Dozvolite da predstavimo stranicu na kojoj možete vidjeti slikama i čuti videom sve ono što nudimo u našem restoranu. Za ostala osjetila vidimo se...
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Dragi gosti i prijatelji, zelimo vam se zahvaliti sto ste nan upotpunili jos jednu godinu rada naseg restorana. Bez vas, vasih pohvala i komentara ne bismo bili to sto jesmo, te se nadamo da ste s nama i sljedecu sezonu. Iako nas restoran Salty Sweet u Makarskoj zatvara danas, restoran Obid u Brelima je jos u punom pogonu. Hvala vam, i uzivajte u ostatku godine. Dear guests and friends, we want to thank you for completing one more year of our restaurant working. Without you, your compliments and comments we couldn't be what we are, and we are hoping that you will be with us next season. Although our restaurant Salty Sweet in Makarska is closing today, restaurant Obid in Brela is still in full operation. Thank you, and enjoy the rest of the year.
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Beautiful sunset
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Photos from SaltySweet's post
Malo morskih plodova
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Sretan rođendan Tena
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Sretan rodjendan malenoj Teni,nek ti zivot bude kao najljepsi san,od srca zeli osoblje restorana Salty Sweet
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Team koji je svaki dan tu za Vas Street food Salty Sweet
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I kvaliteta je prepoznata 😁😀
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Zazeljeli ste,dobili ste,od danas novo u ponudi,najbolje palacinke i kebab u gradu...
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Startali smo i sa street food hranom Sendvici sa kulenom,prsutom i sirom... Pizza cut mijesana,kulen,vege,margarita...
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Čoko košarica