mladen Solomun, alfa i omega svjetske house scene, za kojeg je postalo nedovoljno reći da je najpopularniji balkanski glazbenik na svijetu, kad je u samo proteklih par godina sa zadivljujućom lakoćom osvojio cijeli planet. Njegova neposrednost i šarm utkane su u karizmu koju definira autentičnost podneblja kojeg ne samo da se nikad nije odrekao, već ga je s ponosom predstavio svijetu u najsuvremenijem glazbenom izrazu. A jedno od mjesta s kojeg je započeo svoje putovanje ka samom vrhu još te 2010. godine, bio je upravo EXIT za koji je rekao da je „jedna od najboljih stvari koju je doživio"! Da ima neka tajna veza, najbolje govori da se ove godine vraća treću godinu uzastopno. Snažnu povezanost s EXIT magijom nedavno je pred kamerama otkrio i neprikosnoveni producentski genij Maceo Plex, koji je izjavio da se „svake godine pita hoće li ponovno nastupati na Exitu“! Virtuozni majstor miksa i apsolutni headliner najvećih festivala, u VICE dokumentarcu prije par godine otkrio je i da jedino na Areni osjeća tremu pred nastup, za koju se može jedino utvrditi da je pokretačka, budući da su njegovi dosadašnji nastupi uvijek bili ispraćeni uz najglasnije odobravanje publike. Nezaustavljiv u studiju, Maceo na Arenu dolazi s obiljem novog materijala koji sprema za najveće ljetne festivale na otvorenom što je okruženje kao stvoreno za njegov izuzetno prepoznatljiv zvuk. Njemu će se pridružiti i maskirani tvorac high tech minimal žanra Boris Brejcha, koji će zahvaljujući trakama poznatim čitavom svijetu poput „Lost Memory“ i „My Love“ subotnji set među čuvenim rovovima tvrđave učiniti nezaboravnim! Milanski dirigenti trenutno vodećeg svjetskog zvuka i tandem bez premca Tale of Us također žele i ove godine ugledati prvo jutarnje sunce iznad kolosalnog rova i krcate Arene, dobro poznatog prizora koji je stigao i do najudaljenijih dijelova svijeta! Autori kapitalnih numera kao što su „Another Earth“, „Northern Star", „Monument" i drugih, Karm i Matteo, vraćaju se nakon tri godine, veći nego ikad s možda i najpopularnijim klupskim brendom „Afterlife", koji su osnovali od svog posljednjeg susreta s publikom na Areni! Detroitski revolucionar i jedan od osnivača globalnog techno pokreta Carl Craig, ispunit će Arenu zvukom futurizma koji će uz novu produkciju dobiti dimenziju kakvu zaslužuje jedan od istinskih velikana. Titulu najvećeg inovatora elektronske muzike zacementirao je prošle godine kada je objavio album „Versus“ na kome surađuje s pariškim „Les siècles orchestra at Cité de la Musique" s kojim je oduševio kritičare! Na tlo Petrovaradinske tvrđave konačno će zakoračiti i berlinski bard Rødhåd, čija izdavačka kuća „Dystopian" se nalazi na samom čelu nove generacije techno umjetnika! Na EXIT stiže s nedavno objavljenim albumom „Anxious“ kojim je potvrdio zašto su upravo njegovi setovi zajednički svim najboljim svjestkim klubovima u kojima redovito nastupa, kao što su Berghain, fabric, Goa, Fuse, Concrete i naš Drugstore. Za domaću podršku pobrinut će se jedan od stupova beogradske techno scene Filip Xavi, rezident beogradskog kluba Drugstore koji je svojim zvukom u više navrata osvajao i berlinski Tresor, amsterdamski Radion i kultnu pozornicu Exita, No Sleep Novi Sad! Još jedno neizostavno ime kada se razgovara o regionalnoj techno sceni nesumnjivo je Vladimir Aćić, poznatiji kao AVOID. Novosadskog MVP-a i svojevrsnog domaćina na tvrđavi karakteriziraju vrhunska preciznost i tehnika te nepogrešiv osjećaj za miks protkan njegovim sjajnim izdanjima. EXIT festival biće održan od 12. do 15. srpnja na Petrovaradinskoj tvrđavu u Novom Sadu i predstavit će neke od najboljih svjetskih, regionalnih i domaćih glazbenih zvijezda kao što su Ziggy Marley, Fever Ray, Alice Merton, Richie Hawtin, Adam Beyer b2b Ida Engberg, Amelie Lens, Ben Klock, Jax Jones, Ofenbach, Mahmut Orhan, Sevdaliza, Madball, Brujeria, Dog Eat Dog, Slaves, Idles, Asphyx, Bombers i mnoge druge. Ulaznice po promotivnoj cijeni sa 60% popusta od finalne, za 445 kn prodaju se na prodajnim mjestima Ticketshop i Entrio, a na stranici službene turističke agencije dostupni su i turistički paketi koji uz ulaznice, sadrže i opcije za smještaj i prijevoz do EXIT festivala.

DFM PREMIERE: Stiv Hey predstavlja EP, Memories! Don't Miss Digital FM - DFM - No.434! Digital FM presents great new exclusive EP by Stiv Hey – “Memories”, [Loose Records], Release Date: 2 March 2018. Italian artist Stiv Hey first broke onto the scene in 2012 with his debut release titled “Walking” which instantly picked up DJ support from Dubfire and Marco Carola. Stiv’s following releases on imprints such as Frequenza, Harthouse, Trapez and Agile Recordings lead to plays from the likes of Sven Väth and Adam Beyer. The original tracks on this release have already picked up heavy DJ support from Riche Hawtin, and along with the two originals there is also a remix from heavy weight English duo Spektre. Track one “Memories” starts with pulsating synths and looped vocal chants that layer over a rhythmic bass stab and fast flowing percussion. Building with tension, the track lifts with snare rolls, explosive bursts of white noise, and the swelling modulations of the arpeggiated melody synths. With just a touch of euphoria this is dancefloor focused techno that ticks all the right boxes. Second on the release is “Alexander” and much like the first it has uplifting lead synths with a rolling groove, but rather than an arpeggiator, the melody had defined notation that’s infectious and instantly captivating. There is also a southing female vocal that adds to the uplifting atmosphere, before the percussion pulls the track down to a deeper and much darker place, ensuring that things are kept very techno. Spektre's remix of “Memories” is distinctly harder from the start than the original with a toughened kick drum, lashing hi-hats and crunching claps. Teasing the original's euphoric lead synth, this stripped back version is all about the percussion, which thunders like a freight train. Spektre also add their own stabbing synth line to complete this monster of a rework. Don't Miss Digital FM - DFM - #DigitalFM #LooseRecords #StivHey #Memories #HRTRadioOsijek
