Restaurant Markus offers traditional local Istrian specialties in a peaceful and beautiful environment near Rabac, Istra, on the Adriatic coast. Restaurant - Markus was founded more than three decades ago. We are situated in a small village 2 km from the town of Labin and 5 km from Rabac, settlement on the coast.
Located on a picturesque hill surrounded by vineyards, at an altitude of 330 m, we offer our own wine and brandy together with Istrian traditional dishes that are also prepared of local and fresh ingredients such as homemade ham, cheese, bread under the bell, pasta, game and other Istrian delicacies.
In the winter you can enjoy the atmosphere of an authentic Istrian tavern along the hearth, and during the summer you can rest under our trees on the terrace, surrounded with greenery, flowers and birds singing.
The staff of Markus is always in a good mood, so our guests enjoy in spontaneous parties for years now. Don't be surprised if you hear the accordion music or sopele (traditional Istrian music instrument) coming from our tavern!
We organize weddings, group lunches, dinners and entertainment, with a capacity of up to 80 people.
Throughout the year, we offer you accommodation with breakfast in our rooms above restaurant.
All guests can park on a large parking lot in front of the restaurant.
Family Knapic welcomes you to come. We will greet you warmly and make you delicious authentic meals.
Welcome to the Markus restaurant!
Restoran - pansion Markus više od tri desetljeća tradicionalno nudi domaće istarske specijalitete u mirnom i lijepom okruženju malog sela 2 km od grada Labina, odnosno 5 km od Rapca, naselja na moru.
Nalazimo se na pitoresknom brežuljku okruženom vinogradima na nadmorskoj visini od 330 m. U ponudi imamo razna kvalitetna vina i rakije koje sami proizvodimo. Također nudimo istarska tradicionalna jela koja pripravljamo od domaćih i svježih namirnica kao što su domaći pršut, ovčji sir, kruh pod pekom, ručno rađena tjestenina, divljač i druge istarske delicije.
Po zimi možete uživati u atmosferi stare istarske konobe uz ognjište, a po ljeti u hladu zelenih krošnji na terasi okruženoj cvijećem.
Uz dobro raspoloženo osoblje restorana Markus, gosti već godinama uživaju u spontanim feštama. Nemojte se začuditi ako iz konobe začujete zvuk harmonike ili istarskih sopela, tradicionalnog istarskog instrumenta.
Organiziramo svadbe, grupne ručkove, večere i zabave s kapacitetom do 80 osoba.
Tijekom cijele godine iznajmljujemo sobe i nudimo doručak.
Svi gosti imaju osiguran parking na velikom parkiralištu ispred restorana.
Obitelj Knapić ugodno će vas primiti, poslužiti i fino vam skuhati.
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facebook.comBerba 2017 - crno!
Homemade tagliatelle with cuttlefish in red wine sauce - a very old recipe that's always delicious.
Mr. and Mrs. Lobster... and the Chef in between :)
Seafood on grill
Buteljirali smo novu seriju našeg Merlota, Malvazije i Chardonnaya // We have a new line of bottled Merlot, Malvasia and Chardonnay
Markus Merlot, Malvasia and Chardonnay
Photos from Restaurant Markus's post
Sretan Uskrs, zele vam nasi morski prijatelji :) // Happy Easter, by our marine friends // Buona Pasqua, dai nostri amici marini :)
Proljetno-ljetna terasa // Our spring / summer terrace
Na svježem zraku bolje se jede :) // Fresh air makes everyone hungry :)
Timeline Photos
Trazimo kuhare/ice i konobare/ice za restoran Markus u Labinu od 1.5. do 1.10. ili po dogovoru. Nudimo smjestaj po potrebi. Vise info na ili 0996895390
Photos from Restaurant Markus's post